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The keyword system used is based on GEMET (GEneral Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus) - a thesaurus system developed for the European Topic Centre on Catalogue of Data Sources and the European Environment Agency. It contains over 5,000 keywords, organised in a hierarchical structure under 40 themes.

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Keyword Description Used by how many records
102744 energy storage

Amount of energy reserves; often refers to the stocks of non-renewable fuel, such as oil, which a nation, for example, possesses. (Source: PHC)

102746 energy supply

The provision and storage of energy (the capacity to do work or produce a change), or the amount of energy stored, for the use of a municipality, or other energy user. (Source: ISEP / FFD)

102747 energy technology [No description is listed]

102748 energy type

According to the source, energy can be classified as hydroenergy, solar energy, tidal energy, wind energy, waves energy, geothermal energy, etc.. According to the type of fuel used for its production, energy can be classified as nuclear energy, coal derived energy, petroleum derived energy, biomass derived energy, etc. (Source: RRDA)

102749 energy utilisation

No definition needed.

102751 energy utilisation pattern [No description is listed]

102753 enforcement

The execution, carrying out or putting into effect an order, regulation, law or official decree. (Source: BLD)

102754 engine

A machine in which power is applied to do work by the conversion of various forms of energy into mechanical force and motion. (Source: MGH)

112586 engineering

The science by which the properties of matter and the sources of power in nature are made useful to humans in structures, machines, and products. (Source: MGH)

111272 engineering work

No definition needed.

110228 English garden

A plot of ground consisting of an orderly and balanced arrangement of masses of flowers, shrubs and trees, following British traditions or style. (Source: CBO)

102755 enlargement policy [No description is listed]

102756 enlargement programme [No description is listed]

102758 enriched uranium

Uranium whose concentration of uranium-235, which is able to sustain a nuclear chain reaction, is increased by removing uranium-238. (Source: ALL)

102759 enrichment

The process of increasing the abundance of a specified isotope in a mixture of isotopes. It is usually applied to an increase in the proportion of U-235, or the addition of Pu-239 to natural uranium for use in a nuclear reactor or weapon. (Source: DICCHE)

111852 enterovirus

Any of a subgroup of the picornaviruses infecting the gastrointestinal tract and discharged in feces, including coxsackieviruses, echoviruses, and polioviruses; may be involved in respiratory disease, meningitis, and neurological disease. (Source: KOREN)

102944 environment

A concept which includes all aspects of the surroundings of humanity, affecting individuals and social groupings. The European Union has defined the environment as \the combination of elements whose complex interrelationships make up the settings the surroundings and the conditions of life of the individual and of society as they are or as they are felt. The environment thus includes the built environment the natural environment and all natural resources including air land and water. It also includes the surroundings of the workplace. (Source: GILP96)

102943 environment friendly

Human activities, enterprises or products that reinforce rather than undermine the integrity of the ecosystem. (Source: FLG)

111071 environment market [No description is listed]

102766 environmental accident

An unexpected occurrence, failure or loss, with the potential for harming the ecosystem or natural resources. (Source: TOE / HMD)

102767 environmental accounting [No description is listed]

110012 environmental administration institution

A central government organization that has authority or oversight over government activity relating to the preservation and safeguarding of ecological or natural resources. (Source: BLD / TOE)

110191 environmental analysis

No definition needed.

102771 environmental anxiety [No description is listed]

102773 environmental aspect of human settlements

Human settlements have an adverse impact on many ecosystems and on themselves by the addition of toxic or harmful substances to the outer lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. The major types of environmental pollutants are sewage, trace metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, synthetic organic compounds, and gaseous emissions. Most, if not all, of the additions of potentially harmful substances to the environment are result of the population growth and the technological advances of industrial societies. (Source: PARCORa)

102774 environmental assessment

The evaluation or appraisal of ecological or natural resources. (Source: RHW)

102775 environmental assessment criterion

Principle or standard for the evaluation or appraisal of ecological or natural resources. (Source: ISEP / RHW)

102776 environmental auditing

An assessment of the nature and extent of any harm or detriment, or any possible harm or detriment, that may be inflicted on any aspect of the environment by any activity process, development programme, or any product, chemical, or waste substance. Audits may be designed to: verify or otherwise comply with environmental requirements; evaluate the effectiveness of existing environmental management systems; assess risks generally; or assist in planning for future improvements in environment protection and pollution control (Source: GILP96)

102778 environmental awareness

The growth and development of awareness, understanding and consciousness toward the biophysical environment and its problems, including human interactions and effects. Thinking ecologically or in terms of an ecological consciousness. (Source: UNUN)

102779 environmental balance

Final part of the environmental impact study and assessment which compares environmental costs and benefits on the basis of homogeneous criteria. (Source: AMBPIAa)

102782 environmental change

Changes that may take place in ecosystems, climate, soil, habitats, etc. due to pressures of various origin. (Source: RRDA)

102783 environmental chemicals legislation [No description is listed]

102784 environmental chemistry

Science dealing with the physical, chemical and biochemical processes that polluting substances undergo when introduced in the environment. (Source: DIZAMB)

110255 environmental citizenship

The state, character or behavior of a person viewed as a member of the ecosystem with attendant rights and responsibilities, especially the responsibility to maintain ecological integrity and the right to exist in a healthy environment. (Source: TOE / RHW)

102786 environmental compatibility

Condition of products or projects of having a reduced impact or burden on the natural environment. (Source: RRDA)

102789 environmental consequence

Resultant of natural or man-made perturbations of the physical, chemical or biological components making up the environment. (Source: LANDY)

102790 environmental conservation

Efforts and activities to maintain and sustain those attributes in natural and urban environments which are essential both to human physical and mental health and to enjoyment of life. (Source: UNUN)

102793 environmental contingency planning

The production of an organized, programmatic and coordinated course of action to be followed in the case of some accident, disaster or occurrence threatening an ecosystem and the human health or natural resources within it. (Source: TOE)

102795 environmental control

Protection of the environment through policies concerning the control of wastes, the improvement of the human-made environment, the protection of heritage values, the institution of national parks and reserves, the protection of fauna and flora, the conservation of forests and landscapes, etc. (Source: GILP96a)

102796 environmental cost

Expenses incurred as a result of some violation of ecological integrity either by an enterprise that implements a program to rectify the situation, or by society or the ecosystem as a whole when no person or enterprise is held liable. (Source: IEC / ECH)

102797 environmental crime

Unlawful acts against the environment, such as water contamination, hazardous waste disposal, air contamination, unpermitted installation of plants, oil spills, etc. (Source: AZENPa)

102798 environmental criminal law

The aggregate of statutory enactments pertaining to actions or instances of ecological negligence deemed injurious to public welfare or government interests and legally prohibited. (Source: RHW)

105809 environmental criminality

Unlawful acts against the environment, such as water contamination, hazardous waste disposal, air contamination, unpermitted installation of plants, oil spills, etc. (Source: AZENPa)

102799 environmental criterion

Standards of physical, chemical or biological (but sometimes including social, aesthetic, etc.) components that define a given quality of an environment. (Source: LANDY)

102801 environmental culture

The total of learned behavior, attitudes, practices and knowledge that a society has with respect to maintaining or protecting its natural resources, the ecosystem and all other external conditions affecting human life. (Source: ANT / TOE)

102802 environmental damage

Harm done to the environment, e.g. loss of wetlands, pollution of rivers, etc. (Source: PHC)

102803 environmental data

Information concerning the state or condition of the environment. (Source: RRDA)

102805 environmental development

The growth, progress or advancement in matters of ecological concern. (Source: ISEP)

102938 environmental economic valuation

The assessment, evaluation, or appraisal of business performance in matters involving ecology and finances. (Source: OED)

102811 environmental economics

A recognized field of specialization in the discipline of Economics that embraces the issues of pollution control and environment protection, in which costs and benefits are difficult or impossible to estimate, much of the subject matter falling outside the competitive market system. Yet, it is an area in which immense common property resources need to be allocated sensibly to the overall public good. The subject is also very much concerned with ways and means to achieve this sensible allocation such as emission and effluent charges, user charges for the treatment or disposal of waste, environmental taxes, product charges, deposit refunds, tradeable pollution rights, performance bonds, natural resource accounting, and the economic implications of sustainable development. (Source: GILP96)

113184 environmental economics of firms

The use of financial resources for the purpose of incorporating ecological principles in the operations of businesses and companies. (Source: ISEP / RHW)

102810 environmental economy issue

A matter of public importance involving both a community's or a country's management of financial resources and its protection of natural resources. (Source: RHW / OED)

102814 environmental education

The educational process that deals with the human interrelationships with the environment and that utilizes an interdisciplinary problem-solving approach with value clarification. Concerned with education progress of knowledge, understanding, attitudes, skills, and commitment for environmental problems and considerations. The need for environmental education is continuous, because each new generation needs to learn conservation for itself. (Source: UNUN)

110133 environmental engineering

Branch of engineering concerned with the environment and its proper management. The major environmental engineering disciplines regard water supply, wastewater, stormwater, solid waste, hazardous waste, noise radiology, industrial hygiene, oceanography and the like. (Source: PORT)

102817 environmental enterprise

Organisations that are specialized in providing advice on environmental matters, for example investigation and remediation of potentially polluted land, water and air, and in the evaluation of environmental impacts; they employ professionals with the qualifications of engineering, geology, chemistry, hydrogeology, landscaping, environmental economics, etc. (Source: GRAHAWa)

102818 environmental ethics

An ecological conscience or moral that reflects a commitment and responsibility toward the environment, including plants and animals as well as present and future generations of people. Oriented toward human societies living in harmony with the natural world on which they depend for survival and well being. (Source: UNUN)

102870 environmental friendly procurement

The process of obtaining products and services which are favorably disposed toward the environment. (Source: RHW)

102821 environmental fund

Financial resources set aside for measures involving ecological maintenance or the protection, defense, or shelter of natural resources. (Source: ISEP / OED)

102823 environmental hazard

A physical or chemical agent capable of causing harm to the ecosystem or natural resources. (Source: FFD)

102824 environmental health

The art and science of the protection of good health, the prevention of disease and injury through the control of positive environmental factors, and the reduction of potential physical, biological, chemical and radiological hazards. (Source: KOREN)

