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The keyword system used is based on GEMET (GEneral Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus) - a thesaurus system developed for the European Topic Centre on Catalogue of Data Sources and the European Environment Agency. It contains over 5,000 keywords, organised in a hierarchical structure under 40 themes.

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Keyword Description Used by how many records
110661 introduction of plant species

Plants which have been translocated by human agency into lands or waters where they have not lived previously, at least during historic times. Such translocation of species always involves an element of risk if not of serious danger. Newly arrived species may be highly competitive with or otherwise adversely affect native species and communities. Some may become a nuisance through sheer overabundance. They may become liable to rapid genetic changes in their new environment. Many harmful introductions have been made by persons unqualified to anticipate the often complex ecological interaction which may ensue. On the other hand many plants introduced into modified or degraded environments may be more useful than native species in controlling erosion or in performing other positive functions. (Source: WPR)

104466 inventory

A detailed list of articles, goods, property, etc. (Source: CED)

104468 inventory of forest damage

Survey of a forest area to determine forest depletion. The aim of the inventory is to give an overview of the forest conditions. Especially should the inventory aim to detect any changes in the forest conditions, but it should also provide the distribution of the forest damages and find out any relation with site and stand conditions. (Source: DUNSTEa)

104473 inversion

A reversal in the usual direction of a process, as in the change of density of water at 4+é-¦ C. (Source: PITT)

104474 inversion layer

The atmosphere layer through which an inversion occurs. (Source: MGH)

104475 invertebrate

Any animal lacking a backbone, including all species not classified as vertebrates. (Source: CED)

104478 investment

Any item of value purchased for profitable return, as income, interest or capital appreciation. (Source: IVW / RHW)

104483 iodine

A nonmetallic halogen element; the poisonous, corrosive dark plates or granules are readily sublimed; insoluble in water, soluble in common solvents; used as germicide and antiseptic, in dyes, tinctures, and pharmaceuticals, in engraving lithography, and as a catalyst and analytical reagent. (Source: MGH)

104493 ion

An electrically charged atom or group of atoms formed by the loss or gain of one or more electrons. (Source: CED)

104485 ion exchange

The process in which ions are exchanged between a solution and an insoluble solid, usually a resin. (Source: CED)

104487 ion exchanger

A permanent insoluble material (usually a synthetic resin) which contains ions that will exchange reversibly with other ions in a surrounding solution. Both cation and anion exchangers are used in water conditioning. The volume of an ion exchanger is measured in cubic liters of exchanger after the exchanger bed has been backwashed and drained, and has settled into place. (Source: WQA)

104491 ionising radiation

Radiation that is capable of energizing atoms sufficiently to remove electrons from them. In this state atoms become more reactive, so that ionizing radiation increases chemical activity and in this way produces biological effects, including effects that involve alterations induced in DNA. X-rays and gamma-rays are the only electromagnetic waves that cause ionization in biological material. (Source: ALL)

104492 ionosphere

A region of the earth's atmosphere, extending from about 60 to 1000 kilometers above the earth's surface, in which there is a high concentration of free electrons formed as a result of ionizing radiation entering the atmosphere from space. (Source: CED)

104498 iron

A malleable ductile silvery-white ferromagnetic metallic element occurring principally in haematite and magnetite. It is widely used for structural and engineering purposes. (Source: CED)

113098 iron and steel industry

Sector of the metallurgical industry dealing with the production of cast iron, steel and iron alloys. Emissions from these industries tend to settle quickly from the atmosphere and can lead to rising concentrations in the soil. The main raw material input to the production process is iron ore. Also recycled scrap is used. (Source: FLGISA / DOBRIS)

104501 iron industry

A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in the extraction and refinement of iron ore to produce cast iron, wrought iron and steel. (Source: RHW / ENC)

113127 iron scrap

Waste pieces or disused articles of wrought iron (wrought-iron scrap) suitable for reworking for rolling or forging.

104503 ironwork industry

Industry for the production of iron articles. (Source: WEBSTEa)

104504 irradiation

To subject to or treat with light or other electromagnetic radiation or with beams of particles. (Source: CED)

111686 irreversibility of the phenomenon

That quality of a process that precludes a prior state from being attained again. (Source: MICHa)

104505 irrigation

1) To supply land with water so that crops and plants will grow or grow stronger. (Source: CAMB / WRIGHT)

104507 irrigation canal

A permanent irrigation conduit constructed to convey water from the source of supply to one or more farms. (Source: NALMS)

104509 irrigation farming

Farming based on the artificial distribution and application of water to arable land to initiate and maintain plant growth. (Source: GOODa)

111232 irrigation system

A system of man-made channels for supplying water to land to allow plants to grow. (Source: PHC)

104514 island

A land mass, especially one smaller than a continent, entirely surrounded by water. (Source: AMHER)

104515 island ecosystem

Unique but fragile and vulnerable ecosystems due to the fact that the evolution of their flora and fauna has taken place in relative isolation. Many remote islands have some of the most unique flora in the world; some have species of plants and animals that are not found anywhere else, which have evolved in a specialized way, sheltered from the fierce competition that species face on mainland. (Source: WRIGHT)

111431 ISO standard

Documented agreements containing technical specifications or other precise criteria to be used consistently as rules, guidelines, or definitions of characteristics, to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for their purpose. (Source: ISOCH) standard of International Standard Organisation

104519 isomer

1) Two or more compounds having the same molecular formula, but a different arrangement of atoms within the molecule. 2) One of two or more chemical substances having the same elementary percentage composition and molecular weight but differing in structure, and therefore in properties; there are many ways in which such structural differences occur. (Source: CED / MGH)

104523 isotope

One or two or more atoms with the same atomic number that contain different numbers of neutrons. (Source: CED)

104524 ivory

The fine-grained creamy-white dentine forming the tusks of elephants, and the teeth or tusks of certain other large animals such as the walrus; it has long been esteemed for a wide variety of ornamental articles. (Source: BJGEO)

104530 joint debtor

Persons united in a joint liability or indebtedness. Two or more persons jointly liable for the same debt. (Source: WESTS)

104531 joint implementation (Rio Conference) [No description is listed]

111556 judgement (sentence)

The official and authentic decision of a court of justice upon the respective rights and claims of the parties to an action or suit therein litigated and submitted to its determination. The final decision of the court resolving the dispute and determining the rights and obligations of the parties. The law's last word in a judicial controversy, it being the final determination by a court of the rights of the parties upon matters submitted to it in an action or proceeding. (Source: WESTS)

104534 judicial assistance

A program sponsored or administered by a government to guide through and represent in court proceedings persons who are in financial need and cannot afford private counsel. (Source: BLD)

104535 judicial body

Any public organization or branch of government responsible for the administration of justice or the enforcement of laws. (Source: BLD)

110085 judicial system

Entire network of courts in a particular jurisdiction. (Source: WESTS)

104538 judiciary rule

Specific norms, regulations and precedents governing the conduct, procedure and arrangement of a judicial system, its various divisions and its officers. (Source: BLD)

110026 juridical act

Acts relating to the administration of justice. (Source: CURZON)

104541 jurisdiction

The power of a court to hear and decide a case or make a certain order. (Source: DICLAW)

104543 jurisprudence

The science or philosophy of law. (Source: CED)

111583 justice

The correct application of law as opposed to arbitrariness. (Source: CURZON)

115038 Kalahari

Kalahari Desert

104545 karst

1) A German rendering of a Serbo-Croat term referring to the terrain created by limestone solution and characterized by a virtual absence of surface drainage, a series of surface hollows, depressions and fissures, collapse structures, and an extensive subterranean drainage network. 2) A type of topography that is formed on limestone, gypsum, and other rocks by dissolution, and that is characterized by sinkholes, caves, and underground drainage. Etymology: German, from the Yugoslavian territory Krs; type locality, a limestone plateau in the Dinaric Alps of northwestern Yugoslavia and northeastern Italy. (Source: WHIT / BJGEO)

104550 kerosene

A thin oil distilled from petroleum or shale oil, used as a fuel for heating and cooking, in lamps, and as a denaturant for alcohol. (Source: AMHER)

104566 labelling

Attaching a notice to a product or container bearing information concerning its contents, proper use, manufacturer and any cautions or hazards of use. (Source: KOREN)

104567 laboratory

A room or building with scientific equipment for doing scientific tests or for teaching science, or a place where chemicals or medicines are produced. (Source: CAMB)

104573 laboratory research

Research carried out in a laboratory for testing chemical substances, growing tissues in cultures, or performing microbiological, biochemical, hematological, microscopical, immunological, parasitological tests, etc. (Source: PHC)

104574 laboratory technique

No definition needed.

