Any marine environment, from pond to ocean, in which plants and animals interact with the chemical and physical features of the environment. (Source: GILP96)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 158 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Elwen SH, Tonachella N, Barendse J, Collins T, Best PB, Rosenbaum HC, Leeney RH, Gridley T 2014. Humpback whales off Namibia: occurrence, seasonality, and a regional comparison of photographic catalogs and scarring. Journal of Mammalogy 95 (5) 1064-1076
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Humpback whales off Namibia.pdf 588.48 KB
2010. Namibia Coastal/Marine Bird News. (January 2010)
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Namibia Coastal-Marine Bird News 10 Jan 2010.pdf 1.03 MB
2008. Namibia Coastal/Marine Bird News. (May 2008)
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Namibia Coastal-Marine Bird News 1 May 08.pdf 438.45 KB
2008. Namibia Coastal/Marine Bird News. (September 2008)
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Namibia Coastal-Marine Bird News 4 Sep 08.pdf 582.2 KB
de Lourdes Sardinha M 2000. The Marine Environment in Angola: Threats and Methods of Management. From A to B to Sea 8-9
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 2007. Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa (ODINAFRICA).
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Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa.pdf 1.91 MB
de Young C, Hjort A, Sheridan S, Davies S 2011. Climate change implications for fisheries of the Benguela current region: Making the best of change. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings. No. 27. Rome, FAO. 2012. 125 pp
Penrith MJ 1980. Three additions to the marine fish fauna of southern Africa. Madoqua 12 (1) 59-62
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Three additions to the marine fish fauna of southern Africa.pdf 512.58 KB
Lawson GW, John DM, Price JH 1975. The marine algal flora of Angola: its distribution and affinities. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 70 (4) 307-324
Hutchings L, Verheye HM, Huggett JA, Demarq H, Cloete R, Barlow RG, Louw D, da Silva A 2006. 6 Variability of plankton with reference to fish variability in the Benguela current large marine ecosystem — An overview. Large Marine Ecosystems 14 91-124
Harris L, Holness S, Nel R, Lombard AT, Schoeman D 2013. Intertidal habitat composition and regional-scale shoreline morphology along the Benguela coast. Journal of Coastal Conservation 17 (1) 143-154
Karrer L, Beldia IIP, Dennison B, Dominici A, Dutra G, English C, Gunawan T, Hastings J, Katz L, Kelty R, McField M, Nunez E, Obura D, Ortiz F, Quesada M, Sivo L, Stone G 2011. Science-to-Action Guidebook.
Taljaard S, Monteiro PS, Botes WAM 2006. Structured ecosystem-scale approach to marine water quality management. Water SA 32 (4) 535 - 542
Kohler SA, Wiesel I, Roux J-P, Kemper J, Underhill LG 2012. Marine nutrients imports to the Namib desert through large terrestrial carnivores and wind-blown detritus on the southern Namibian coast. Diamond Route Research Conference, 30 -31 October 2012
Mecenero S, Underhill LG, Krakstad J-E, Kirkman SP, Roux J-P 2007. Overlap in utilization of juvenile Cape horse mackerel by Cape fur seals and the purse-seine fishery in Namibia. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 37 (1) 17-29
Wasmund N, Struck U, Hansen A, Flohr A, Nausch G, Grüttmüller A, Voss M 2015. Missing nitrogen fixation in the Benguela region. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 1 30-41
Louw DC, van der Plas AK, Mohrholz V, Wasmund N, Junker T, Eggert A 2016. Seasonal and interannual phytoplankton dynamics and forcing mechanisms in the Northern Benguela upwelling system. Journal of Marine Systems 157 124-134