102825 environmental health hazard

Any physical, chemical or other agent capable of causing harm to the interrelationship between humans and the surrounding external conditions, threatening both human well-being and ecological integrity. (Source: TOE)

102826 environmental health impact assessment

Assessment of impacts caused by an action on the health conditions of a population. (Source: RRDA)

102827 environmental health protection

Measures or devices designed to reduce the risk of harm to human health posed by pollutants or other threatening conditions in the ecosystem. (Source: TOE)

102828 environmental history

A systematic and chronological account of past events and conditions relating to the ecosystem, its natural resources or, more generally, the external factors surrounding and affecting human life. (Source: TOE)

102829 environmental impact

Any alteration of environmental conditions or creation of a new set of environmental conditions, adverse or beneficial, caused or induced by the action or set of actions under consideration. (Source: LANDY)

102830 environmental impact assessment

Analysis and judgement of the effects upon the environment, both temporary and permanent, of a significant development or project. It must also consider the social consequences and alternative actions. (Source: BRACK)

4, 541
102831 environmental impact of agriculture

Agricultural activities have significant impacts on water quality, including increases in stream sedimentation from erosion, and increases in nutrients, pesticides, and salt concentrations in runoff. In certain regions, the misuse of pesticides has led to the development of pesticide-resistant strains of pests, destroyed natural predators, killed local wildlife, and contaminated human water supplies. Improper application of fertilizers has changed the types of vegetation and fish types inhabiting nearby waterways and rivers. (Source: RAU / WPR)

102832 environmental impact of aquaculture

Fish farming pollutes the water with nutrients, methane and hydrogen sulphide which threaten both farmed fish and other marine life. Dangerous pesticides have been used to treat infestations of sea lice. (Source: WPR)

102833 environmental impact of energy

Energy and environmental problems are closely related, since it is nearly impossible to produce, transport, or consume energy without significant environmental impact. The environmental problems directly related to energy production and consumption include air pollution, water pollution, thermal pollution, and solid waste disposal. The emission of air pollutants from fossil fuel combustion is the major cause of urban air pollution. Diverse water pollution problems are associated with energy usage. One major problem is oil spills. In all petroleum-handling operations, there is a finite probability of spilling oil either on the earth or in a body of water. Coal mining can also pollute water. Changes in groundwater flow produced by mining operations often bring otherwise unpolluted waters into contact with certain mineral materials which are leached from the soil and produce an acid mine drainage. Solid waste is also a by-product of some forms of energy usage. Coal mining requires the removal of large quantities of earth as well as coal. In general, environmental problems increase with energy use and this combined with the limited energy resource base is the crux of the energy crisis. An energy impact assessment should compare these costs with the benefits to be derived from energy use. (Source: RAU)

102834 environmental impact of fishing

Fishing may have various negative effects on the environment: effluent and waste from fish farms may damage wild fish, seals, and shellfish. Fish farmers use tiny quantities of highly toxic chemicals to kill lice: one overdose could be devastating. So-called by-catches, or the incidental taking of non-commercial species in drift nets, trawling operations and long line fishing is responsible for the death of large marine animals and one factor in the threatened extinction of some species. Some fishing techniques, like the drift nets, yield not only tons of fish but kill millions of birds, whales and seals and catch millions of fish not intended. Small net holes often capture juvenile fish who never have a chance to reproduce. Some forms of equipment destroy natural habitats, for example bottom trawling may destroy natural reefs. Other destructive techniques are illegal dynamite and cyanide fishing. (Source: WPR)

102835 environmental impact of forestry

The world's forestry resources are shrinking at an alarming rate. The need for foreign exchange encourages many developing countries to cut timber faster than forests can be regenerated. This overcutting not only depletes the resource that underpins the world timber trade, it causes loss of forest-based livelihoods, increases soil erosion and downstream flooding, and accelerates the loss of species and genetic resources. (Source: WPR)

102836 environmental impact of households

Household impacts on the environment include domestic heating emissions (hot air, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, water vapour and oxide of nitrogen, sulphur and other trace gases); domestic sewage consisting of human bodily discharges, water from kitchens, bathrooms and laundries; the dumping of bulky wastes such as old washing machines, refrigerators, cars and other objects that will not fit into the standard dustbin and which are often dumped about the countryside, etc. (Source: WPR / GILP96)

102837 environmental impact of industry

The effects on the environment connected with industrial activities are mainly related to the production of industrial wastes that can be divided into various types: solid waste, such as dust particles or slag from coal; liquid wastes from various processes, including radioactive coolants from power stations; and gas wastes, largely produced by the chemical industry. (Source: RRDA)

102838 environmental impact of recreation

Recreation and tourism are often accompanied by extensive damage to the environment. Aquatic ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to the effects of an increased tourist trade and the resultant building of hotel accommodations, sewage disposal works, roads, car parks and landing jetties on banks and coastlines; and the increased angling, swimming, water skiing, shooting or use of motor-boats in the water body. These all produce direct deleterious effects when conducted on a massive scale, including shore damage, chemical changes in the water, and sediments and biological changes in the plant and animal communities. (Source: WPR)

102839 environmental impact of tourism

Extensive damage to the environment caused by recreation and tourism, including despoiling of coastlines by construction of tourist facilities; pollution of the sea; loss of historic buildings to make way for tourist facilities; loss of agricultural land for airport development, etc. (Source: WPR)

102840 environmental impact of transport

Impact of transportation-related activities on the environment, in particular, those impacts dealing with air pollution, noise, displacement of people and businesses, disruption of wildlife habitats, and overall growth-inducing effects. (Source: RAU)

102841 environmental impact statement

A detailed statement which, to the fullest extent possible, identifies and analyses, among other things, the anticipated environmental impact of a proposed action and discusses how the adverse effects will be mitigated. (Source: LANDY)

102844 environmental impact study

Survey conducted to ascertain the conditions of a site prior to the realization of a project, to analyze its possible impacts and compensative measures. (Source: RRDA)

102845 environmental incentive [No description is listed]

102848 environmental index

An index of available environmental articles from 1972 to present; also known as Environmental Abstract Annual. (Source: KOREN)

102847 environmental indicator

A measurement, statistic or value that provides a proximate gauge or evidence of the effects of environmental management programs or of the state or condition of the environment. (Source: EPAGLO)

102849 environmental industry

Industries involved in the development of cleaner technologies, waste and wastewater treatment, recycling processes, biotechnology processes, catalysts, membranes, desulphurisation plants, noise reduction, and the manufacture of other products having an environment protection purpose. (Source: DOBRIS)

102850 environmental informatics

Science and techniques of data elaboration and of computer processing of information concerning ecosystems and ecology. (Source: ISEP / TOE)

102851 environmental information

Knowledge communicated or received concerning any aspect of the ecosystem, the natural resources within it or, more generally, the external factors surrounding and affecting human life. (Source: TOE)

102852 environmental information network

A system of interrelated persons and devices linked to permit the exchange of data or knowledge concerning natural resources, human health and other ecological matters. (Source: ISEP / TOE)

102853 environmental information system

A coordinated assemblage of people, devices or other resources designed to exchange data or knowledge concerning any aspect of the ecosystem, the natural resources within or, more generally, the external factors surrounding and affecting human life. (Source: TOE / RHW)

102856 environmental investment

Securities held for the production of income in the form of interest and dividends with the aim of benefitting the environment. (Source: ISEP / EFP)

102859 environmental law

A wide spectrum of options from binding hard laws such as international treaties and national legislation to soft laws covering guiding principles recommended practices and procedures and standards. Environmental law also attempts to reconcile international considerations with concerns that focus on very specific problems such as soil degradation marine pollution or the depletion of non-renewable resources. (Source: WRIGHT)

102860 environmental law enforcement

Any variety of activities associated with promoting compliance and obedience to those binding rules of a state that have been promulgated to safeguard ecological integrity, preserve natural resources and protect human health. (Source: BLD / TOE)

102862 environmental legislation

Branch of law relating to pollution control; national parks, wildlife, fauna and flora, wilderness and biodiversity; environmental and occupational health; environmental planning; heritage conservation and a large number of international conventions relating to the environment. (Source: GILP96)

102863 environmental legislation on agriculture

A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate any aspect of farm and livestock production that poses a threat to ecological integrity and human health, especially the use of pesticides, fertilizers and land. (Source: TOE / BLD)

102864 environmental legislative process

The systematic course of proceedings in which a bill that would preserve or protect ecological resources may be enacted as a law. (Source: ODE)

102865 environmental liability

The penalty to be paid by an organization for the damage caused by pollution and restoration necessary as a result of that damage, whether by accidental spillages from tankers, industrial waste discharges into waterways or land, or deliberate or accidental release of radioactive materials. (Source: WRIGHT)

102866 environmental licence

A governmental license or grant that allows and regulates an enterprise's discharge of air pollutants, typically from a commercial or industrial plant. (Source: BLD / TOE)

102877 environmental management

Measures and controls which are directed at environmental conservation, the rational and sustainable allocation and utilization of natural resources, the optimization of interrelations between society and the environment, and the improvement of human welfare for present and future generations. (Source: UNUN)

102880 environmental medicine

The art and science of the protection of good health, the promotion of aesthetic values, the prevention of disease and injury through the control of positive environmental factors, and the reduction of potential physical, biological, chemical, and radiological hazards. (Source: KOREN)

102881 environmental misconduct [No description is listed]

102882 environmental monitoring

Periodic and/or continued measuring, evaluating, and determining environmental parameters and/or pollution levels in order to prevent negative and damaging effects to the environment. Also include the forecasting of possible changes in ecosystem and/or the biosphere as a whole. (Source: UNUN)

102884 environmental noise

The sound and the characteristics of sounds from all sources in the surrounding environment. (Source: CONFER)

110818 environmental occupation

Gainful employment or job-related activity pertaining to ecological concerns, including the preservation of natural resources and the integrity of the ecosystem. (Source: TOE)

102886 environmental perception

An intuitive recognition or understanding of the ecosystem and its natural resources, often based on human experiences or cultural attitudes or beliefs. (Source: RHW / HMO)

102887 environmental performance [No description is listed]

102890 environmental plan

A formulated or systematic method for the protection of natural or ecological resources. (Source: OED)

102889 environmental planning

The identification of desirable objectives for the physical environment, including social and economic objectives, and the creation of administrative procedures and programmes to meet those objectives. (Source: GILP96)