111782 laboratory test

Tests, examinations or evaluations performed in a laboratory. (Source: KOREN)

104575 laboratory waste

Discarded materials produced by analytical and research activities in a laboratory. (Source: ERG)

104577 labour

One of the factors of production. It includes all the exertions - manual, physical or mental - by individuals, directed towards the production of wealth. (Source: GOOD)

113343 labour force [No description is listed]

104580 labour law

The branch of the legal system which lays down the rules governing employment relationships, trade union relations, and state intervention to provide protection against particular situations of need for citizens who are workers. (Source: NECTAR)

104581 labour market [No description is listed]

104584 labour relations

The dynamics or general state of the association between management and non-management employees in an enterprise, industry or nation, with special attention to the maintenance of agreements, collective bargaining and the status of unions. (Source: RHW)

104586 lacquer

A material which contains a substantial quantity of a cellulose derivative, most commonly nitrocellulose but sometimes a cellulose ester, such as cellulose acetate or cellulose butyrate, or a cellulose ether such as ethyl cellulose; used to give a glossy finish, especially on brass and other bright metals. (Source: MGH)

104589 lagoon

A body of water cut off from the open sea by coral reefs or sand bars. (Source: CED)

112289 lagooning

The process in which sunlight, bacterial action and oxygen cause self-purification in waste water, Usually taking place in a shallow pond, or system of such ponds. (Source: TOEa)

104594 lake

An enclosed body of water, usually but not necessarily fresh water, from which the sea is excluded. (Source: WHIT)

104590 lake basin

1) The depression in the Earth's surface occupied or formerly occupied by a lake and containing its shore features. 2) The area from which a lake receives drainage. (Source: BJGEO)

104593 lake pollution

The direct or indirect human alteration of the biological, physical, chemical or radiological integrity of lake water, or a lake ecosystem. (Source: Landy)

104597 lamp

A device that produces light, such as an electric lamp. (Source: MGH)

104599 land

A specified geographical tract of the Earth's surface including all its attributes, comprising its geology, superficial deposits, topography, hydrology, soils, flora and fauna, together with the results of past and present human activity, to the extent that these attributes exert a significant influence on the present and future land utilization. (Source: WHIT)

104600 land access

The permission or freedom to use, enter, approach or pass to and from a tract of land, which often consists of real estate property. (Source: BLD)

104602 land allotment

Procedure by which big land properties are divided in parcels of smaller size. (Source: RRDA)

104603 land and property register

The system of registering certain legal estates or interests in land. It describes the land and any additional rights incidental to it, such as rights of way over adjoining land. (Source: DICLAW)

104607 land carrying capacity

The maximum extent to which ground or soil area may be exploited without degradation or depletion. (Source: ALL)

104609 land clearing

Removal of trees, undergrowth, etc. in preparation for ploughing, building, etc. (Source: PHC)

104610 land conservation

The care, preservation and re-use of solid areas of the earth's surface, especially soil regions valued as a natural resource or utilized as an agricultural resource. (Source: TOE)

104611 land consolidation

Joining small plots of land together to form larger farms or large fields. (Source: PHC)

104612 land cover

Land cover is the physical state of the land surface. It is the combination of vegetation, soil, rock, water and human-made structures, which make up the earth's landscape. The land cover is the interface between the earth's crust and the atmosphere, influencing the exchange of energy and matter in the climatic system and biogeochemical cycles. (Source: BRS)

104614 land development

Planning of infrastructures, services and industrial settlements in order to promote the socio-economic growth of certain land area. (Source: DIFIDa)

102372 land disposal

The discharge, deposit or injection of any waste onto or into the soil or other land surfaces. (Source: ISEP)

104615 land ecology

Study of the relationship between terrestrial organisms and their environment. (Source: PHC)

104628 land forming [No description is listed]

104632 land mammal [No description is listed]

113102 land management and planning

Operations for preparing and controlling the implementation of plans for organizing human activities on land. (Source: GOOD)

104633 land occupation

The use, settlement or possession of solid areas of the earth's surface. (Source: RHW)

104635 land planning

The activity of designing, organizing or preparing for the future use of solid areas of the earth's surface, especially regions valued for natural resources, utilized as agricultural resources or considered for human settlement. (Source: RHW)

104636 land pollution

The presence of one or more contaminants upon or within an area of land, or its constituents. (Source: Landy)

104641 land reclamation

Making land capable of more intensive use by changing its general character, as by drainage of excessively wet land; irrigation of arid or semiarid land; or recovery of submerged land from seas, lakes and rivers. (Source: LANDY)

104644 land register

A register or survey of land, containing information on the surface of properties, tenants' names, commencing with the earliest owners through successive ownership and partitions, and such like. (Source: CED / WESTS / HARRIS)

104646 land restoration

The treatment of any unusable land usually by filling with refuse or levelling until the land can be brought into productive use. (Source: ALL)

112711 land restoration in mountain areas

Measures adopted to control erosion and degradation phenomena in the mountain regions caused by the loss of forest cover due to acid rain, uncontrolled forest cutting, winter skiing resorts construction, etc. (Source: DIZAMBa)

104666 land setup

The formulation of regional objectives, plans and programmes and the harmonization of the regional effects of sectorial planning. (Source: ECHO2)

113115 land tax

Property tax. A tax laid upon the legal or beneficial owner of real property, and apportioned upon the assessed value of his land. (Source: WESTS)

104676 land transportation

Transport of persons and goods by a network of roads or railways. (Source: RRDA)

104678 land use

The term land use deals with the spatial aspects of all human activities on the land and with the way in which the land surface is adapted, or could be adapted, to serve human needs. (Source: GOOD)

104680 land use classification

The arrangement of land units into a variety of categories based on the properties of the land or its suitability for a particular purpose. It has become an important tool in rural land-resource planning. (Source: WHIT)

111321 land use plan

The key element of a comprehensive plan; describes the recommended location and intensity of development for public and private land uses, such as residential, commercial, industrial, recreational and agricultural. (Source: LANDY)

104682 land use planning

The interdisciplinary process of evaluating, organising, and controlling the present and the future development and use of lands and their resources in terms of their suitability on sustained yield basis. Includes an overall ecological evaluation in terms of specific kinds of uses as well as evaluations of social, economic, and physical contexts to the land concerned. (Source: UNUN)

111323 land use regime

Relation existing between the landowner and the tenant farmer who cultivates the land. (Source: ECHO1)

104686 land value

The monetary or material worth in commerce or trade of an area of ground considered as property. (Source: RHW)

114852 land-based activity [No description is listed]

111646 land-based marine pollution [No description is listed]

111334 land-management intervention area

Any expanse of land which requires a person or agency with authority to interpose or interfere in how it is used or administrated. (Source: RHW)

104621 landfill

The oldest method of waste disposal for the solid matter discarded in the domestic dustbin, along with the packaging material and paper from high street shops and offices. Landfill sites are usually disused quarries and gravel pits. When they were filled, previous practice was to cover them up with soil and forget about them. Housing estates have been built, often with disastrous consequences, on old landfill dumps. Waste burial has now become a serious technology and a potential source of energy. Landfill sites can be designed to be bioreactors, which deliberately produce methane, gas as a source of biofuel or alternative energy. Traditionally, waste tips remained exposed to air and aerobic microbes - those which thrive in air - in order to turn some of the waste into compost. However, open tips also encourage vermin, smell in hot weather and disfigure the landscape. In the 1960s, as a tidier and safer option, landfill operators began to seal each day's waste in a clay cell. While excluding vermin, the clay also excluded air. Decomposition relied on anaerobic microbes, which die in air. However, the process produced methane (natural gas), which was a safety hazard. The methane is now extracted by sinking a network of perforated pipes into the site. (Source: WRIGHT)

108755 landfill base sealing

Sealing of a landfill with a relatively impermeable barrier designed to keep leachate inside. Liner materials include plastic and dense clay. (Source: EPAGLO)

104623 landfill covering

The protective shielding, consisting of soil or some other material, that encloses disposal sites for compacted, non-hazardous solid waste, or secures disposal sites for hazardous waste to minimize the chance of releasing hazardous substances into the environment. (Source: TOE)

104624 landfill degasification

Landfill gas is highly dangerous as methane is highly explosive; therefore it must be controlled at all operational landfill sites, whether by active or passive ventilation or both especially in the case of deep sites. There exist venting systems for shallow and deep sites respectively. (Source: PORT)

104625 landfill gas

Landfill gas is generated in landfill sites by the anaerobic decomposition of domestic refuse (municipal solid waste). It consists of a mixture of gases and is colourless with an offensive odour due to the traces of organosulphur compounds. Aside for its unpleasantness, it is highly dangerous as methane is explosive in concentrations in air between 5 per cent, the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL), and the Upper Explosive Limit (UEL) of 15 per cent. Landfill gas must be controlled at all operational landfill sites, whether actively or passively vented or both especially in the case of deep sites. (Source: PORT)

104626 landfill leachate

Liquid that has seeped through solid waste in a landfill and has extracted soluble dissolved or suspended materials in the process. (Source: WWC)

104629 landform

Any physical, recognizable form or feature of the Earth's surface, having a characteristic shape and produced by natural causes; it includes major forms such as plane, plateau and mountain, and minor forms such as hill, valley, slope, esker, and dune. Taken together the landforms make up the surface configuration of the Earth's. (Source: BJGEO)

104648 landscape

The traits, patterns, and structure of a specific geographic area, including its biological composition, its physical environment, and its anthropogenic or social patterns. An area where interacting ecosystems are grouped and repeated in similar form. (Source: EPAGLO)

104649 landscape after mining

The process of mining disfigures the surface of the land, and in the absence of reclamation leads to permanent scars. The process spoils the vital topsoil, disrupts drainage patterns, destroys the productive capacity of agricultural and forest land and impairs their aesthetic and social value. (Source: WPRa)

104650 landscape alteration

Landscapes might change through time as a result of human activities or natural processes such as fires or natural disasters. Changes in landscape structure can be documented by using data from aerial photographs or satellite images, and new technologies, such as remote sensing and geographic information systems. (Source: PARCOR)

104651 landscape architecture

The creation, development, and decorative planting of gardens, grounds, parks, and other outdoor spaces. Landscape gardening is used to enhance nature helping to create a natural setting for individual residences and buildings, and even towns, particularly where special approaches and central settings are required. (Source: GILP96)

104652 landscape component

In visual assessment work, landscapes can be divided into four major elements. a) Form is the perceived mass or shape of an object that appears unified, and which provides a consciousness of its distinction and relation of a whole to the component parts. b) Line is the real or imagined path, border, boundary, or intersection of two planes, such as a silhouette, that the eye follows when perceiving abrupt differences in form, colour or texture. c) Colour is a visual perception that enables the eye to differenciate otherwise identical objects based on the wavelengths of reflected light. d) Texture is the visual feel of a landscape. (Source: DUNSTE)

