
Building the foundation for a national approach to CCA in Namibia

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The climate change risk in Namibia indicates that overall a hotter climate is expected, leading to mostly more arid conditions. However, there may be strong regional variations and certain areas of the country will potentially benefit from more humid conditions. The growing seasons are expected to shift, with the onset of the rainy season changing. Overall an increase of extreme events, both floods and droughts, is predicted. Namibia's current climate is arid to semi-arid, with less than 5% of country considered to be dry sub-humid. Climatic conditions are highly variable, and uncertainty already inherent to Namibia's climate is expected to become more pronounced and difficult to manage considering the climate change (CC) risk. The past two years northern Namibia has been challenged by severe flood events, the most severe recorded in more than four decades. Naturally ecosystems and human management systems have adapted to the highly variable climatic conditions, however, CC impacts such as the recent flooding events are exceptional and hard to manage. The predicted future CC risk and associated impacts are expected to exacerbate the already difficult situation. Consequently, highly adaptive responses are needed and opportunities (such as e.g. rain water resources during floods) should be exploited.

Ministry of Environment and Tourism
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