11 Environmental policy [No description is listed]

102892 environmental policy

Official statements of principles, intentions, values, and objective which are based on legislation and the governing authority of a state and which serve as a guide for the operations of governmental and private activities in environmental affairs. (Source: UNUN)

102893 environmental policy instrument

Technological, economical and legislative measures employed to prevent or control pollution or damage of the environment. (Source: DIZAMB)

102895 environmental pollution

The introduction by man into the environment of substances or energy liable to cause hazards to human health, harm to living resources and ecological systems, damage to structure or amenity, or interference with legitimate uses of the environment. (Source: GRAHAW)

102896 environmental priority [No description is listed]

113187 environmental problem solving

The activity of finding solutions for troublesome or perplexing situations involving ecological or natural resources. (Source: OED)

102897 environmental programme

An organized group of activities and procedures, often run by a government agency or a nonprofit organization, to protect natural or ecological resources and advocate for ecological progress. (Source: RHW)

102900 environmental protection

Measures and controls to prevent damage and degradation of the environment, including the sustainability of its living resources. (Source: UNUN)

102769 environmental protection advice

Consultations or recommendations given as a guide of action regarding the preservation of ecological integrity and the defense or shelter of natural resources. (Source: RHW)

102901 environmental protection agency

EPA is the US Government's watchdog agency responsible for controlling the pollution of air and water, pesticides, radiation hazards and noise pollution. The agency is also involved in research to examine the effects of pollution. (Source: WRIGHT)

102902 environmental protection association

Associations whose object resides in the protection of natural environment. (Source: RRDA)

102903 environmental protection cost

The amount of money incurred in the preservation, defense, or shelter of natural resources. (Source: EFP / OED)

102905 environmental protection in the enterprise

Precautionary actions, procedures or installations undertaken by non-governmental, business or industrial entities to prevent or reduce harm to the ecosystem and human health. (Source: TOE / RHW)

102907 environmental protection order [No description is listed]

102908 environmental protection organisation

A government agency, committee or group that is responsible for preserving and safeguarding ecological or natural resources. (Source: TOE)

102909 environmental protection regulation

A government or management prescribed rule for the preservation of natural resources and the prevention of damage or degradation of the ecosystem. (Source: BLD / ISEP)

102910 environmental protection technology

Technologies that meet environmental objectives by incorporating pollution prevention concepts in their design. Environmental control strategies introduced in the early design stages of a process, rather than an end-of-pipe control option introduced in the later stages, improve the technical and economic performance of a process. (Source: ENVAR)

102911 environmental psychology

A branch of experimental psychology which studies the relationships between behavior and the environmental context in which it occurs. Environmental psychology's primary focus is the influence of the physical environment and, therefore, much of the research in this area deals with the influences of noise, air pollution, climatic changes, etc. (Source: JMU)

102912 environmental quality

Properties and characteristics of the environment, either generalized or local, as they impinge on human beings and other organisms. Environmental quality is a general term which can refer to: varied characteristics such as air and water purity or pollution, noise, access to open space, and the visual effects of buildings, and the potential effects which such characteristics may have on physical and mental health. (Source: LANDY)

102913 environmental quality criterion

Criteria followed in establishing standards for exposure to pollutants and noise, in respect of pesticides, detergents, composition of effluents, discharge of trade wastes, etc. (Source: GILP96a)

102914 environmental quality objective [No description is listed]

102915 environmental quality standard

Normative documents and guidelines for determining the degree of environmental conditions and requirements to avoid negative and damaging effects, influences, and consequences. (Source: UNUN)

102917 environmental report

An account or statement, usually in writing, describing in detail events, situations or conditions pertaining to the ecosystem, its natural resources or any of the external factors surrounding and affecting human life. (Source: TOE)

102918 environmental research

The study of the environment and its modifications caused by human activities. (Source: DIFID)

102921 environmental risk

Likelihood, or probability, of injury, disease, or death resulting from exposure to a potential environmental hazard. (Source: RRDA)

102920 environmental risk assessment

Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the risk posed to the environment by the actual or potential presence and/or use of specific pollutants. (Source: OPPTIN)

114717 environmental sanitation [No description is listed]

102922 environmental science

The interdisciplinary study of environmental problems, within the framework of established physical and biological principles, i.e. oriented toward a scientific approach. (Source: UNUN)

102923 environmental security

Measures taken or policies instituted to protect and promote the safety of external conditions affecting the life, development and survival of an organism. (Source: TOE)

102924 environmental specimen bank

Places in which selected specimens (fish, mussels, milk, soil sample and human tissue, etc.) are stored without being allowed to decompose. (Source: AZENP)

102925 environmental statement (eco-audit)

Assessment made by a company or organization of the financial benefits and disadvantages to be derived from adopting a more environmentally sound policy. (Source: PHC)

102926 environmental statistics

No definition needed.

102927 environmental stock exchange

The buying, selling, or exchanging of ecological commodities. (Source: OED)

112994 environmental study

A document submitted by an applicant in support of an undertaking which identifies the environmental impacts of the proposed undertaking and its alternatives. (Source: LANDY)

102928 environmental subsidy

Payment by a government to assist or improve performance regarding ecological maintenance or the protection, defense, or shelter of natural resources. (Source: ODE)

102772 environmental sustainable architecture

Environmentally friendly architecture is based on the following five principles: 1) healthful interior environment; 2) energy efficiency; 3) ecologically benign materials; 4) environmental form; 5) good design. (Source: ARCH)

102929 environmental target

Environmental elements of recognized importance which can be modified by the completion of a project. (Source: RRDA)

103757 environmental tax

An amount of money demanded by a government to finance clean-up, prevention, reduction, enforcement or educational efforts intended to promote ecological integrity and the conservation of natural resources. (Source: ODE / TOE)

102931 environmental teaching

Instruction, training or the imparting of knowledge about the external conditions affecting the life, development and survival of organisms, including potential dangers to the ecosystem and the means to maintain its integrity. (Source: TOE / RHW)

102932 environmental technology [No description is listed]

102934 environmental terminology

The vocabulary of technical terms and usage appropriate to community, corporate, governmental and other groups concerned with protecting natural resources, preserving the integrity of the ecosystem and safeguarding human health. (Source: ISEP / TOE)

102936 environmental training

Teaching of specialists and qualified workers who acquire knowledge and skills necessary to solve environmental problems. (Source: UNUN)

102940 environmental vandalism [No description is listed]

102941 environmental warfare

The direct manipulation or destruction of ecological resources as either a political threat or for actual military advantage. (Source: BAS)

102857 environmentalism

1) Concern for the environment and its protection. 2) Theory emphasizing the primary influence of the environment on the development of groups or individuals. It stresses the importance of the physical, biological, psychological, or cultural environment as a factor influencing the structure or behaviour of animals, including humans. In politics, this has given rise in many countries to Green Parties, which aim to Preserve the planet and its people.

102869 environmentally dangerous substance

Substance that causes undesirable change in the physical, chemical, or biological characteristics of the air, water, or land that can harmfully affect the health, survival, or activities of human or other living organisms. (Source: VIRPURa)

102872 environmentally friendly management

Adoption of integrated and preventative management practices aiming at reducing the impacts of industrial and trade activities on the environment; these practices include, among others, life-cycle analysis in the product development cycle, the introduction of clean process technology and measures of waste minimisation. (Source: DOBRIS)

102871 environmentally friendly product

Product that is not harmful to the environment. (Source: PHC)

102873 environmentally related disease [No description is listed]

102874 environmentally responsible behaviour [No description is listed]

102876 environmentally unfriendly firm

Firms that do not comply with environmental regulations for the disposal of noxious wastes generated during the production cycle. (Source: RRDA)

102945 enzyme

Any of a group of catalytic proteins that are produced by living cells and that mediate and promote the chemical processes of life without themselves being altered or destroyed. (Source: MGH)

102947 epidemic

A sudden increase in the incidence rate of a disease to a value above normal, affecting large numbers of people and spread over a wide area. (Source: MGH)

102949 epidemiology

1) The study of the mass aspects of disease. 2) The study of the occurrence and distribution of disease and injury specified by person, place, and time. (Source: MGH / KOREN)

112062 equatorial climate

Climate characterized by constant temperatures, abundant rainfall and a very short dry season. (Source: RAMADE)

102955 equine

Animals belonging to the family of Equidae. (Source: ZINZAN)

102956 equipment

Any collection of materials, supplies or apparatuses stored, furnished or provided for an undertaking or activity. (Source: RHW)

111248 equipment plan

A formulated or systematic method for the supply of material necessities such as tools, gear, provisions or furnishings. (Source: OED / ISEP)

102958 equivalent dose

A quantity used in radiation protection, expressing all radiation on a common scale for calculating the effective absorbed dose. The unit of dose equivalent is the rem. which is numerically equal to the absorbed dose in rads multiplied by certain modifying factors such as the quality factor, the distribution factor, etc. (Source: KOREN)

102960 ergonomics

The study of human capability and psychology in relation to the working environment and the equipment operated by the worker. (Source: MGH)

102963 erosion

The general process or the group of processes whereby the materials of Earth's crust are loosened , dissolved, or worn away and simultaneously moved from one place to another, by natural agencies, which include weathering, solution, corrosion, and transportation, but usually exclude mass wasting. (Source: BJGEO)

102964 erosion control

Practices used during construction or other land disturbing activities to reduce or prevent soil erosion. Typical practices include planting of trees and quick growing grass on disturbed areas and other means to slow the movement of water across a disturbed site and trap the soil that does get transported by runoff. (Source: YORK)

113275 estate rental

The service provided by an owner agreeing to grant the temporary possession of specific housing in return for the payment of rent from the tenant. (Source: RHW)

102969 estuarine biology

The scientific study or the characteristic life processes of living organisms found in a semi-enclosed coastal body of water which has a free connection with the open sea and within which sea water is measurably diluted with freshwater. (Source: WOR / MHE / APD)

102970 estuarine conservation area

Estuarine area which has been reserved by legislation to protect part or all of the enclosed environment for conservation, scientific, educational and/or recreational purposes. (Source: ENVAUa)

102972 estuarine ecosystem [No description is listed]

102973 estuarine oceanography

The study of the physical, chemical, biological and geological characteristics of a semi-enclosed coastal body of water which has a free connection with the open sea and within which sea water is measurably diluted with fresh water. (Source: MHE / APD)

102974 estuary

Area at the mouth of a river where it broadens into the sea, and where fresh and sea water intermingle to produce brackish water. The estuarine environment is very rich in wildlife, particularly aquatic, but it is very vulnerable to damage as a result of the actions of humans. (Source: WRIGHT)

112183 estuary pollution

Contamination of the generally broad portion of a stream near its outlet which is influenced by the tide of the water body into which it flows. Many estuaries have become badly contaminated by wastes that have been generated from heavily populated areas.