104653 landscape conservation

The safeguarding, for public enjoyment, of landscape and of opportunities for outdoor recreation, tourism and similar activities; the concept includes the preservation and enhancement not only of what has been inherited but the provision of new amenities and facilities. (Source: GILP96)

104654 landscape conservation policy [No description is listed]

104662 landscape consumption

Using parts of landscape in a way that heavily modifies its features. (Source: RRDA) using parts of landscape strongly modifying its character with lost of landscape original character <D>

104657 landscape ecology

The study of landscapes taking account of the ecology of their biological populations. The subjects thus embraces geomorphology and ecology and is applied to the design and architecture of landscapes. (Source: ALL2)

104658 landscape management

Measures aiming at preserving landscape or controlling its transformations caused by anthropic activities or natural events. (Source: DIFID)

104659 landscape planning

The aspect of the land use planning process that deals with physical, biological, aesthetic, cultural, and historical values and with the relationships and planning between these values, land uses, and the environment. (Source: UNUN)

104660 landscape protection

Elaboration and implementation of strategies and measures for the conservation, preservation, suitable use, and renewal of natural resources and nature or man-made components of landscape, in particular wildlife and natural systems of various standing. (Source: MOSGOV)

104661 landscape protection area

Area where landscape is protected for its particular features in order to maintain its role in contributing to the wider enjoyment of the countryside. (Source: RRDA)

104663 landscape utilisation

Using landscape or parts of it for tourism, sports, or agriculture. (Source: RRDA) using landscape or parts of it (i.e. for tourism, sports or agriculture) <D>

104668 landslide

Mass-movement landforms and processes involving the downslope transport, under gravitationary influence of soil and rock material en masse. (Source: BJGEO)

104691 large combustion plant

Any sizable building which relies on machinery that converts energy released from the rapid burning of a fuel-air mixture into mechanical energy. (Source: PMA)

104698 laser

Acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation; a device that produces a powerful, highly directional, monochromatic, coherent beam of light. Laser consist of a transparent cylinder with a reflecting surface at one end and a partially reflecting surface at the other. Light waves are reflected back and forth, some of them emerging at the partially reflecting end. The light source may be a ruby, whose chromium atoms are excited by a flash lamp so that they emit pulses of highly coherent light, or a mixture of inert gases that produce a continuos beam, or a cube of treated gallium arsenide which emits infrared radiation when an electric current passes through it. (Source: ALL)

114936 latitude

An angular distance in degrees north or south of the equator (latitude 0+é-¦), equal to the angle subtended at the centre of the globe by the meridian between the equator and the point in question. (Source: CED)

104702 laundering

The act of washing and ironing clothes, linen, etc. (Source: CED)

111499 law (corpus of rules)

A body of rules of action or conduct prescribed by controlling authority, and having binding legal force. (Source: WESTS) not in U.K.

104707 law (individual)

One of the rules making up the body of law. (Source: DICLAW)

104719 law (science)

Complex of rules fixed by law or custom which regulate social relations. (Source: ZINZAN)

104708 law amendment

An alteration of or addition to any statute with legal force that, if approved by the appropriate legislative authority, supersedes the original statute. (Source: LLL)

110084 law branch

A subdivision of the body of principles and regulations established by a government or other authority, generally defined by its scope or application. (Source: BLD / ISEP)

111508 law draft

The form in which proposed statutes, resolutions or special acts are introduced into a legislative body, before they are enacted or passed. (Source: RHW)

104710 law enforcement

Any variety of activities associated with promoting compliance and obedience to the binding rules of a state, especially the prevention, investigation, apprehension or detention of individuals suspected or convicted of violating those rules. (Source: BLD / LLL)

113274 law relating to prisons

Binding rules and regulations pertaining to the construction, use and operation of jails, penitentiaries and other places of legal confinement and punishment. (Source: BLD)

104722 leaching

1) The process of separating a liquid from a solid (as in waste liquid by percolation into the surrounding soil. 2) Extraction of soluble components of a solid mixture by percolating a solvent through it. 3) To lose or cause to lose soluble substances by the action of a percolating liquid. (Source: HARRIS / DICCHE / CED)

104723 lead

A heavy toxic bluish-white metallic element that is highly malleable; occurs principally as galena and is used in alloys, accumulators, cable sheaths, paints, and as a radiation shield. (Source: CED)

104724 lead compound

Lead compounds are present as gasoline additives, in paint, ceramic products, roofing, caulking, electrical applications, tubes, or containers. Lead exposure may be due to air, water, food, or soil. Lead in the air is primarily due to lead-based fuels and the combustion of solid waste, coal, oils, and emissions from alkyl lead manufacturers, wind blown dust volcanoes, the burning of lead-painted surfaces, and cigarette smoke. Lead in drinking water comes from leaching from lead pipes, connectors, and solder in both the distribution system and household plumbing. (Source: KOREN)

104725 lead contamination

The presence and release into the air, water and soil, of lead, a toxic metal used in plumbing, gasoline and lead-acid batteries. (Source: FFD / EEN)

104728 lead level in blood

A measure of the amount of lead or lead salts absorbed by the body as a possible sign of acute or chronic lead poisoning, which can affect the nervous, digestive or muscular systems. (Source: SMD / MED)

104727 lead-in-petrol law

A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to reduce or eliminate the lead content in petroleum fuels used in vehicular and other engines that pollute the air with lead-carrying exhaust. (Source: GAS)

104730 leaf

The main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants, usually consisting of a flat green blade attached to the stem directly or by a stalk. (Source: CED)

104731 leakage

The accidental, uncontrolled discharge or seepage of liquids, gases and other substances to unintended and unwanted locations, frequently causing risks of damage or harm to persons, property or the environment. (Source: WWC)

111611 lease

Any agreement which gives rise to relationship of landlord and tenant (real property) or lessor and lessee (real or personal property). Contract for exclusive possession of lands or tenements for determinate period. Contract for possession and profits of lands and tenements either for life, or for certain period of time, or during the pleasure of the parties. (Source: WESTS)

115030 least concern (IUCN)

A taxon is Least Concern when it has been evaluated against the criteria and does not qualify for Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable or Near Threatened. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category. (Source: IUCN web site)

104735 leather

The dressed or tanned hide of an animal, usually with the hair removed. (Source: AMHER)

104738 leather industry

Industry for the production of leather goods such as garments, bags, etc. (Source: CEDa)

113342 leave on social grounds [No description is listed]

104739 legal basis

The fundamental law or judicial precedent that warrants or supports a subsequent decision or action by any governmental, corporate or private entity. (Source: BLD)

113161 legal form of organisations

The type, structure or purpose of an institution as arranged, required and defined by local or national laws to determine the appropriate governmental regulations, privileges and tax status applicable to that institution. (Source: BLD)

113284 legal procedure

Term includes all proceedings authorised or sanctioned by law, and brought or instituted in a court of legal tribunal, for the acquiring of a right or the enforcement of a remedy. (Source: WESTS)

113287 legal profession

A body of persons whose occupation is concerned with advising clients in matters of law, representing them in court or assisting them through the judicial process, including, in the first instance, lawyers and, by extension, judges, legal assistants and court employees. (Source: OCT / RHW)

104743 legal regulation

Any order or rule issued by a government stipulating its procedures for the creation, execution or adjudication of laws. (Source: BLD)

104744 legal remedy

The means by which a right is enforced or the violation of a right is prevented, redressed, or compensated. (Source: BLACK)

113288 legal system

The organization and network of courts and other institutions, procedures and customs, officers and other personnel concerned with interpretation and enforcement of a country's law or with advice and assistance in matters pertaining to those laws. (Source: OCT / RHW)

104746 legal text

The exact wording or language of a law or other document in conformity with the law or having the authority of law. (Source: BLD)

104741 legally protected right

A justifiable claim to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way, which is supported by law and is covered or shielded from the danger of being revoked or repealed. (Source: OED)

21 Legislation [No description is listed]

104749 legislation

The act or process of making laws. (Source: CED)

104752 legislation on pollution

Rules concerning the limits of pollutant emissions. (Source: DIZAMB)

104759 legislative authority

The power of a deliberative assembly of persons or delegates to bring a bill, resolution or special act to an official, legally binding status. (Source: RHW)

104760 legislative competence

The skill, knowledge, qualification, capacity or authority to make, give or enact rules with binding force upon a population or jurisdiction. (Source: BLD)

104762 legislative information

Knowledge or a service providing knowledge concerning actual and proposed laws, including approval status, the history and content of deliberative proceedings and the specific language of those laws. (Source: RHW)

113290 legislative procedure

Any prescribed step or manner of proceeding that a law making body takes in proposing laws, resolutions or special acts before they can be enacted or passed. (Source: RHW)

114208 legislative process

The entire course of action necessary to bring a law, resolution or special act to an authoritative, legally binding status. (Source: RHW)

104764 legislature

The department, assembly, or body of persons that makes statutory laws for a state or nation. (Source: WESTS)

104767 leisure activity

Sports and recreational activities carried out in the time free from work or other duties.

110847 leisure centre

A building containing a swimming pool and a large room or other places where you can play sports. (Source: CAMB)

104771 leisure time

Time free from work or other duties; spare time.

