climatic effect

Climate has a central influence on many human needs and activities, such as agriculture, housing, human health, water resources, and energy use. The influence of climate on vegetation and soil type is so strong that the earliest climate classification schemes where often based more on these factors than on the meteorological variables. While technology can be used to mitigate the effects of unfavorable climatic conditions, climate fluctuations that result in significant departures from normal cause serious problems for modern industrialized societies as much as for primitive ones. The goals of climatology are to provide a comprehensive description of the Earth's climate, to understand its features in terms of fundamental physical principles, and to develop models of the Earth's climate that will allow the prediction of future changes that may result from natural and human causes. (Source: PARCOR)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 134 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Marker ME 1981. The geomorphological significance of some central Namib materials. Journal of the SWA Scientific Society 35 49-55
Hövermann J 1978. Formen und Formung in der Pränamib (Flächen-Namib). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 30 55-73
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Formen und Formung in der Praenamib.pdf 12.05 MB
Stengel HW 1964. The source of drinking water at Gobabeb.
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The source of drinking water at Gobabeb.pdf 5.56 MB
Manning N, Seely M, Botes A 2002. Proceedings of the ELAK, Basin management workshop.
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Proceedings ELAK Basin Management Workshop.pdf 16.25 MB
Kgatuke MJ, Landman W, Reason CJC, Tadross M, Tennant W 2004. Seasonal to decadal predictability and prediction of southern African climate.
Scholes B Climate change and Namibia.
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Climate_Change_and_Namibia_by_Bob_Scholes.pdf 183.33 KB
de Young C, Hjort A, Sheridan S, Davies S 2011. Climate change implications for fisheries of the Benguela current region: Making the best of change. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings. No. 27. Rome, FAO. 2012. 125 pp
Stapelberg H, van Rooyen MW, Bothma J du P, van der Linde MJ, Groeneveld HT 2008. Springbok behaviour as affected by environmental conditions in the Kalahari. Koedoe 50 (1) 145-153
Russel-Smith J, Monagle C, Jacobsohn M, Beatty RL, Bilbao B, Millan A, Vessuri H, Sanchez-Rose I 2013. Can savanna burning projects deliver measurable greenhouse emissions reductions and sustainable livelihood opportunities in fire-prone settings?. Climatic Change
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Climatic_Change_Springer Journal_Article_7Nov2013_Russel Smith.pdf 349.48 KB
New M, Hewitson B, Stephenson DB, Tsiga A, Kruger A, Manhique A, Gomez B, Coelho CAS, Masisi DN, Kululanga E, Mbambalala E, Adesina F, Saleh H, Kanyanga J, Adosi J, Bulane L, Fortunata L, Mdoka ML, Lajoie R 2006. Evidence of trends in daily climate extremes over southern and west Africa. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (1984-2012) 111 (D14) 27
Livingstone I 2003. A twenty-one-year record of surface change on a Namib linear dune. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 28 (9) 1025-1031
Hulley GC, Hook SJ, Manning E, Lee S-Y, Fetzer E 2009. Validation of the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) version 5 land surface emissivity product over the Namib and Kalahari deserts. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres (1984-2012) 114 (D19) 16
Gehring AU, Riahi N, Kind J, Almqvist BSG, Weidler PG 2014. The formation of the Namib Sand Sea inferred from the spatial pattern of magnetic rock fragments. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 395 168-172
Seely M, Dirkx E, Hager C, Klintenberg P, Roberts C, von Oertzen D 2008. Advances in desertification and climate change research: are they accessible for application to enhance adaptive capacity?. Global and Planetary Change 64 (3-4) 236-243
Adger WN, Arnell NW, Tompkins EL 2005. Adapting to climate change: perspectives across scales. Global Environmental Change Part A 15 (2) 75-76
Allen CD 2009. Climate-induced forest dieback: An escalating global phenomenon?. Unasylva 231 - 232 (60) 43 - 49
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Climate-induced forest dieback_An escalating global phenomenon.pdf 342.27 KB
Schefuß E, Kuhlmann H, Mollenhauer G, Prange M, Pätzold J 2011. Forcing of wet phases in southeast Africa over the past 17,000 years. Nature 480 509 - 512
Thuiller W, Albert C, Araujo MB, Berry PM, Cabeza M, Guisan A, Hickler T, Midgley GF, Paterson J, Schurr FM, Sykes MT, Zimmermann NE 2008. Predicting global change impacts on plant species-distributions: Future challenges. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 9 (3 - 4) 137 - 152
Todd MC, Andersson L, Hughes DA, Kniveton D, Layberry R, Murray-Hudson M, Savenije HHG, Wilk J, Wolski P 2008. Simulating Climate Impacts on Water Resources: Experience from the Okavango River, Southern Africa. Water Science and Technology Library 63 (3) 243 - 265
Fichtler E, Trouet V, Beeckman H, Coppin P, Worbes M 2004. Climatic signals in tree rings of Burkea africana and Pterocarpus angolensis from semiarid forests in Namibia. Trees - Structure and Function 18 (4) 442 - 451