102977 etching

The incision of lines on a plate of metal, glass, or other material by covering it with an acid-resistant coating, scratching through the coating, and then permitting an acid bath to erode exposed parts of the plate. (Source: MGH)

102978 etching substance

Substance capable of wearing away the surface of a metal, glass, etc. by chemical action. (Source: CEDa)

112017 ethanol

A colorless liquid, miscible with water, used as a reagent and solvent. Also known as alcohol; ethyl alcohol; grain alcohol. (Source: MGH)

102979 ether

A colorless liquid, slightly soluble in water; used as a reagent, intermediate, anesthetic, and solvent. (Source: MGH)

102980 ethics

The philosophical study of the moral value of human conduct and of the rules and principles that ought to govern it. (Source: AMHER)

102982 ethnology

The science that deals with the study of the origin, distribution, and relations of races or ethnic groups of mankind. (Source: MGH)

102984 ethology

The study of animal behaviour in a natural context. (Source: MGH)

102989 EU Council

The Council of the European Union is an institution which exercises legislative and decision-making powers. At the same time, it is the forum in which the representatives of the Governments of the 15 Member States can assert their interests and try to reach compromises. The Council ensures general coordination of the activities of the European Community, the main objective of which is the establishment of an internal market, i.e. an area without internal frontiers guaranteeing four freedoms of movement - for goods, persons, services and capital - to which should soon be added a single currency. In addition, the Council is responsible for intergovernmental cooperation, in common foreign and security policy (CFSP) and in the areas of justice and home affairs (JHA), including for example matters of immigration and asylum, combating terrorism and drugs and judicial cooperation. (Source: UEEU)

102991 Euratom

A precursor to the European Community, the European Atomic Energy Community was founded in 1958 by the European Common Market to conduct research, develop nuclear energy, create a common market for nuclear fuels and supervise the nuclear industry so as to prevent abuse and protect health. (Source: ERD)

102992 Europe

The second smallest continent, forming the W extension of Eurasia: the border with Asia runs from the Urals to the Caspian and the Black Sea. The coastline is generally extremely indented and there are several peninsulas (notably Scandinavia, Italy and Iberia) and offshore islands (including the British Isles and Iceland). It contains a series of great mountain systems in the south (Pyrenees, Alps, Apennines, Carpathians, Caucasus), a large central plain, and a N region of lakes and mountains in Scandinavia. (Source: CED)

102993 European Commission

The European Union's administrative body, composed of twenty independent members appointed by the Member States for five-year terms and vested with powers of initiative, implementation, management and control according to the mandates established in EU Treaties or handed down by the EU Council. (Source: EUR)

101669 European Communities

The collective body that resulted in 1967 from the merger of the administrative networks of the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM), the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), and the European Economic Community (EEC). The singular term has also been widely used. (Source: ABDN)

102996 European Court of Justice

The supreme court of The European Union which oversees the application of the EU treaties, decides upon the validity and the meaning of Community legislation and determines whether any act or omission by the European Commission, the Council of Minister or any member state constitutes a breach of Community law. (Source: EUEN / DICLAW)

102997 European Environment Agency

The EEA is being set up to provide the European Community and its member states with objective, reliable and standardized information on the environment. It will assess the success of existing environmental policies and the data will be used to develop new policies for environmental protection measures. It will gather information covering the present, and foreseeable, state of the environment. The priority area are: air quality and emissions; water quality, pollutants and resources; soil quality, flora and fauna, and biotopes; land use and natural resources; waste management; noise pollution; chemicals; and protection of coastal areas. The Agency will also take into account the socio-economics dimension, cover transboundary and international matters, and avoid the duplication of the activities of other bodies. (Source: WRIGHT)

102998 European Environmental Council [No description is listed]

111045 European Monetary Fund

Fund organized by the European Monetary System in which members of the European Community deposit reserves to provide a pool of resources to stabilize exchange rates and to finance balance of payments in support of the pending full European Monetary Union.

113245 European Monetary System

An organization established in Europe in 1979 to coordinate financial policy and exchange rates for the continent by running the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) and assisting movement toward a common European currency and a central European bank. (Source: ODE)

103000 European nature reserve

No definition needed.

103002 European Parliament

Formerly the Assembly of EEC. Comprises some 520 representatives of the peoples of European Community states directly elected and based in Strasbourg. Exercises advisory and supervisory powers; debates and passes resolutions and may veto admission of new member states. (Source: CURZON)

111430 European standard

A standard which has been approved pursuant to the statutes of the standards bodies with which the Community has concluded agreements. (Source: ECHO2)

103006 European Union

The 15 nations (Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, the UK, Austria, Finland and Sweden) that have joined together to form an economic community with common monetary, political and social aspirations. The EU came into being on 1 November 1993 according to the terms of the Maastricht Treaty; it comprises the three European Communities, extended by the adoption of a common foreign and security policy which requires cooperation between member states in foreign policy and security and cooperation in justice and home affairs. (Source: DICLAW)

103007 eutrophication

A process of pollution that occurs when a lake or stream becomes over-rich in plant nutrient; as a consequence it becomes overgrown in algae and other aquatic plants. The plants die and decompose. In decomposing the plants rob the water of oxygen and the lake, river or stream becomes lifeless. Nitrate fertilizers which drain from the fields, nutrients from animal wastes and human sewage are the primary causes of eutrophication. They have high biological oxygen demand (BOD). (Source: WRIGHT)

103011 evaluation

No definition needed.

103012 evaluation criterion

A standard, norm, value or measurement by which the quantity or quality of a process, object or person's work performance is ascertained through an analysis and judgment of the relevant information in context and in view of established goals, objectives and standards. (Source: DAM)

103013 evaluation method

No definition needed.

103014 evaluation of technology

No definition needed.

103019 evaporation

Conversion from a liquid or solid state to a vapour. (Source: CED)

103022 evapotranspiration

Discharge of water from the earth's surface to the atmosphere by evaporation from lakes, streams and soil surfaces and by transpiration from plants. Also known as fly-off. (Source: MGH)

103026 evolution

The biological theory or process whereby species of plants and animals change with the passage of time so that their descendants differ from their ancestors, i.e. development from earlier forms by hereditary transmission of slight variations in successive generations. (Source: UNUN)

103027 exact science

Mathematics and other sciences based on calculation. (Source: CED)

103028 excavated hole

A pit, cavity, or other uncovered cutting produced by excavation. (Source: BJGEOa)

103029 excavation (process)

The removal of earth from its natural position. (Source: HARRIS)

103031 excavation heap

Residue in form of a heap, consisting of earth or other material, produced by excavation.

107731 excavation side

Sloping surface of an excavation. (Source: RRDA)

103032 excavation site

The location chosen for an excavation, meaning the act or process of removing soil and/or rock materials by digging, blasting, breaking, loading either at the surface or underground. (Source: BJGEOa)

111051 exceptional tax

Compulsory charges levied by a government unit in special or unique instances for the purpose of raising revenue to pay for services or improvements for the general public benefit. (Source: EFP / RHW)

103033 excessive height of chimney stacks [No description is listed]

113247 exchange policy

Course of action or procedure by government, business, or an individual concerning trade activities. (Source: ISEP / RHW)

114499 excise [No description is listed]

103040 executive order

An order or regulation issued by the president or some administrative authority under his direction for the purpose of interpreting, implementing or giving administrative effect to a provision of the constitution or of some law or treaty.

103044 exhaust device

1) A duct or pipe through which waste material is emitted. 2) A combination of components which provides for enclosed flow of exhaust gas from engine parts to the atmosphere. (Source: AMHER / LEE)

103045 exhaust gas

Offgas produced during combustion processes discharged directly or ultimately to the atmosphere. (Source: LEEa)

114872 exhibit

A display of an object or collection of objects for general dissemination of information, aesthetic value or entertainment. (Source: RHW)

103047 existing chemical

Chemical products existing before 18-09-1981. (Source: RRDA) chemicals traded or introduced in the EC defore 18.09.1981 concerning Chemikaliengesetz

103048 exotic species

Plants, animals or microorganisms which are introduced by humans into areas where they are not native. Exotics are often associated with negative ecological consequences for native species and the ecosystems. (Source: UNUN)

103049 expenditure

Spending by consumers, investors, or government for goods or services. (Source: ISEP / ODE)

103050 experiment

A test under controlled conditions that is made to demonstrate a known truth, examine the validity of a hypothesis, or determine the efficacy of something previously untried. (Source: MGH)

111807 experimental study

Study based on experimentation. (Source: CED)

103054 expert system

A computer configuration of hardware and software that simulates the judgment and behavior of a human or an organization with extensive knowledge in a particular field, often by giving answers, solutions or diagnoses. (Source: RHW / WIC)

112096 exploitation of underground water

The process of extracting underground water from a source. (Source: BJGEO)

103057 exploration

The search for economic deposits of minerals, ore, gas, oil, or coal by geological surveys, geophysical prospecting, boreholes and trial pits, or surface or underground headings, drifts, or tunnels. (Source: MGH)

103058 explosion

A violent, sudden release of energy resulting from powders or gases undergoing instantaneous ignition or from some other means of detonation, often accompanied by a force producing great amounts of heat, major structural damages, shock waves and flying shrapnel. (Source: HMD)

103061 explosive

A substance, such as trinitrotoluene, or a mixture, such as gunpowder, that is characterized by chemical stability but may be made to undergo rapid chemical change without an outside source of oxygen, whereupon it produces a large quantity of energy generally accompanied by the evolution of hot gases. (Source: MGH)

103063 export

To send, take or carry an article of trade or commerce out of the country. To transport merchandise from one country to another in the course of trade. (Source: WESTS)

103064 export licence

Permission from a government to carry or send abroad and sell a product manufactured within its borders. (Source: BLD)