104777 lepidopteran

A large order of scaly-winged insects, including the butterflies, skippers, and moths; adults are characterized by two pairs of membranous wings and sucking mouthparts, featuring a prominent, coiled proboscis. (Source: MGH)

111103 less developed country

One of the world's poorest nations, typically small in area and population, with low per capita incomes, literacy levels and medical standards, subsistence agriculture and a lack of exploitable minerals and competitive industries. (Source: UIA)

104782 leukaemia

A progressive, malignant disease of the blood forming organs; a distorted proliferation and development of leukocytes and their precursors in the blood and bone marrow. (Source: KOREN)

113307 level of education

A position along a scale of increasingly advanced training marking the degree or grade of instruction either obtained by an individual, offered by a some entity or necessary for a particular job or task. (Source: RHW)

104784 levy

A ratable portion of the produce of the property and labor of the individual citizens, taken by the nation, in the exercise of its sovereign rights, for the support of government, for the administration of the laws, and as the means for continuing in operation the various legitimate functions of the state. (Source: WESTS)

104785 lexicon

The vocabulary of a particular sphere of activity, region, social class or individual, or the total set of morphemes or meaningful units of a language and its words. (Source: OED)

104787 liability

Subjection to a legal obligation. Liability is civil or criminal according to whether it is enforced by the civil or criminal courts. (Source: JCU)

104788 liability for marine accidents

Subjection to a legal obligation, such as financial recompense or ecological reparations, for any harm or damage inflicted on persons, property or the environment in the course of commercial or recreational activity in, on or near a sea. (Source: BLD / RHW)

104789 liability for nuclear damages

Subjection to a legal obligation, such as financial recompense or ecological reparations, for any harm or damage inflicted on persons, property or the environment during the production, use or transport of radioactive materials used as an energy source or in weaponry. (Source: BLD / MHD)

104790 liability legislation

A law or body of laws enacted that pertains to or establishes an obligation, debt or responsibility for loss, penalty, evil, expense or burden. (Source: BLD / ISEP)

104793 library

Place where books and other literary materials are kept. (Source: CED)

114884 library service

The duties of an establishment, or a public institution, charged with the care and organizing of a collection of printed and other materials, and the duty of interpreting such materials to meet the informational, cultural, educational, recreational or research needs of its clients. (Source: OED / LFS)

104796 licencing

Any process of granting and certifying legal or administrative permission to a person or organization to pursue some occupation or to perform some activity or business. (Source: BLD)

104798 licencing obligation

Obligation to obtain a permit to pursue an occupation or to carry on some business. (Source: WESTSa)

104797 licencing procedure

Procedures performed by administrative agencies in conjunction with issuance of various types of licences. (Source: BLACK)

104799 lichen

Composite organisms formed by the symbiosis between species of fungi and an algae. They are either crusty patches or bushy growths on tree trunks, stone walls, roofs or garden paths. Because they have no actual roots they get their sustenance from the atmosphere and rainwater. Lichens play an important role in the detection and monitoring of pollution, especially sulphur dioxide, as they are highly sensitive to pollution and different species disappear if pollution reaches specific levels. (Source: WRIGHT)

104802 life cycle

The phases, changes, or stages through which an organism passes throughout its lifetime. (Source: UNUN)

104805 life science

A science based on living organisms collectively. (Source: CED)

107018 life-cycle management

Management of all the stages involved in the life of a product such as raw materials acquisition, manufacturing, distribution and retail, use and re-use and maintenance, recycling and waste management, in order to create less environmentally harmful products. (Source: PORT)

104808 lifestyle

The particular attitudes, habits or behaviour associated with an individual or group. (Source: CED)

104810 light

Electromagnetic radiation that is capable of causing a visual sensation. (Source: CED)

104814 lighting

The supply of illumination in streets or dwellings. (Source: RRDA)

104818 lignite

Coal of relatively recent origin consisting of accumulated layers of partially decomposed vegetation, intermediate between peat and bituminous coal; often contains patterns from the wood from which it formed. (Source: MGH / CED / WRIGHT)

104819 lignite mining

Extraction of brown coal from natural deposits; lignite is a brownish-black solid fuel in the second stage in the development of coal. It has a little over half the heating value of bituminous or anthracite coal. (Source: KORENa)

104820 lime

Any of various mineral and industrial forms of calcium oxide differing chiefly in water content and percentage of constituent such as silica, alumina and iron. (Source: AMHER)

104823 limestone

A sedimentary rock consisting chiefly of calcium carbonate, primarily in the form of the mineral calcite and with or without magnesium carbonate. Limestones are formed by either organic or inorganic processes, and may be detrital, chemical, oolitic, earthy, crystalline, or recrystallized; many are highly fossiliferous and clearly represent ancient shell banks or coral reefs. (Source: BJGEO)

104828 limit value

A workplace exposure criterion or standard that determines if a facility or building has a concentration of a substance to which most workers can be exposed without harmful or adverse effects. (Source: HEG)

104830 limnology

The study of bodies of fresh water with reference to their plant and animal life, physical properties, geographical features, etc. (Source: CED)

114920 line

Term used in GIS technologies in the vector type of internal data organization: spatial data are divided into point, line and polygon types. In most cases, point entities (nodes) are specified directly as coordinate pairs, with lines (arcs or edges) represented as chains of points. Regions are similarly defined in terms of the lines which form their boundaries. Some vector GIS store information in the form of points, line segments and point pairs; others maintain closed lists of points defining polygon regions. Vector structures are especially suited to storing definitions of spatial objects for which sharp boundaries exist or can be imposed. (Source: YOUNG)

104835 line source

Line source means a one-dimensional source. An example of a line source is the particular emissions from a dirt road. (Source: LEE)

104832 linear source of sound

Point noise sources placed one after the other one as, for instance, in a row of cars moving on a road. (Source: VALAMB)

104834 liner material

A layer of synthetic or natural materials, on the sides of or beneath a landfill, landfill cell or surface impoundment, that restricts the downward or lateral escape of liquids carrying leachate into the surrounding environment. (Source: ERG / ISEP)

104838 lipid

One of a class of compounds which contain long-chain aliphatic hydrocarbons and their derivatives, such as fatty acids, alcohols, amines, amino alcohols, and aldehydes; includes waxes, fats, and derived compounds. (Source: MGH)

104839 lipophilic substance

Substances having an affinity for lipids. (Source: CED) unpolar substances, having affinity to fatty (unpolar) substances <D>

104840 liquefied gas

A gaseous compound or mixture converted to the liquid phase by cooling or compression; examples are liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), liquefied natural gas (LNG), liquid oxygen, and liquid ammonia. (Source: MGH)

104843 liquid manure

Any fertilizer substance with a moisture content of over ninety percent, usually consisting of animal excrement with water added. (Source: MUM)

104844 liquid state

A state of matter intermediate between that of crystalline substances and gases in which a substance has the capacity to flow under extremely small shear stresses and conforms to the shape of a confining vessel, but is relatively incompressible, lacks the capacity to expand without limit, and can posses a free surface. (Source: MGH)

104845 liquid waste

Fluid wastes, consisting of sewage and domestic wastewater, or processed water, or other liquids, produced by industrial activity, particularly by such industries as pulp and paper production, food processing, and the manufacture of chemicals. (Source: ISEP)

104850 literature

Written material such as poetry, novels, essays, especially works of imagination characterized by excellence of style and expression and by themes of general or enduring interest. (Source: CED)

104851 literature data bank

A fund of information on a particular subject or group of related subjects, divided into discrete documents and usually stored in and used with a computer system. (Source: RHW)

104852 literature evaluation

The action of evaluating or judging the quality or character of written materials such as poetry, essays, novels, biographies and historical writings. (Source: RHW)

104853 literature study

The identification, description, analysis and classification of books and other materials used or consulted in the preparation of a work. (Source: WEBSTE)

104855 lithosphere

The solid portion of the Earth, as compared with the atmosphere and the hydrosphere. (Source: BJGEO)

111563 litigation

A judicial contest, a judicial controversy, a suit at law. (Source: BLACK)

104857 litter

Straw, hay or similar material used as bedding by animals. (Source: CED)

104858 littoral

The intertidal zone of the seashore. (Source: LBC)

104862 livestock

Cattle, horses, and similar animals kept for domestic use especially on a farm. (Source: CED)

104863 livestock breeding

The raising of livestock by crossing different varieties to obtain new varieties with desired characteristics. (Source: PHC)

104864 livestock farming

Breeding of cattle, horses and similar animals. (Source: CEDa)

104866 living condition

An element or characteristic of a habitation considered in light of its ability to sustain and promote the health and general well-being of occupants. (Source: RHW)

110933 living environment

External conditions or surroundings in which people live or work. (Source: CED)

104867 living marine resource [No description is listed]

104868 living space

Any room, structure or area used as a residence and associated with subsistence activities, including sleeping, relaxing or eating. (Source: RHW)

110939 living standard

A measurement of the development level in a country or community, gauged by factors such as personal income, education, life expectancy, food consumption, health care, technology and the use of natural resources. (Source: TEX)

104871 lizard

Any reptile of the suborder Lacertilia, especially those of the family Lacertidae, typically having an elongated body, four limbs, and a small tail: includes the gechos, iguanas, chameleons, monitors, and slow worms. (Source: CED)

104873 load bearing capacity

The maximum load that a system can support before failing. (Source: LEEa)

110683 local afforestation

The planting of trees in an area, or the management of an area to allow trees to regenerate or colonize naturally, in order to produce a forest. (Source: ALL)

104879 local authority

The power of a government agency or its administrators to administer and implement laws and government policies for a city, town or small district. (Source: BLD)

104888 local building material [No description is listed]

111095 local development

A stage of growth or advancement in any aspect of a community that is defined by or restricted to a particular and usually small district or area. (Source: RHW / ISEP)

104884 local finance

The theory and practice of all public money matters pertaining to city, town or small district governments. (Source: ODE / RHW)

110992 local government

An administrative body or system in which political direction and control is exercised over the community of a city, town or small district. (Source: RHW)

104885 local government policy

Any course of action adopted and pursued by a ruling political authority or system, which determines the affairs for a city, town, county or regional area. (Source: RHW)

114963 local heat supply

The provision of heating fuel, coal or other heating source materials, or the amount of heating capacity, for the use of a specific local community. (Source: ISEP)

104889 local passenger service

Passenger transport system for a limited local area. (Source: RRDA)

105953 local recreation

A pastime, diversion, exercise or other means of enjoyment and relaxation that is carried out in a particular city, town or small district. (Source: RHW)

108876 local resource utilisation

The use of a source of supply from a municipal or regional area, which can be readily drawn upon when needed. (Source: RHW)

104891 local traffic

Traffic moving within a city, town, or area and subject to frequent stops, as distinguished from long distance traffic.

104893 location of industries

The particular place that seems apt for the installation of a new plant; the choice of the site depends on a number of economic and environmental factors. (Source: GOOD)

104897 locomotive

A self -propelled engine driven by steam, electricity or diesel power and used for drawing trains along railway tracks. (Source: CED)

110898 lodging

Provision of accommodation for rest or for residence in a room or rooms or in a dwelling place. (Source: OED)

104902 long-distance traffic

Traffic moving over extended areas, great distances and usually not subject to frequent stops.

104903 long-distance transport

The conveyance of materials or commodities over land, water or through air in which a great distance is covered. (Source: RHW)

104906 long-term effect

Effects which will last long after the cause has ceased. (Source: RRDA)

104907 long-term effect of pollutants [No description is listed]

104908 long-term experiment

1) Experiment lasting for a relatively long period of time. 2) Experiment whose results become effective after a long period of time. (Source: SHOOXa)

104909 long-term forecasting

The act or process of predicting and calculating the likely conditions or occurrences for an extended and future point in time, often involving the study and analysis of pertinent data. (Source: RHW / MHE)

104911 long-term trend

The prevailing tendency or general direction expected for some observed value over a lengthy and extended period of time, often determined by studying and analyzing statistical data. (Source: RHW / APD)

114937 longitude

Distance in degrees east or west of the prime meridian at 0+é-¦ measured by the angle between the plane of the prime meridian and that of the meridian through the point in question, or by the corresponding time difference. (Source: CED)

104913 lorry

A large motor vehicle designed to carry heavy loads, especially one with a flat platform. (Source: CED)

104914 loss

The result of a business operation where overhead costs are greater than the receipts or income. (Source: ISEP / ODE)

104916 loss of biotope

Destruction of biotopes produced by environmental degradation which in turn is caused by air- or water-borne pollution. (Source: WPR)

104917 loudness

The magnitude of the physiological sensation produced by a sound, which varies directly with the physical intensity of sound but also depends on frequency of sound and waveform. (Source: MGH)

104922 low flow

Phase of lowest level of a water course. (Source: ZINZAN)

104918 low-cost housing

Residences built at minimal expense and designed to keep the rental rate or price of purchase affordable for persons with limited means, usually determined by an annual income level set below the local median. (Source: NAH)

104929 low-level flight

Flying at low altitude. (Source: RRDA)

104931 low-level technology

Any relatively unsophisticated technical equipment or method with an amplitude or functionality below what is available in a similar or comparable system. (Source: RHW / APD)

104920 Lower House

The body of a bicameral legislature composed of representatives elected by the general populace and organized into electorates or districts, each comprising an equal number of citizens. (Source: CIV)

104921 lower risk (IUCN)

Animals, birds, fish, plants or other living organism that has been deemed as not being in danger of extinction. (Source: OED / TOE)

104934 lubricant

A substance used to reduce friction between parts or objects in relative motion. (Source: MGH)

104937 luminosity

The functional relationship between stellar magnitude and the number and distribution of stars of each magnitude interval. Also known as relative luminosity factor. (Source: UVAROV / MGH)

104942 lye

The alkaline solution that is obtained from the leaching of wood ashes. (Source: MGH)

104945 lymphatic system

A system of vessels and nodes conveying lymph in the vertebrate body, beginning with capillaries in tissue spaces and eventually forming the thoracic ducts which empty in the subclavian veins. (Source: MGH)

104948 lysimetry

The measurement of the water percolating through soils and the determination of the materials dissolved by the water. (Source: MGH)

104952 machine manufacture

The making or production of mechanical apparatuses used for commercial or industrial purposes, such as engines and turbines, elevators and conveying equipment, computers and office equipment, and hoists, cranes and industrial trucks. (Source: RHW / SIC)

113222 machinery

A group of parts or machines arranged to perform a useful function. (Source: MGH)

104956 macroeconomic goal

An aim or objective pertaining to the production, distribution and use of income, wealth and commodities in a country, region or other large area, typically concerned with governmental fiscal and monetary policy as it affects employment, consumption, investment and growth levels. (Source: ODE)

104957 macroeconomics

Modern economic analysis that is concerned with data inaggregate as opposed to individual form such as national income, consumption and investment. (Source: GREENW / CED)

110575 macrophyte

A large macroscopic plant, used especially of aquatic forms such as kelp (variety of large brown seaweed which is a source of iodine and potash). (Source: LBC / PHC)

104964 magnetic tape

A plastic, paper, or metal tape that is coated or impregnated with magnetizable iron oxide particles, used in magnetic recording. (Source: MGH)

104965 magnetism

A class of physical phenomena associated with moving electricity, including the mutual mechanical forces among magnets and electric currents. (Source: BJGEO)

104967 mailing list

A series of addresses or e-mail addresses to which solicited or unsolicited mass mailings can be sent. (Source: RHW)

113561 maintenance (technical)

The upkeep of industrial facilities and equipment. (Source: MGH)

104969 maintenance of environment

No definition needed.

104971 major accident

An unexpected occurrence, failure or loss beyond normal or specified levels with the potential for harming human life, property or the environment. (Source: TOE / HMD)

110104 major risk

The high probability that a given hazard or situation will yield a significant amount of lives lost, persons injured, damage to property , disruption of economic activity or harm to the environment; or any product of the probability of occurrence and the expected magnitude of damage beyond a maximum acceptable level. (Source: TOE / HMD)

112807 major risk installation

Installations whose functioning involves the possibility of major hazards such as chemical plants, nuclear, coal and oil power production plants, etc. (Source: WPRa)

104974 malaria

A group of human febrile diseases with a chronic relapsing course caused by hemosporidian blood parasites of the genus Plasmodium, transmitted by the bite of Anopheles mosquito. (Source: MGH)

104977 malformation

Permanent structural change that may adversely affect survival, development or function. (Source: KOREN)

104979 malnutrition

Defective nutrition due to inadequate intake of nutrients or to their faulty digestion, assimilation or metabolism. (Source: MGH)

104982 mammal

Any animal of the Mammalia, a large class of warm-blooded vertebrates having mammary glands in the female, a thoracic diaphragm, and a four-chambered heart. The class includes the whales, carnivores, rodents, bats, primates, etc. (Source: CED)

104984 man (society)

A member of the human race. (Source: MGH)

105000 man-made climate change

Man-made climate changes may be due to the greenhouse effect and other human activities. A change in albedo of the land brought about by desertification and deforestation affects the amount of solar energy absorbed at the earth's surface. Man-made aerosols produced from the sulphur released from power stations can modify clouds. Changes in ozone levels in the stratosphere due to CFCs may influence climate. (Source: WRIGHT)

105003 man-nature relationship [No description is listed]

104985 management

Government, control, superintendence, physical or manual handling or guidance; act of managing by direction or regulation, or administration, as management of family, or of household, etc. (Source: BLACK)

113261 management accounting

The collection and processing of financial information to assist with the handling, direction, or control of an organization. (Source: ODE / RHW)

104987 management contract

A legal agreement between two or more parties of employers and workers that outlines the administrative or supervisory work that is expected in exchange for certain payments and working conditions. (Source: ODE)

104988 management of natural resources

Planned use of natural resources, in particular of non-renewable resources, in accordance with principles that assure their optimum long-term economic and social benefits. (Source: MUCKa)

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104990 management plan

A program of action designed to reach a given set of objectives. (Source: LANDY)

113291 management technique

systematic approach or method of performance for the accomplishment of administrative goals or tasks. (Source: RHW)

104994 mandate

A command or authorization to act in a particular way given by an administrator to a subordinate, a court to a lower court or an electorate to its representative. (Source: RHW)

104998 mangrove

Plant communities and trees that inhabit tidal swamps, muddy silt, and sand banks at the mouths of rivers and other low-lying areas which are regularly inundated by the sea, but which are protected from strong waves and currents. Mangroves are the only woody species that will grow where the land is periodically flooded with sea water; individual species have adapted themselves to different tidal levels, to various degrees of salinity, and to the nature of the mud or soil. Mangrove swamps and thickets support hundreds of terrestrial, marine, and amphibian species; have a special role in supporting estuarine fisheries; provide shelter, refuge and food for many forms of wildlife. (Source: GILP96)

104999 mangrove swamp

A wet, spongy area of land in tropical climates and along coastal regions that is dominated by mangrove trees and shrubs, particularly red mangroves (Rhizophora), black mangroves (Avicennia) and white mangroves (Laguncularia). (Source: FFD)

105004 manpower

1) The power generated by a man working. 2) The number of people available for work, service, etc.

105005 manufacturing activity

Activities connected with the processing of raw material into a finished product, especially by means of a large-scale industrial operation. (Source: AMHER)

105006 manufacturing trade

The process or act of exchanging, buying or selling any manufactured product, or the raw materials for any manufacturing process. (Source: RHW / ISEP)

105007 manure

Animal excreta collected from stables and barnyards with or without litter; used to enrich the soil. (Source: MGH)

105009 manure production

No definition needed.