103065 export of hazardous wastes

Transporting by-products of society that possesses at least one of four characteristics (ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity) to other countries or areas for the conduct of foreign trade. (Source: TOE / MGHME)

103067 exposure

The time for which a material is illuminated or irradiated. (Source: PITT)

103071 expropriation

To deprive an owner of property, especially by taking it for public use. (Source: CED)

103073 extensive cattle farming

Farming system practiced in very large farms, characterized by low levels of inputs per unit area of land; in such situations the stocking rate, the number of livestock units per area , is low. (Source: GOODa)

103079 externality

Discrepancies between private costs and social costs or private advantages and social advantages; the basic concept of externality is interdependence without compensation. (Source: PHC / GILP96 / GREENW)

103084 extinct (IUCN)

Animal or plant species which has completely disappeared from the planet. (Source: WRIGHT)

115028 extinct in the wild (IUCN)

A taxon is Extinct in the Wild when it is known only to survive in cultivation, in captivity or as a naturalized population (or populations) well outside the past range. A taxon is presumed Extinct in the Wild when exhaustive surveys in known and/or expected habitat, at appropriate times (diurnal, seasonal, annual), throughout its historic range have failed to record an individual. Surveys should be over a time frame appropriate to the taxon's life cycle and life form. (Source: IUCN web site)

103081 extinction (ecological)

1) The complete disappearance of a species of plant or animal from the planet. 2) Disappearing of animals and plants from the biota. (Source: WRIGHT / GREMES)

103087 extraction

Any process by which a pure metal is obtained from its ore. (Source: UVAROV)

103090 extractive industry

Primary activities involved in the extraction of non-renewable resources. (Source: GOOD)

103097 fabric

Any cloth made from yarn or fibres by weaving, knitting, felting, etc. (Source: CED)

103099 factor market

Significant elements or reasons for an outcome in the buying, selling, and trading of particular goods or services. (Source: OED)

103103 factory farming

The technique of capital intensive animal-raising in an artificial environment, used for chicken, egg, turkey, beef, veal and pork production. Animals are restrained in a controlled indoor environment and their food is brought to them. The building take on the appearance of industrial units. (Source: GOOD)

103106 faecal bacterium

Bacteria contained in human and animal faeces. (Source: RRDA)

103110 fallout

The descent of airborne solid or liquid particles to the ground, which occurs when the speed at which they fall due to gravity exceeds that of any upward motion of the air surrounding them. (Source: ALL)

103113 fallow area

Land area normally used for crop production but left unsown for one or more growing seasons. (Source: MGH)

103115 fallow land

Arable land not under rotation that is set at rest for a period of time ranging from one to five years before it is cultivated again, or land usually under permanent crops, meadows or pastures, which is not being used for that purpose for a period of at least one year. Arable land which is normally used for the cultivation of temporary crops but which is temporarily used for grazing is included. (Source: ECEST)

103117 family

A group comprising parents, offsprings and others closely related or associated with them. (Source: LBC)

113271 family law

Branch of specialty of law, also denominated domestic relations law concerned with such subjects as adoption annulment divorce separation paternity custody support and child care. (Source: BLACK)

103119 family planning

The control of the number of children in a family and of the intervals between them, especially by the use of contraceptives. (Source: CED)

103120 famine

A severe shortage of food, as through crop failure or over population. It may be due to poor harvests following drought, floods, earthquake, war, social conflict, etc. (Source: CED / GUNN)

103130 farm

Any tract of land or building used for agricultural purposes, such as for raising crops and livestock. (Source: RHW)

103122 farm animal

Animals reared in farms for working and producing food such as meat, eggs and milk. (Source: CAMB)

103123 farm building

The dwelling on a farm as distinguished from utility buildings as a barn, corncrib, milk house. (Source: WEBSTE)

113254 farm price

The amount of money or monetary rate at which agricultural goods and services can be bought or sold. (Source: RHW)

111170 farming technique

The business, art, or skill of agriculture. (Source: CED)

112006 fast reactor

Nuclear reactor which produces more fissile material than it consumes, using fast-moving neutrons and making plutonium-239 from uranium-238, thereby increasing the reactor's efficiency. (Source: PHC)

103133 fast traffic

No definition needed.

110154 fault

A fracture or a zone of fractures along which there has been displacement of the sides relative to one another parallel to the fracture. (Source: BJGEO)

103138 fauna

The entire animal life of a given region, habitat or geological stratum. (Source: LBC)

106999 fauna restoration

The process of returning wildlife ecosystems and habitats to their original conditions. (Source: DUNSTE)

103143 federal authority

The power of a central government agency or its administrators to carry out the terms of the law creating the agency as well as to administer and implement regulations, laws and government policies. (Source: BLD)

103144 federal government

A system in which a country or nation formed by a union or confederation of independent states is governed by a central authority or organization. (Source: BLD)

103147 federal law

A binding rule or body of rules established by a government that has been constituted as a union of independent political units or states. (Source: BLD)

103149 fee

A charge fixed by law for services of public officers or for use of a privilege under control of government. (Source: WESTS)

103151 feeding of animals

The act and effect of supplying animals with food. (Source: ZINZAN)

110976 feeling for nature

A consciousness, sensibility or sympathetic perception of the physical world and its scenery in their uncultivated state. (Source: RHW)

110381 felid

Predatory mammal, including cats, lions, leopards, tigers, jaguars, and cheetahs, typically having a round head and retractile claws. (Source: CED)

103154 fen

Waterlogged, spongy ground containing alkaline decaying vegetation, characterized by reeds, that may develop into peat. It sometimes occurs in the sinkholes of karst region. (Source: BJGEO)

103159 fermentation

Any enzymatic transformation of organic substrates, especially carbohydrates, generally accompanied by the evolution of gas; a physiological counterpart of oxidation, permitting certain organisms to live and grow in the absence of air; used in various industrial processes for the manufacture of products, such as alcohols, acids, and cheese by the action of yeasts, molds, and bacteria; alcoholic fermentation is the best-known example. Also known as zymosis. (Source: MGH)

103162 fern

Any of a large number of vascular plants composing the division Polypodiophyta, without flowers and fruits. (Source: MGH)

103169 fertiliser

Substance added to soil for the purpose of promoting plant life, usually containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, e.g. manure, guano, rock phosphates. (Source: BENNET)

103171 fertiliser law [No description is listed]

103174 fibre

An extremely long, pliable, cohesive natural or manufactured threadlike object from which yarns are spun to be woven into textiles. (Source: MGH)

103175 fibreglass

A material made from small fibres of glass twisted together, which is used for keeping buildings warm, or a plastic strengthened by these fibres and used for making structures such as the outsides of cars and boats. (Source: CAMB)

103176 field

A limited area of land with grass or crops growing on it, which is usually surrounded by fences or closely planted bushes when it is part of a farm. (Source: CAMB)

103177 field damage

A decline in the productivity of an area of land or in its ability to support natural ecosystems or types of agriculture. Degradation may be caused by a variety of factors, including inappropriate land management techniques, soil erosion, salinity, flooding, clearing, pests, pollution, climatic factors, or progressive urbanization. (Source: GILP96)

103178 field experiment

Experiment carried out on a substance or on an organism in the open air as opposed to in a laboratory. (Source: PHC)

103179 field study

Scientific study made in the open air to collect information that can not be obtained in a laboratory. (Source: PHCa / DUNSTEa)

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103181 filling material

Any substance used to fill the holes and irregularities in planed or sanded surfaces so as to decrease the porosity of the surface for finish coatings. (Source: ECHO2)

103182 filling station

A place where petrol and other supplies for motorists are sold. (Source: CED)

103183 film

A motion picture; a thin flexible strip of cellulose coated with a photographic emission, used to make negatives and transparencies. (Source: CED)

103184 filter

A porous material for separating suspended particulate matter from liquids by passing the liquid through the pores in the filter and sieving out the solids. (Source: MGH)

103186 filter cake

Accumulated solids, wet or dry, generated by any filtration process, including accumulation on fabric filters in air filtering processes, or accumulation of wet solids in liquid filtering processes. (Source: EED / ISEP)

103190 filtration

Separation of suspended particles from a liquid, gas, etc., by the action of a filter. (Source: CED)

103192 final storage

A system where inert materials, which are not to be mobilized by natural processes even for long time periods, are confined by three barriers: the natural impermeable surroundings, an artificial barrier (such as liner) which can be controlled and, most important, the inert material itself. The concept of final storage includes the possibility to mine the materials in the future if such materials are sufficiently clean (mono-landfills) and if it becomes economic to mine such ores.

103194 finances

The monetary resources or revenue of a government, company, organization or individual. (Source: RHW)

111030 financial aid

The transfer of funds from developed to underdeveloped countries. (Source: GOODa)

103195 financial assistance

Help and support provided on matters concerning money. (Source: ISEP / RHW)

103196 financial compensation

The financial reparations that a claimant seeks or a court awards for injuries sustained or property harmed by another. (Source: IVW)

103197 financial contribution

Something given, including any form of income or price support; individual investor's monetary offering or contribution to common fund or stock; government agency's or lending aid agency's subsidy, grant, or other contribution to help bolster an economy. (Source: OED)

111044 financial fund

Monetary resources set aside for some purpose. (Source: RHW)

103199 financial instrument

A generic term that refers to the many different forms of financing a business may use. For example - loans, shares, and bonds are all considered financing instruments. (Source: PGE)

103200 financial law [No description is listed]

113260 financial management

The management of acquisitions and the use of long- and short-term capital by a business.