105011 map

A representation, normally on a flat medium, that displays the physical and political features of a surface area of the earth, showing them in their respective forms, sizes and relationships according to some convention of representation. (Source: RHW)

101292 map chart

A map, generally designed for navigation or other particular purposes, in which essential map information is combined with various other data critical to the intended use. (Source: MGH)

105013 mapping

The process of making a map of an area; especially the field work necessary for the production of a map. (Source: BJGEO)

105014 mapping of lichens

Maps of lichens distribution indicating air quality. Fruticose lichens (with branched structures well above the surface) are more susceptible to SO2 damage than foliose lichens (whose leaflike thallus lies nearly flat on surface) and both in turn are more susceptible than crustose lichens (which embed their tissue in the cracks of bark, soil, or rocks). The use of morphological lichen types as indicators of air pollution concentrations is well developed. (Source: WESTM)

110699 maquis

A low evergreen shrub formation, usually found on siliceous soils in the Mediterranean lands where winter rainfall and summer drought are the characteristic climate features. It consists of a profusion of aromatic species, such as lavender, myrtle, oleander and rosemary and often includes abundant spiny shrubs. It has been suggested that the maquis is a secondary vegetation, occupying the lands cleared of their natural evergreen oak forests by human activity. (Source: WHIT)

105018 marble

Metamorphic rock composed of recrystallized calcite or dolomite. (Source: MGH)

105023 marginal land

Low quality land the value of whose production barely covers its cultivation costs. (Source: PAENS)

105024 mariculture

Cultivation of marine organisms in their natural habitats, usually for commercial purposes. (Source: AMHER)

105025 marina

A small port that is used for pleasure rather than trade, often with hotels, restaurants and bars. (Source: CAMB)

105027 marine biology

A branch of biology that deals with those living organisms which inhabit the sea. (Source: MGH)

105029 marine conservation area

Any section of a sea or ocean designated for special protection, often to prevent or reduce harm to its wildlife and ecosystems. (Source: RHW)

105030 marine ecology

An integrative science that studies the basic structural and functional relationships within and among living populations and their physical-chemical environments in marine ecosystems. Marine ecology focuses on specific organisms as well as on particular environments or physical settings. (Source: PARCOR)

105031 marine ecosystem

Any marine environment, from pond to ocean, in which plants and animals interact with the chemical and physical features of the environment. (Source: GILP96)

105032 marine engineering

The design, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of main power plants, as well as the associated auxiliary machinery and equipment, for the propulsion of ships. (Source: MGH)

105033 marine environment

Marine environments include estuaries, coastal marine and nearshore zones, and open-ocean-deep-sea regions. (Source: PARCOR)

105034 marine fauna

Animals which live in the sea. (Source: PHC)

105035 marine fishery

The harvest of animals and plants from the ocean to provide food and recreation for people, food for animals, and a variety of organic materials for industry. (Source: PARCOR)

105038 marine geology

That aspect of the study of the ocean that deals specifically with the ocean floor and the ocean-continent border, including submarine relief features, the geochemistry and petrology of the sediments and rocks of the ocean bottom and the influence of seawater and waves on the ocean bottom and its materials. (Source: BJGEO)

110421 marine mammal

Mammals which have adapted to live in the sea, such as whales, dolphins, porpoises, etc. (Source: CED)

105042 marine monitoring

The assessment of marine pollution by an integrated chemical, ecological and toxicological survey. (Source: ENVAR)

105043 marine organism

Organisms which live in sea water. (Source: PHC)

110199 marine park

A permanent reservation on the seabed for the conservation of species. (Source: ALL)

105044 marine pollution

Any detrimental alteration of the marine environment caused by the intentional or accidental release of dangerous or toxic substances, such as industrial, commercial and urban waste water. (Source: GREMESa)

105046 marine reserve

Sea area where marine wildlife is protected. (Source: PHC)

105048 marine resources conservation [No description is listed]

105049 marine sediment

Solid fragmental material, originated from weathering of rocks, that has settled down from a state of suspension in the water. (Source: BJGEOa)

113336 marital status

The standing of an individual with regard to a legally recognized conjugal relationship, either in the present or past. (Source: RHW)

105051 maritime law

That system of law which particularly relates to marine commerce and navigation, to business transacted at sea or relating to navigation, to ships and shipping, to seamen, to the transportation of persons and property by sea, and to marine affairs generally. (Source: BLACK)

105052 maritime navigation

Travelling on the sea by means of boats, ships, etc. (Source: CEDa)

105055 maritime transport

Transportation of goods or persons by means of ships travelling on the sea. (Source: CEDa)

105056 marker

1) Small amount of an easily detected substance that can be used to follow and quantify the flow of materials or movement of organisms not otherwise visible or detectable by ordinary means. 2) An isotope of an element, a small amount of which may be incorporated into a sample of material in order to follow the course of that element through a chemical, biological, or physical process, and thus also follow the larger sample. The tracer may be radioactive, in which case observations are made by measuring the radioactivity. (Source: ECHO1)

105058 market

Place of commercial activity in which articles are bought and sold. Also purchase and sale. In a limited sense market is the range of bid and asked prices reported by brokers making the market in over-the-counter securities. Also the demand for any particular article. (Source: WESTS)

105061 market economy

A mixed economy that relies heavily on markets to answer the three basic questions of allocation, but with a modest amount of government involvement. While it is commonly termed capitalism, market-oriented economy is much more descriptive of how the economy is structured. (Source: AMOS2)

105062 market form

The organizational form or structure of the trade or traffic of a particular commodity. (Source: ISEP / RHW)

111178 market gardening

The business of growing fruit and vegetables on a commercial scale. (Source: CED)

113255 market price

The price actually given in current market dealings; the actual price at which given stock or commodity is currently sold in the usual and ordinary course of trade and competition between sellers and buyers. (Source: WESTS)

105068 market research

The systematic gathering, recording, computing, and analysing of data about problems relating to the sale and distribution of goods and services for certain time periods. (Source: GREENW)

111097 market study

The gathering and studying of data to determine the projection of demand for an item or service. (Source: ISEP / RHW)

105064 marketing

A related group of business activities whose purpose is to satisfy the demands for goods and services of consumers, businesses and government. The marketing process includes estimating the demand, producing the product, pricing the product to satisfy profit criteria, and promoting and distributing the product. (Source: GREENW)

108252 marsh

An periodically inundated area of low ground having shrubs and trees, with or without the formation of peat. (Source: BJGEO)

105076 marsupial

Type of Australian mammal with a pouch in which the young are carried. Marsupials give birth to young at a much earlier stage of development than other mammals so that the young need to be protected in the mother's pouch for some months until they become able to look after themselves. (Source: PHC)

110068 masonry

A construction of stone or similar materials such as concrete or brick. (Source: MGH)

105079 mass media

The means of communication that reach large numbers of people, such as television, newspapers, magazines and radio. (Source: CED)

105080 mass recreation

A pastime, diversion, exercise or other means of enjoyment and relaxation that is shared with or performed by a large number of people. (Source: RHW)

105083 mass transport (physics)

The movement of matter in a medium. (Source: MGH)

105086 material

The substance of which a product is made or composed. (Source: CED)

105090 material life cycle

All the stages involved in the manufacturing, distribution and retail, use and re-use and maintenance, recycling and waste management of materials. (Source: PORT)

27 Materials [No description is listed]

105093 materials science

The study of the nature, behaviour, and use of materials applied to science and technology. (Source: MGH)

113219 materials technology

Any technical means or equipment used for the production and optimization of material goods that consist of any of a diverse range of properties, either alone or in combination, such as glass, metal, plastics and ceramics. (Source: APD)

105097 mathematical analysis

The branch of mathematics most explicitly concerned with the limit process or the concept of convergence; includes the theories of differentiation, integration and measure, infinite series, and analytic functions. (Source: MGH)

105099 mathematical method

No definition needed.

105107 maximum admissible concentration

The maximum exposure to a physical or chemical agent allowed in an 8-hour work day to prevent disease or injury. (Source: KOREN)

105108 maximum immission concentration

The maximum concentration of air polluting substances in the free environment whose impact when of specified duration and frequency is not objectionable to man, fauna and flora. (Source: ECHO2)

105110 meadow

Strictly a term for a field of permanent grass used for hay, but also applied to rich, waterside grazing areas that are not suitable for arable cultivation. (Source: GOOD)

113165 means of agricultural production

No definition needed.

113313 means of communication

The agents, instruments, methods or resources used to impart or interchange thoughts, opinions or information. (Source: RHW)

105119 measuring

The ability of the analytical method or protocol to quantify as well as identify the presence of the substance in question. (Source: LEE)

110088 measuring instrument

No definition needed.

105122 measuring method

No definition needed.

105123 measuring programme

No definition needed.

105124 meat

The edible flesh of animals, especially that of mammals as opposed to that of fish or a nut. (Source: AMHER / MGH)

105128 mechanical engineering

The branch of engineering concerned with the design, construction, and operation of machines. (Source: CED)

113223 mechanical equipment

Machines and tools employed in manual and mechanical labour. (Source: AMHERa)

112514 mechanical industry

A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of enterprises is engaged in the design, manufacture and marketing of mechanical apparatuses for commercial or industrial usage. (Source: SIC)

111912 mechanical vibration

A motion, usually unintentional and often undesirable, of parts of machines and structures. (Source: MGH)

105135 medical science

The science and art of treating and healing. (Source: MGH)

105138 medicinal plant

Plants having therapeutic properties. (Source: CEDa)

105144 medicine (practice)

The science and art of treating and healing. (Source: MGH)

105145 Mediterranean Area

The collective islands and countries of the inland sea between Europe, Africa and Asia that is linked to the Atlantic Ocean at its western end by the Strait of Gibraltar and includes the Tyrrhenian, Adriatic, Aegean and Ionian seas. (Source: RHW)

112063 Mediterranean climate

A type of climate characterized by hot, dry, sunny summers and a winter rainy season; basically, this is the opposite of a monsoon climate. Also known as etesian climate. (Source: MGH)

110695 Mediterranean forest

Type of forest found in the Mediterranean area comprising mainly xerophilous evergreen trees. (Source: ALL)

114844 Mediterranean Sea

The largest inland sea between Europe, Africa and Asia, linked to the Atlantic Ocean at its western end by the Strait of Gibraltar, including the Tyrrhenian, Adriatic, Aegean and Ionian seas, and major islands such as Sicily, Sardina, Corsica, Crete, Malta and Cyprus. (Source: RHW)

105147 Mediterranean wood

A plant formation found in the Mediterranean area comprising mainly lowgrowing, xerophilous evergreen trees and shrubs. It results mainly from the deterioration of the original vegetation by grazing and burning. (Source: ALL)

105148 melting

A change of the state of a substance from the solid phase to the liquid phase. Also known as fusion. (Source: MGH)

105150 membrane

A thin tissue that encloses or lines biological cells, organs, or other structures. It consists of a double layer of lipids with protein molecules between the two layers. Membranes are permeable to water and fat-soluble substances but not to such polar molecules as sugars. (Source: UVAROV)

105152 mental effect [No description is listed]

111294 merchant shipping

Transportation of persons and goods by means of ships travelling along fixed navigation routes. (Source: ZINZANa)

105154 mercury

A heavy silvery-white toxic liquid metallic element occurring principally in cinnabar: used in thermometers, barometers, mercury-vapour lamps, and dental amalgams. (Source: CED)

105155 mercury contamination

The presence and release into the air, water and soil of mercury, a naturally occurring heavy metal element, by both natural occurrences such as vaporization and human activities such as burning coal, mining and smelting. (Source: FFD / EEN)

105161 metabolism

All the chemical reactions that take place in a living organism, comprising both anabolism and catabolism. Basal metabolism is the energy exchange of an animal at rest. Catabolism is the synthesis of complex molecules from simpler ones. Catabolism is the breaking down by organisms of complex molecules into simpler ones with the liberation of energy. (Source: ALL)

105163 metabolism of pesticides

The sum of chemical reactions, including both synthesis and breakdown, that occurs in substances or mixtures intended to prevent, destroy or mitigate pests that are directly or indirectly detrimental to harvest crops and other humans interests. (Source: SOI / TOE / IPC / DOE)

105165 metabolite

A product of intermediary metabolism. (Source: MGH)

105167 metainformation

Data assembled to describe or define another body of data, a document or any information element. (Source: WIC)

105184 metal

An opaque crystalline material usually of high strength with good electrical and thermal conductivities, ductility and reflectivity. (Source: MGH)

105169 metal finishing

A process in which a chemical or some other substance is applied to metals as a way to clean, protect, alter or modify appearance or physical properties, especially surface properties. (Source: MHD)

105178 metal oxide

Any binary compound in which oxygen is combined with one or more metal atoms. (Source: MHD)

105179 metal plating

Forming a thin, adherent layer of metal on an object. (Source: MGH)

105180 metal product

No definition needed.

105181 metal products industry

Industry related with the primary metal processing and fabricated metal products manufacturing. The most important end uses of the products of the metals industries are automobiles, machinery, appliances, electrical equipment, structures, furniture, and containers. (Source: PZ)

105186 metal smelting

A metallurgical process in which ore mixtures are heated above melting point to extract or yield a crude metal. (Source: APD)

112382 metal waste

Metal material discarded during manufacturing or processing operations which cannot be directly fed back into the operation; Worn or discarded metal materials removed from service at the end of its useful life. (Source: GMR)

105187 metal working [No description is listed]

105171 metallic mineral

Minerals containing metals, such as bauxite, pyrite, etc. (Source: RRDA)

105175 metallurgical industry

Industry concerned with the extraction, refining, alloying and fabrication of metals. (Source: CED)

105193 meteorological disaster

Violent, sudden and destructive change to the environment related to, produced by, or affecting the earth's atmosphere, especially the weather-forming processes. (Source: ISEP)

105194 meteorological forecasting

A branch of science that studies the dynamics of the atmosphere and the direct effects of the atmosphere upon the Earth's surface, oceans and inhabitants, focusing particularly on weather and weather conditions. (Source: INP / NOA / EEN)

105195 meteorological parameter

Variables, such as pressure, temperature, wind strength, humidity, etc. from which conclusions as to the forthcoming weather are drawn. (Source: UVAROVa)

105196 meteorological phenomenon

Phenomena which occur in the troposphere and stratosphere, such as precipitations, wind, temperature, etc. (Source: RRDA)

110031 meteorological research

Study of meteorological elements such as wind speed and direction, air temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, evaporation, solar radiation, visibility and cloud cover in order to collect data for weather forecast or for specific research purposes. (Source: YOUNG)

105197 meteorology

The science concerned with the atmosphere and its phenomena. (Source: MGH)

105199 methane

A colourless, odourless, and tasteless gas, lighter than air and reacting violently with chlorine and bromine in sunlight, a chief component of natural gas; used as a source of methanol, acetylene, and carbon monoxide. Also known as methyl hydride. (Source: MGH)

112587 methanisation

The process of deriving methane from any source, including livestock manure, landfills, coal mines, etc. (Source: OED)

113088 method

A way of proceeding or doing something, especially a systematic or regular one. (Source: CED)

105203 methodology

The system of methods and principles used in a particular discipline. (Source: CED)

111702 metrology

The science of measurement. (Source: MGH)

105210 metropolis

A term applied loosely to any large city, but specifically to that city in a country which is the seat of government, of ecclesiastical authority, or of commercial activity. (Source: GOOD)

105228 micro-organism

A microscopic organism, including bacteria, protozoans, yeast, viruses, and algae. (Source: MGH)

105215 microbial resource

Any available source of supply derived from microbes, which would be used for beneficial purposes, such as for the production of food substances and drugs. (Source: APD)

105216 microbiological analysis

Analysis for the identification of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. (Source: RRDA)

105218 microbiology

The science and study of microorganisms, including protozoans, algae, fungi, bacteria, viruses, and rickettsiae. (Source: MGH)

105219 microclimate

The local, rather uniform climate of a specific place or habitat, compared with the climate of the entire area of which it is a part. (Source: MGH)

105220 microclimate effect [No description is listed]

105221 microclimatology

The study of a microclimate, including the study of profiles of temperature, moisture and wind in the lowest stratum of air, the effects of the vegetation and of shelterbelts, and the modifying effects of towns and buildings. (Source: MGH)

105222 microcomputer

A microprocessor combined with input/output interface devices, some type of external memory, and the other elements required to form a working computer system; it is smaller, lower in cost, and usually slower than a minicomputer. (Source: MGH)

105224 microecosystem

A small-scale, simplified, experimental ecosystem, laboratory- or field- based, which may be: a) derived directly from nature (e.g. when samples of pond water are maintained subsequently by the input of artificial light and gas-exchange); or b) built up from axenic cultures (a culture of an organism that consists of one type of organism only, i.e. that is free from any contaminating organism) until the required conditions of organisms and environment are achieved. Also known as microcosm. (Source: ALL2)

105225 microelectronics

The technology of constructing circuits and devices in extremely small packages by various techniques. Also known as microminiaturization; microsystem electronics. (Source: MGH)

105226 microfiltration

The separation or removal from a liquid of particulates and microorganisms in the size range of 0.1 to 0.2 microns in diameter. (Source: WQA)

105229 micropollutant

Pollutant which exists in very small traces in water. (Source: PHC)

105230 microscopy

The interpretative application of microscope magnification to the study of materials that cannot be properly seen by the unaided eye. (Source: MGH)

105231 microwave

An electromagnetic wave which has a wavelength between about 0.3 and 30 centimeters, corresponding to frequencies of 1-100 gigahertz; however there are no sharp boundaries between microwaves and infrared and radio waves. (Source: MGH)

105234 migrant labour

Temporary employment performed by persons who move from place to place, such as agricultural workers following crop seasons. (Source: RHW)

105238 migratory bird

Birds which migrate in a body. (Source: CED)

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110305 migratory fish

Fishes that migrate in a body, often between breeding places and winter feeding grounds. (Source: RRDA)

105239 migratory species [No description is listed]

105243 military activities

Actions and movements pertaining to or conducted by the armed forces.

105245 military air traffic

Air traffic of or relating to the armed forces.

22 Military aspects [No description is listed]

105241 military aspects [No description is listed]

113220 military equipment

Equipment necessary to the performance of military activities, either combat or noncombat. (Source: RRDA)

105253 military zone

Area whose utilization is exclusively reserved to the army. (Source: ZINZAN)

105254 milk

The whitish fluid secreted by the mammary gland for the nourishment of the young; composed of carbohydrates, proteins, fats. mineral salts, vitamins, and antibodies. (Source: MGH)

105258 mill

A building where grain is crushed into flour. (Source: CAMB)

105261 mine

An opening or excavation in the earth for extracting minerals. (Source: MGH)

105262 mine filling

Filling of disused mines with soil, crushed stone, or waste materials in order to restore the geological, agricultural and landscape features of the concerned area. (Source: DIZAMB)

105277 mineral

A naturally occurring substance with a characteristic chemical composition expressed by a chemical formula; may occur as individual crystals or may be disseminated in some other material or rock. (Source: MGH)

111201 mineral conditioner

Any naturally occurring inorganic substances with a definite chemical composition and usually of crystalline structure, such as rocks, which are used to stabilize soil, improving its resistance to erosion, texture and permeability. (Source: RHW / SOI)

105264 mineral deposit

A mass of naturally occurring mineral material, e.g. metal ores or nonmetallic mineral, usually of economic value, without regard to mode of origin. (Source: BJGEO)

105265 mineral extraction

The process of extracting metallic or nonmetallic mineral deposits from the Earth. (Source: BJGEO)

105267 mineral fibre

A fiber manufactured from glass, rock, or slag generally for use in fabricating heat insulation. (Source: HARRIS)

105268 mineral industry

Industry for the exploitation of minerals from soil deposits by underground excavations or open workings, employing adequate plants and equipment. (Source: FLGISA)