103201 financial market

A place or institution in which buyers and sellers meet and trade monetary assets, including stocks, bonds, securities and money. (Source: RHW)

103205 financing

Procurement of monetary resources or credit to operate a business or acquire assets. (Source: WESTS)

103207 fine

A pecuniary punishment or penalty imposed by lawful tribunal upon person convicted of crime or misdemeanor. (Source: BLACK)

103209 fine dust

Air-borne solid particles, originating from human activity and natural sources, such as wind-blown soil and fires, that eventually settle through the force of gravity, and can cause injury to human and other animal respiratory systems through excessive inhalation. (Source: ALL)

103212 fire

The state of combustion in which inflammable material burns, producing heat, flames and often smoke. (Source: CED)

103218 fire precaution

Measure, action or installation implemented in advance to avert the possibility of any unexpected and potentially harmful combustion of materials. (Source: RHW)

103220 fire protection

All necessary precautions to see that fire is not initiated, by ensuring that all necessary fire fighting apparatus is in good order and available for use if fire should break out, and by ensuring that personnel are properly trained and drilled in fighting fire. (Source: ECHO1)

103225 fire safety requirement

Rules to be followed and safety systems to be adopted for preventing or fighting fire. (Source: RRDA)

103226 fire service

Technical organisation with trained personnel for dealing with fires and other incidents and for co-operating in their prevention. (Source: ECHO1)

103219 fireproofing agent

A chemical used as a coating for or a component of a combustible material to reduce or eliminate a tendency to burn; used with textiles, plastics, rubbers, paints, and other materials. (Source: MGH)

103229 firing

The process of applying fire or heat, as in the hardening or glazing of ceramics. (Source: HARRIS)

103232 firm

A commercial partnership of two or more persons, especially when incorporated. (Source: AMHER)

103252 fish

Cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates. (Source: MGH)

103236 fish disease [No description is listed]

103254 fish farming

Raising of fish in inland waters, estuaries or coastal waters. (Source: WPR)

103269 fish kill

Fish diseases observed in the past three decades and which have been attributed to pollution include: haemorrhages; tumours; fin rot; deformed fins; and missing scales and tails. In industrialized countries, increasing numbers of fish are deemed inedible. Many small kills are not noticed or are not reported, and large kills are often not included because of insufficient information to determine whether the kills were caused by pollution or by natural factors. Low dissolved oxygen levels resulting from excessive sewage is one of the leading causes. The second most common cause is pesticides. (Source: WPR)

103273 fish stock

Quantity of fish held for future use. (Source: PHC)

103274 fish toxicity [No description is listed]

103238 fisheries management

The administration and handling of aspects of the fishing industry, including the catching, processing and selling of fish. (Source: RHW)

113210 fisheries structure

Refers to all the structures (fishing vessels, trawling nets, factory ships, catcher boats, etc.) used in fishing industry. (Source: PARCORa)

12 Fishery [No description is listed]

103237 fishery

The industry of catching, processing and selling fish. (Source: CED)

103243 fishery economics

The production, distribution, and consumption of fish and seafood and all financial aspects of the fishing and seafood industry. (Source: RHW)

103246 fishery policy

Common Fisheries Policy which covers all fishing activities, the farming of living aquatic resources, and their processing and marketing, on the legal basis of Article 39 of the Treaty of Rome. It was agreed between members of the European Community in 1983. It lays down annual catch limits for major species of fish, a 12-mile exclusive fishing zone for each state, and an equal-access zone of 200 nautical miles from its coast within which any member state is allowed to fish. (Source: ECSA / SOCIOL)

103241 fishery resource

No definition needed.

103256 fishing

The attempt to catch fish or other aquatic animal with a hook or with nets, traps, etc. (Source: ZINZANa)

113211 fishing ground

Area of sea or freshwater where fish are caught. (Source: PHCa)

103260 fishing industry

Industry for the handling, processing, and packing of fish or shellfish for market or shipment. (Source: KORENa)

103261 fishing law

Rules concerning fishing activities; in international law the matter is ruled by the 1958 Geneva Convention. (Source: DEFRA)

111506 fishing licence

Official permission granted to individuals or commercial enterprises allowing and regulating by time, location, species, size or amount the fish that can be caught from rivers, lakes or ocean waters within a particular jurisdiction. (Source: BLD / RHW)

103263 fishing preserve

Limited portion of a water body where angling is allowed. (Source: RRDA)

103266 fishing vessel [No description is listed]

103277 fitting (plumbing)

Plumbing equipment in a building. (Source: RRDA)

103278 fixed schedule of charges [No description is listed]

103281 flag of convenience

Practice of registering a merchant vessel with a country that has favourable (i.e. less restrictive ) safety requirements, registration fees, etc.

111814 flammable product

Material having the ability to generate a sufficient concentration of combustible vapors to produce a flame, if ignited. (Source: LEE)

103282 flaring

1) Flares use open flames during normal and/or emergency operations to combust hazardous gaseous. The system has no special features to control temperature or time of combustion; however, supplemental fuel may be required to sustain the combustion. Historically, flares have been used to dispose of waste gases in the oil and gas industry and at wastewater treatment plants having anaerobic digestors. Regulation for thermal destruction of hazardous wastes limit the practical use of flaring to combustion of relatively simple hydrocarbons, such as methane from digesters or landfill gas collection systems. 2) A control device that burns hazardous materials to prevent their release into the environment; may operate continuously or intermittently, usually on top a stack. (Source: CORBIT / EPAGLO)

103287 flavouring

A substance, such as an extract or a spice, that imparts flavor. (Source: AMHER)

103288 flea

Any of the wingless insects composing the order Siphonaptera; most are ectoparasites of mammals and birds. (Source: MGH)

103291 flexible approach to environmental protection

Plans, referred to in various rules as emissions averaging, or flexible compliance plans, allow facilities to undercontrol some emission points that are too costly to control to mandated levels as long as these units are balanced by overcontrolling other emission units that are more cost-effective to control. (Source: ENVAR)

103294 flocculant

A reagent added to a dispersion of solids in a liquid to bring together the fine particles to form flocs. (Source: MGH)

103295 flocculation

A process of contact and adhesion whereby the particles of a dispersed substance form large clusters or the aggregation of particles in a colloid to form small lumps, which then settle out. (Source: ALL)

103298 flood

An unusual accumulation of water above the ground caused by high tide, heavy rain, melting snow or rapid runoff from paved areas. (Source: ALL)

103300 flood control

Measures taken to prevent or reduce harm caused by an unusual accumulation of water above the ground, often involving the construction of reservoirs and channeling structures. (Source: ALL / WWC)

112131 flood forecast

The hydrological processes generating river floods have been studied extensively and several modelling concepts have been proposed. The standard procedure for flood forecasting consists of calibrating the parameters of the model of a particular river basin on a representative set of historical hydrometric data and subsequently applying this calibrated model in a real-time environment. (Source: YOUNG)

112687 flood protection

Precautionary measures, equipment or structures implemented to guard or defend people, property and lands from an unusual accumulation of water above the ground. (Source: ALL / WWC)

112122 flood runoff

The total quantity of water flowing from the catchment during the period of the flood. (Source: ECHO2)

103301 flooding

A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from the overflow of inland and/or tidal waters, and/or the unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source. A great flow along a watercourse or a flow causing inundation of lands not normally covered by water. (Source: LANDY)

103305 flora (biology)

The plant life characterizing a specific geographic region or environment. (Source: MGH)

113002 flora (document)

A work systematically describing the flora of a particular region, listed by species and considered as a whole. (Source: RHW)

103307 flora restoration

The process of returning plant ecosystems and habitats to their original conditions. (Source: DUNSTE)

103308 flotation

A process used to separate particulate solids by causing one group of particles to float; utilizes differences in surface chemical properties of the particles, some of which are entirely wetted by water, others are not. (Source: MGH)

103311 flow

The forward continuous movement of a fluid through closed or open channels or conduits. (Source: MGH)

103315 flow field

The velocity and the density of a fluid as functions of position and time. (Source: MGH)

103312 flower

The reproductive structure of angiosperm plants, consisting of stamens and carpels surrounded by petals and sepals all borne on the receptacle. (Source: CED)

103313 flowering plant

Plants capable of producing conspicuous flowers. (Source: CED)

103316 flowing water

Moving waters like rivers and streams. (Source: LANDY)

103319 flue gas

The gaseous combustion product generated by a furnace and often exhausted through a chimney (flue). (Source: APD / Landy)

103322 fluidics

A control technology that employs fluid dynamic phenomena to perform sensing, control, information, processing, and actuation functions without the use of moving mechanical parts. (Source: MGH)

103324 fluidisation

A roasting process in which finely divided solids are suspended in a rising current of air (or other fluid), producing a fluidized bed; used in the calcination of various materials, in the coal industry, etc. (Source: MGH)

103325 fluidised bed

1) A system for burning solid carbonaceous fuel efficiently and at a relatively low temperature, thus minimizing the emission of pollutants. The fuel is crushed to very small particles or a powder and mixed with particles of an inert material. The mixture is fed into a bed through which air is pumped vertically upwards, agitating the particles so they behave like a fluid. The forced circulation of air and the small size and separation of fuel particles ensures efficient burning. 2) A bed of finely divided solid through which air or a gas is blown in a controlled manner so that it behaves as a liquid. (Source: ALL / BRACK)

103328 fluoridation

The addition of the fluorine ion to municipal water supplies in a final concentration of 0.8-1.6 ppm (parts per million) to help prevent dental caries in children. (Source: MGH) addition of fluor(ide) (ions) to (drinking) water

103334 fluorine

A gaseous or liquid chemical element; a member of the halide family, it is the most electronegative element and the most chemically energetic of the nonmetallic elements; highly toxic, corrosive, and flammable; used in rocket fuels and as a chemical intermediate. (Source: MGH)

112198 flushing

Removing lodged deposits of rock fragments and other debris by water flow at high velocity; used to clean water conduits and drilled boreholes. (Source: MGH)

103340 fluvial resource

Any source of supply derived from a river, particularly its water, which is collected, stored and treated, then distributed for domestic, industrial, farm and other uses. (Source: WWC)

103342 fly ash

Finely divided particles of ash that are entrained in flue gases resulting from the combustion of fuel or other material. The particles of ash may contain incompletely burned fuel and other pollutants. (Source: ALL)

103343 foaming agent

Substances which make it possible to form a homogenous dispersion of a gaseous phase in a liquid or solid medium. (Source: ECHO1)

103345 fodder

Bulk feed for livestock, especially hay, straw, etc. (Source: CED)

113188 fodder plant

Plants used to feed livestock. (Source: AMHER)

103347 fog

Water droplets or, rarely, ice crystals suspended in the air in sufficient concentration to reduce visibility appreciably. (Source: MGH)

103350 foliage

The green leaves of a plant. (Source: CED)

110078 folk tradition

The common beliefs, practices, customs and other cultural elements of an ethnic or social group that are rooted in the past, but are persisting into the present due to means such as arts and crafts, songs and music, dance, foods, drama, storytelling and certain forms of oral communication. (Source: VFP)

110891 folklore

The traditional and common beliefs, practices and customs of a people, which are passed on as a shared way of life, often through oral traditions such as folktales, legends, anecdotes, proverbs, jokes and other forms of communication. (Source: VFP)

103354 food

A material that can be ingested and utilized by the organism as a source of nutrition and energy. (Source: MGH)

103356 food additive

Substances that have no nutritive value in themselves (or are not being used as nutrients) which are added to food during processing to improve colour, texture, flavour, or keeping qualities. (Source: ALL / MGH)

103358 food chain

A sequence of organisms on successive trophic levels within a community, through which energy is transferred by feeding; energy enters the food chain during fixation by primary producers (mainly green plants) and passes to the herbivores (primary consumers) and then to the carnivores (secondary and tertiary consumers). (Source: LBC)

103360 food colourant

Any digestible substance, usually a synthetic dye, which manufacturers add to food to give it color and enhance its appearance. (Source: INP)

103362 food commerce

An interchange of any food commodity or related food products, usually on a large scale. (Source: RHW)

103365 food contamination [No description is listed]

103367 food hygiene

That part of the science of hygiene that deals with the principles and methods of sanitation applied to the quality of foodstuffs, to their processing, preparation, conservation and consumption by man. (Source: GUNN)

103368 food industry

The commercial production and packaging of foods that are fabricated by processing, by combining various ingredients, or both. (Source: MGH)

103370 food irradiation

The most recent addition to food preservation technologies is the use of ionizing radiation, which has some distinct advantages over conventional methods. With irradiation, foods can be treated after packaging, thus eliminating post-processing contamination. In addition, foods are preserved in a fresh state and can be kept longer without noticeable loss of quality. Food irradiation leaves no residues, and changes in nutritional value due to irradiation are comparable with those produced by other processes. Irradiation is the process of applying high energy to a material, such as food, to sterilize or extend its shelf-life by killing microorganisms, insects and other pests residing on it. Sources of ionizing radiation that have been used include gamma rays, electron beams and X-rays. Gamma rays are produced by radioactive isotopes such as Cobalt-60. Electron beams are produced by linear accelerators, which themselves are powered by electricity. The dose applied to a product is the most important factor of the process. At high doses, food is essentially sterilized, just as occurs in canning. Products so treated can be stored at room temperature almost indefinitely. Controversial and banned in some countries. (Source: IFSE / VCN)

103372 food pollutant

Potentially harmful substances in any food consumed by humans, or other animals, including inorganic and organic chemicals, viruses and bacteria. (Source: ISEP)

103375 food preservation

Processing designed to protect food from spoilage caused by microbes, enzymes, and autooxidation. (Source: MGH)

103376 food processing industry

A commercial establishment in which food is manufactured or packaged for human consumption. (Source: KOREN)

103378 food production (agriculture)

No definition needed.

103380 food quality [No description is listed]

103381 food requirement

The minimum food ration required for satisfying the essential needs of an organism. (Source: DELFIN)

103384 food science

The applied science which deals with the chemical, biochemical, physical, physiochemical, and biological properties of foods. (Source: MGH)

103387 food storage

Stock of food kept in storage as a national measure to provide security against fluctuations in food supply. (Source: WPR)

103391 food technology

The application of science and engineering to the refining, manufacturing, and handling of foods; many food technologists are food scientists rather than engineers. (Source: MGH)

103392 food transport [No description is listed]

13 Food, drinking water [No description is listed]

103388 foodstuff

A substance that can be used or prepared for use as food. (Source: AMHER)

103395 footpath

A narrow path for walkers only. (Source: CED)

103396 forage contamination

Introduction of hazardous or poisonous substances such as arsenic or lead into, or onto, fodder for animals. The animals consume the contaminated feed and can become sick and may die. (Source: ISEP)

111177 forage crop

Cultivation of crops for consumption by livestock. (Source: PHC)

103397 forage law [No description is listed]

103400 forecast

An estimate or prediction of a future condition. (Source: WEBSTE)

103401 foreclosure

To shut out, to bar, to destroy an equity of redemption. A termination of all rights of the mortgagor or his grantee in the property covered by the mortgage. The process by which a mortgagor of real or personal property, or other owner of property subject to a lien, is deprived of his interest therein. Procedure by which mortgaged property is sold on default of mortgagor in satisfaction of mortgage debt. In common usage, refers to enforcement of lien, trust deed, or mortgage in any method provided by law. (Source: WESTS)

103402 foreign economic relations

Dealing in economic or monetary matters with foreign countries. (Source: OEDa)

103404 foreign policy

The diplomatic policy of a nation in its interactions with other nations. (Source: WEBSTE)

103405 foreign trade

Trade between countries and firms belonging to different countries.

103406 forest

A vegetation community dominated by trees and other woody shrubs, growing close enough together that the tree tops touch or overlap, creating various degrees of shade on the forest floor. It may produce benefits such as timber, recreation, wildlife habitat, etc. (Source: DUNSTE)

110203 forest biological reserve

Forest areas which are protected and guarded from deforestation because of the fragility of its ecosystems, and because they provide habitats for hundreds of species of plants and animals. (Source: TOURISa)

103410 forest conservation [No description is listed]

103411 forest cover destruction

Destruction of forests is carried out in many countries in order to provide new land for agricultural or livestock purposes. It is often done without factors such as climate and topography having been sufficiently studied and on lands where slope nature of the soil or other physiographic characteristics clearly indicate that the land involved is suitable only for forest. Although these practices may lead to a temporary increase in productivity, there are also many indications that in the long run there is usually a decrease in productivity per unit of surface and that erosion and irreversible soil deterioration often accompany this process. Many factors contribute to forest cover destruction: timber production, clearance for agriculture, cutting for firewood and charcoal, fires, droughts, strip mining, pollution, urban development, population pressures, and warfare. (Source: WPR)

103414 forest damage

Reduction of tree population in forests caused by acidic precipitation, forest fires, air pollution, deforestation, pests and diseases of trees, wildlife, etc. (Source: WPR)

112013 forest deterioration

Reduction of tree population in forests caused by acidic precipitation, forest fires, air pollution, deforestation, pests and diseases of trees, wildlife, etc. (Source: WPR)

110128 forest ecology

The science that deals with the relationship of forest trees to their environment, to one another, and to other plants and to animals in the forest. (Source: MGH)

103416 forest ecosystem

Any forest environment, in which plants and animals interact with the chemical and physical features of the environment, in which they live. (Source: GILP96a)

110692 forest exploitation

Forests have been exploited over the centuries as a source of wood and for obtaining land for agricultural use. The mismanagement of forest lands and forest resources has led to a situation where the forest is now in rapid retreat. The main aspects of the situation are: serious shortages in the supply of industrial wood; the catastrophic erosion and floods accompanying the stripping of forests from mountainous land; the acute shortages of fuel wood in much of the developing world; the spread of desert conditions at an alarming rate in the arid and semi-arid regions of the world; and the many environmental effects of the destruction of tropical rainforests. (Source: WPR)

103419 forest fire

A conflagration in or destroying large wooded areas having a thick growth of trees and plants. (Source: ISEP)

103423 forest industry

A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of establishments is engaged in the management of an extensive area of woodland, often to produce products and benefits such as timber, wildlife habitat, clean water, biodiversity and recreation. (Source: NCF)

103425 forest management

Planning of forest utilization for wood production, conservation purposes, fauna and flora protection, recreation and water supply. (Source: RFA)

103426 forest pest

Organisms that damage trees. (Source: CEDa)

103430 forest policy

A course of action adopted and pursued by government or some other organization, which seeks to preserve or protect an extensive area of woodland, often to produce products and benefits such as timber, wildlife habitat, clean water, biodiversity and recreation. (Source: NCF)

103432 forest product

Any material afforded by a forest for commercial use, such as tree products and forage. (Source: MGH)

103431 forest production

Forests produce a range of products including firewood and charcoal, lumber, paper, and crops such as coffee, oil palm, and rubber. With careful planning of growth and harvesting, wood and other forest products are, in principle, renewable resources. But achieving renewability takes time - often decades, sometimes centuries. Without careful management, pressure for short-term exploitation can lead to tree removal, soil degradation, and conversion of woodland to other uses. Consumption of forest resources can lead to environmental problems as well as loss of critical habitat and species. (Source: WRES)

110706 forest protection

Branch of forestry concerned with the prevention and control of damage to forests arising from the action of people or livestock, of pests and abiotic agents. (Source: DUNSTE)

103435 forest reserve

Forest area set aside for the purpose of protecting certain fauna and flora, or both. (Source: GILP96)

103438 forest resource

Forest resources consist of two separate but closely related parts: the forest land and the trees (timber) on that land. (Source: PARCOR)

103437 forest resource assessment [No description is listed]

14 Forestry [No description is listed]

103439 forestry

The management of forest lands for wood, forages, water, wildlife, and recreation. (Source: MGH)

103440 forestry economics

The production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services from the industry involved with the process of establishing and managing forests. (Source: RHW)

103441 forestry law

A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate any extensive area of woodland, for the protection and preservation of game, timber and other forest resources. (Source: MHE)

103442 forestry legislation

A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to regulate the use and conservation of wooded areas, most often those owned by the government itself. (Source: BLD)

103444 forestry practice

The farming of trees to ensure a continuing supply of timber and other forest products. Foresters care for existing trees, protecting them from fire, pests and diseases, and felling where trees are overcrowded or dying and when ready for cropping. They also plant new areas (afforestation) and replant felled areas (reafforestation). (Source: GOOD)

111246 forestry unit

Any entity or group of individuals involved with the creation, management and conservation of an extensive area of woodland, often to produce products and benefits such as timber, clean water, biodiversity and recreation. (Source: NCF)

103455 form of government

Form of authority in which an individual or group of individuals wield power over the majority. (Source: WSU)

114964 forwarding agent

A person or business that specializes in the shipment and receiving of goods. (Source: OED)

103460 fossil

Any remains, trace, or imprint of a plant or animal that has been preserved in the Earth's crust since some past geologic or prehistoric time. (Source: BJGEO)

103462 fossil fuel

The energy-containing materials which were converted over many thousands of years from their original form of trees, plants and other organisms after being buried in the ground. Physical and chemical processes occurred in the Earth's crust that changed them into coal, peat, oil or natural gas. (Source: WRIGHT)

103465 fouling growth

The adhesion of different marine organisms to the underwater parts of ships, causing the ships to loose speed. (Source: MGH)

112240 fountain

A stream of water that is forced up into the air through a small hole, especially for decorative effect or the structure in a lake or pool from which this flows. (Source: CAMB)

103469 four stroke engine

An internal combustion engine whose cycle is completed in four piston strokes; includes a suction stroke, compression stroke, expansion stroke, and exhaust stroke. (Source: MGH)

103474 framework legislation

A body of rules prescribed by a government, often composed in a series of inter-related parts, to establish or lay the foundation for a new project, agency or organizational structure. (Source: RHW)

113152 free movement of capital

The unrestrained flow of cash, funds, and other means of wealth between countries with different currencies. (Source: RHW)

111100 free trade

Trade which is unimpeded by tariffs, import and export quotas and other measures which obstruct the free movement of goods and services between states. (Source: GOOD)

113178 freedom

The quality or state of being free, especially to enjoy political and civil liberties. (Source: CED)

103481 freight transport

Transportation of goods by ship, aircraft or other vehicles. (Source: RRDA)

110225 French formal garden

No definition needed.