111226 mineral matter

Inorganic materials having a distinct chemical composition, characteristic crystalline structure, colour, and hardness. (Source: DUNSTE)

112394 mineral oil

Oil which derives from petroleum and is made up of hydrocarbons. (Source: PHC)

111643 mineral pollution

Pollution deriving from all classes of mining operations and having an adverse effect on aquatic life, water supplies and the recreational use of waters. (Source: GILP96a)

105274 mineral resource

Valuable mineral deposits of an area that are presently recoverable and may be so in the future; includes known ore bodies and potential ore. (Source: MGH)

112383 mineral waste

Waste material resulting from ore extraction that is usually left on the soil surface. (Source: GREMES)

105279 mineral water

Water containing naturally or artificially supplied minerals or gases. (Source: MGH)

105269 mineralisation

The process of fossilization whereby inorganic materials replace the organic constituent of an organism. (Source: MGH)

105270 mineralogy

The science which concerns the study of natural inorganic substances called minerals. (Source: MGH)

105282 minimal cost planning

The process of making arrangements or preparations to facilitate the production of goods or services at an output that would require the lowest possible expenditure of money, time or labor. (Source: ODE)

105283 minimisation of damage

The activity of reducing the harm or injury done to the environment or ecosystem. (Source: OED)

114837 mining

The act, process or industry of extracting coal, ores, etc. from the earth. (Source: CED)

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105286 mining district

A district where mineral exploitation is performed. (Source: MGH)

105287 mining engineering

Engineering concerned with the discovery, development and exploitation of coal, ores, and minerals, as well as the cleaning, sizing and dressing of the product. (Source: MGH)

105288 mining geology

The study of geologic aspects of mineral deposits, with particular regard to problems associated with mining. (Source: BJGEO)

105289 mining industry

A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in the extraction of minerals occurring naturally, often involving quarrying, well operations, milling, exploration and development. (Source: SIC)

105290 mining law

A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate the potentially harmful activity of enterprises concerned with the extraction and processing of precious or valuable metals. (Source: BLD)

113202 mining product

No definition needed.

105293 mining regulation

A rule or order prescribed by government or management to promote the safety, legality or ecological responsibility of any aspect of the process or industry of ore extraction. (Source: BLD)

105295 mining site restoration

Mining is an intensive type of land use with potential for environmental impact over a limited area. When closure occurs, it should address both environmental and safety aspects. Mine reclamation is an ongoing program designed to restore to an acceptable state the physical, chemical and biological quality or potential of air, land and water regimes disturbed by mining. The objective of mine reclamation is to prevent or minimize adverse long-term environmental impacts, and create a self-sustaining ecosystem as near as practicable to what existed before the mining activity. (Source: NRCAN)

105297 mining waste

Any residue which results from the extraction of raw materials from the earth. (Source: EED / ERG)

110988 minister competence

The skill, knowledge, qualification, capacity or authority associated with the chief of an administrative department or other high ranking official selected by the head of state. (Source: RHW)

105298 ministerial decree

A formal judgment or mandate handed down on a specific issue or concern from a major administrative department of a state, usually under the authority of that department's chief minister, secretary or administrator. (Source: RHW)

105299 ministry

The body of top government administrators or other high ranking public officials that are selected by a head of state to manage certain aspects of a state's affairs, as opposed to civil servants whose tenure is unaffected by public changes resulting from democratic elections or some other process. (Source: BLD)

114163 ministry building

Any structure or edifice occupied by a body of top government administrators or other high ranking public officials selected or appointed by a head of state to manage certain aspects of a state's affairs. (Source: BLD)

105303 minority

A group that is different racially, politically, etc. from a larger group of which it is a part. (Source: CED)

105305 miscellaneous product

No definition needed.

105307 miscibility

The tendency or capacity of two or more liquids to form a uniform blend, that is, to dissolve in each other; degrees are total miscibility, partial miscibility, and immiscibility. (Source: MGH)

103348 mist

Fine water droplets suspended in the air, which reduce visibility. Usually mists form at night, when the temperature falls because the sky is clear. If visibility falls below 1,000 metres, the mist becomes a fog. (Source: PHC)

105310 mite

An order of small Arachnida with rounded bodies. Mites are very abundant in the soil, feeding on plant material and invertebrate animals. Some parasitic mites (e.g. red spider) damage crops and can be serious pests. Others cause diseases in animals. Ticks are blood-suckers, some being vectors of diseases such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever in humans and fowls, and louping ill in cattle and sheep. (Source: ALL)

105311 mitigation measure

Any procedure or action undertaken to reduce the adverse impacts that a project or activity may have on the environment. (Source: TOE)

105313 mixed farming

Type of agriculture based on the combination of crop production and cattle raising. (Source: GREMES)

105316 mixed forest

A forest composed of several tree species. (Source: FORGOVa)

105317 mixed use area

Use of land for more than one purpose; e.g. grazing of livestock, watershed and wildlife protection, recreation, and timber production. (Source: RRDA)

113922 mixed woodland [No description is listed]

105318 mixing

The intermingling of different materials to produce a homogeneous mixture. (Source: MGH)

105322 mobile home

Living quarters mounted on wheels and capable of being towed by a motor vehicle. (Source: CED)

113233 mode of transportation

Type of vehicle used for moving from one place to the other. (Source: RRDA)

105325 model

1) A representation, usually on a smaller scale, of a device, structure, etc. 2) A quantitative or mathematical representation or computer simulation which attempts to describe the characteristics or relationships of physical events. (Source: CED / LEE)

105327 modelling

An investigative technique using a mathematical or physical representation of a system or theory that accounts for all or some its known properties. Models are often used to test the effect of changes of system components on the overall performance of the system. (Source: LEE)

105332 moisture

1) The water vapour content of the atmosphere, or the total water substances (gaseous, liquid and solid) present in a given volume of air. 2) Water that is dispersed through a gas in the form of water vapour or small droplets, dispersed through a solid, or condensed on the surface of a solid. (Source: MGH)

105333 molecular biology

The study of the chemical structures and processes of biological phenomena at the molecular level; the discipline is particularly concerned with the study of proteins, nucleic acids, and enzymes, the macromolecules essential to life processes. It seeks to understand the molecular basis of genetic processes. Techniques used include X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy. (Source: GILP96)

105339 mollusc

Any of various invertebrates having a soft unsegmented body and often a shell, secreted by a fold of skin. (Source: CED)

105343 monetary assessment

Financial determination, adjustment, estimation, or appraisal for purposes of levying a tax, charge or fine. (Source: OED)

113151 monetary economics

The study, policies or system of institutions and procedures by which a country or region's commerce is supplied with notes, coins, bank deposits or other equivalent mediums of exchange. (Source: ODE)

113150 monetary relations

The different modes in which countries, nations, etc., are brought together by financial, currency, or pecuniary interests. (Source: OED)

113246 money market

A financial market that trades Treasury bills, commercial paper and other short-term financial instruments. This market is often used by businesses when they need short-term funds to bridge the gap between paying operating costs and collecting revenue from product sales. As such, the term money in money market indicates that businesses are using highly liquid instruments to raise the money need for operating expenses. (Source: AMOS2)

122762 monit [No description is listed]

105346 monitoring

To check regularly in order to perceive change in some quality or quantity. (Source: BRACK)

105347 monitoring criterion

No definition needed.

105348 monitoring data

No definition needed.

105349 monitoring equipment

Specific equipment used in remote sensing. (Source: RRDA)

105350 monitoring network

Interconnected group of monitoring stations for the surveillance of pollution. (Source: RRDA)

105352 monitoring station

Station where the presence, effect, or level of any polluting substance in air or water, noise and blasting, radiation, transport movements, land subsidence, or change in the character of vegetation are measured quantitatively or qualitatively. (Source: GILP96)

105353 monitoring system

A coordinated body of sensory and communications devices that observes, detects or records the outputs or operations of any natural or artificial system in order to construct a history or future of events. (Source: APD / RHW)

105354 monitoring technique

Techniques employed in the process of checking, observing and measuring events, processes or physical, chemical, biological and environmental phenomena. (Source: ZINZANa / DUNSTEa)

105357 monopoly

The market condition where a particular commodity or service has only one seller, either because the seller has exclusive possession of an essential input or because large economies of scale inhibit the entrance of a competitor into the market. (Source: ODE)

105360 monument

An object, especially large and made of stone, built to remember and show respect to a person or group of people, or a special place made for this purpose. (Source: CAMB)

105362 moor

A tract of unenclosed waste ground, usually covered with heather, coarse grass, bracken, and moss. (Source: CED)

105364 moral persuasion

Appealing to the ethical principles or beliefs of an adversary or the public to convince the adversary to change behavior or attitudes. (Source: MLK)

105369 morphology

The branch of biology concerned with the form and structure of organisms. (Source: CED)

105371 mortality

The number of deaths occurring in a given population for a given period of time. (Source: MGH)

114906 mosaic

A composite photograph consisting of separate aerial photographs of overlapping surface areas, producing an overall image of a surface area too large to be depicted in a single aerial photograph. (Source: OED / WHIT)

105377 moss

Any plant of the class Bryophyta, occurring in nearly all damp habitats. (Source: MGH)

111007 motivation of administrative acts

The underlying reason or cause, a psychological or social factor, that incites or stimulates managers, executives or supervisors to complete tasks that achieve organizational or company goals. (Source: OED)

105388 motor fuel

Any gaseous or liquid flammable fuel that burns in an internal combustion engine. (Source: ZINZANa)

105390 motor vehicle

A road vehicle driven by a motor or engine, especially an internal-combustion engine. (Source: CED)

105391 motor vehicle emission

The formation and discharge of gaseous and particulate pollutants into the environment chiefly from car, truck and bus exhaust. (Source: DDP)