103483 freon

Trade name for a group of polyhalogenated hydrocarbons containing fluorine and chlorine; an example is trichlorofluoromethane. (Source: MGH)

103485 freshwater

Water having a relatively low mineral content, generally less than 500 mg/l of dissolved solids. (Source: LANDY)

103487 freshwater biology

The scientific study or the characteristic life processes of living organisms found in a natural body of water that does not contain significant amounts of dissolved salts and minerals, such as a lake or river. (Source: WOR / APD)

101704 freshwater conservation

Controlled utilization, protection or improvement of a natural body of water that does not contain significant amounts of dissolved salts and minerals, such as a lake or river. (Source: APD)

103488 freshwater degradation

Pollution immediately or eventually involves the hydrological cycle of the earth, because even pollutants emitted into the air and those present in the soil are washed out by precipitation. Water is considered polluted when it is altered in composition or condition so that it becomes less suitable for any or all of the functions and purposes for which it would be suitable in its natural state. This definition includes changes in the physical, chemical and biological properties of water, or such discharges of liquid, gaseous or solid substances into water as will or are likely to create nuisances or render such water harmful to public health, safety or welfare, or to domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural, fish or other aquatic life. It also includes changes in temperatures, due to the discharge of hot water. (Source: WPR)

103489 freshwater ecosystem

The living organisms and nonliving materials of an inland aquatic environment. (Source: MGH)

103491 freshwater monitoring [No description is listed]

103492 freshwater organism

Organisms which live in freshwater. (Source: PHC)

103493 freshwater pollution

The direct or indirect human alteration of the biological, physical, chemical or radiological integrity of freshwater. (Source: Landy)

103494 freshwater resource

The network of rivers, lakes, and other surface waters that supply water for food production and other essential human systems. (Source: ENVNEL)

103495 frog

Any insectivorous anuran amphibian of the family Ranidae, such as Rana temporaria of Europe, having a short squat tailless body with a moist smooth skin and very long hind legs specialized for hopping. (Source: CED)

103496 frost

A deposit of interlocking ice crystals formed by direct sublimation on objects. (Source: MGH)

103498 fruit

A fully matured plant ovary with or without other floral or shoot parts united with it at maturity. (Source: MGH)

103499 fruit cultivation

Cultivation of fruit trees for home consumption or on a commercial basis. (Source: CED)

103502 fruit tree

Any tree that bears edible fruit. (Source: CED)

103505 fuel

Solid, liquid, or gaseous material such as gas, gasoline, oil, coal or wood, used to produce heat or power by burning. (Source: LANDY)

103506 fuel additive

Substance (such as tetraethyl lead) which is added to petrol to prevent knocking. (Source: PHC)

103507 fuel alcohol

Alternative source of energy for motor vehicles. It is produced by fermentation of sugar cane by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. (Source: DICCHE)

103509 fuel composition [No description is listed]

103510 fuel consumption

The amount of fuel utilized. (Source: PHCa)

103512 fuel oil

A liquid product burned to generate heat, exclusive of oils with a flash point below 38+é-¦C; includes heating oils, stove oils, furnace oils, bunker fuel oils. (Source: MGH)

103516 fuel tank installation

The operating, fuel-storage component of a fuel system. (Source: MGH)

103517 fuel wood

Wood used for heating. (Source: RRDA)

103518 fume

Solids in the air that have been generated by the condensation of vapors, chemical reactions or sublimation (a direct change from solid to gas). Often metallic oxides or metals, these particles are less than 1 micrometer in diameter and may be toxic. (Source: ALL)

103521 fumigation

The use of a chemical compound in a gaseous state to kill insects, nematodes, arachnids, rodents, weeds, and fungi in confined or inaccessible locations; also used to control weeds, nematodes, and insects in the field. (Source: MGH)

103522 functional substance

A substance from the point of view of its function or purpose, for example a painting agent or a preserving substance. (Source: RRDA)

103530 fungicide

Chemicals used to kill or halt the development of fungi that cause plant disease, such as: storage rot; seedling diseases; root rots; vascular wilts; leaf blights, rusts, smuts and mildews, and viral diseases. These can be controlled by the early and continued application of selected fungicides that either kill the pathogens or restrict their development. (Source: WRIGHT)

103529 fungus

Nucleated usually filamentous, sporebearing organisms devoid of chlorophyll. (Source: MGH)

103533 fur

The hair-covered, dressed pelt of such a mammal, used in the making of garments and as trimming or decoration. (Source: AMHER)

103535 fur animal

Animals bred and slaughtered for their fur. (Source: WPR)

103536 furan

A colourless flammable toxic liquid heterocyclic compound, used in the synthesis of nylon. (Source: CED)

103538 furnace

A structure or apparatus in which heat is produced by the combustion of fuel, often to warm houses, melt metals, produce steam and bake pottery. (Source: RHW)

103539 furniture

The movable articles in a room or an establishment that make it fit for living or working. (Source: MGH)

103540 furniture industry

No definition needed.

103542 furriery

The business or trade of dressed furs and garments made from the coats of certain animals. (Source: OED)

103548 gallinacean

The order of birds that includes grouse, ptarmigan, capercaillie, partridges, pheasants, quails, turkeys and peacocks. These are mainly grain-eating, heavy-bodied, ground-nesting birds, capable of only short, rapid flights. The cocks are usually more colourful than the hens. (Source: ALL)

103550 galvanisation

The act of coating iron or steel with zinc, either by immersion in a bath of molten zinc or by deposition from a solution of zinc sulphate, to give protection against corrosion. (Source: ALL)

103553 game (animals)

Wild animals, including birds and fish, hunted for sport, food or profit. (Source: CED)

1, 134
110721 game (play)

An amusement or pastime; diversion. (Source: CED)

103554 gamma radiation

Radiation of gamma rays. (Source: MGH)

103559 garden

A piece of land next to a house where flowers and other plants are grown and which often has an area of grass. (Source: CAMB)

103562 garden waste

Natural organic matter discarded from gardens and yards including leaves, grass clippings, prunings, brush and stumps. (Source: DMG)

103564 garrigue

Mediterranean bush consisting of low evergreen shrubs and abundant herbaceous plants. (Source: ZINZAN)

103566 gas

A substance that continues to occupy in a continuous manner the whole of the space in which it is placed, however large or small this place is mad, the temperature remaining constant. (Source: PITT)

103567 gas chromatography

A separation technique involving passage of a gaseous moving phase through a column containing a fixed phase; it is used principally as a quantitative analytical technique for volatile compounds. (Source: MGH)

103570 gas company

Company charged with the production and distribution of gas for domestic use. (Source: RRDA)

103571 gas engine

An internal combustion engine that uses gaseous fuel. (Source: MGH)

103582 gas liquefaction

Conversion of a gas to the liquid phase by cooling or compression. (Source: MGH)

103585 gas mixture

No definition needed.

103586 gas network

Interconnected system of pipes for the distribution and supply of gas. (Source: PHC)

103591 gas pipeline

A long pipe, especially underground, used to transport gas over long distances. (Source: CED)

103593 gas powered plant

Power station which burns gas, as opposed to a coal-fired station or nuclear power station. (Source: GILP96)

103594 gas purification

Removal of pollutants or contaminants from waste incineration or other combustion processes. (Source: MGHa)

103596 gas reservoir

Large tank for storing coal gas or natural gas. (Source: PHC)

103599 gas supply

The provision and storage of any fuel gas, or the amount of any fuel gas stored, for the use of a municipality, or other fuel gas user. (Source: ISEP)

103572 gaseous air pollutant

Uncondensed or volatile gases, usually comprised of chemical compounds, discharged to the atmosphere. (Source: DEE)

103577 gaseous state

State of matter in which the matter concerned occupies the whole of its container irrespective of its quantity. (Source: DICCHE)

103581 gasification

1) Any chemical or heat process used to convert a substance to a gas. 2) The production of gaseous fuels by reacting hot carbonaceous materials with air, steam or oxygen. The process takes place at high temperature. The gasification product is a mixture of combustible gases and tar compounds, together with particles and water vapour. Depending on the gasification method, the proportion of components varies, but common to all the processes is that the gas has to be purified before it can be used directly in a gas engine or a gas turbine. (Source: MGH / PORT)

103587 gasohol

A mixture of 80% or 90% petrol with 20% or 10% ethyl alcohol, for use as a fuel in internal combustion engines. (Source: CED)

103589 gasoline engine

An internal combustion engine that uses a mixture of air and gasoline vapour as a fuel. (Source: MGH)

103600 gastropod

Any mollusc of the class Gastropoda, typically having a flattened muscular foot for locomotion and a head that bears stalked eyes. (Source: CED)

103604 gaswork

Place where gas, especially coal gas, is made. (Source: PHC)

103611 gender issue

A point, matter or dispute concerning the capabilities, societal roles or other differences and divisions between women and men, especially the relative weight of biological and physical difference versus culture and socialization as a cause of those distinctions. (Source: ISEP / RHW)

103617 gene

A unit of heredity composed of DNA occupying a fixed position on a chromosome. A gene may determine a characteristic of an individual by specifying a polypeptide chain that forms a protein or part of a protein (structural gene); or repress such operation (repressor gene). (Source: CED)