environmental education

The educational process that deals with the human interrelationships with the environment and that utilizes an interdisciplinary problem-solving approach with value clarification. Concerned with education progress of knowledge, understanding, attitudes, skills, and commitment for environmental problems and considerations. The need for environmental education is continuous, because each new generation needs to learn conservation for itself. (Source: UNUN)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 57 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Dalla Valle F 2010. Junior farmer field and life schools inventory.
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Junior farmer field and life schools inventory.pdf 1.31 MB
Botes A, Henderson J, Nakale T, Nantanga K, Schachtschneider K, Seely M 2003. Ephemeral rivers and their development: Testing an approach to basin management committees on the Kuiseb River, Namibia. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 28 (20 - 27) 853 - 858
Seely M, Ward V, Wassenaar T 2014. Science education for sustainable development: the Gobabeb experience. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa Published online: 08 Sep 2014
Jacobson K, Cutchins D, Seely M, Seiz J, Willis E, Jacobson P 2014. Supporting a teaching and learning community across borders: Grinnell College at Gobabeb. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa Published online: 31 Jul 2014
Mupetami L, le Roux L 1996.  An overview of environmental education in Namibia. Namibia Environment 1 131-132
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An overview of environmental education in Namibia_1996.pdf 2.8 MB
Bolger DT, Bieluch K, Krivak-Tetley F, Maggs-Kölling G, Tjitekulu J 2018. Designing a Real-World Course for Environmental Studies Students: Entering a Social-Ecological System. Sustainability (10)
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Designing a Real_World Course for Environmental_2018.pdf 586.22 KB
Logan R 2014. Science in the Sand Sea: the fourth Youth Environmental Summit at Sossusvlei. Gobabeb Times 9 (2) 15-16
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Youth Environmental Summit Sossusvlei.pdf 369.94 KB
Sheehama A 2021. Environmental Education and Training Centre in desert-adapted elephant country. Conservation and the Environment in Namibia (2021) 16-19
Giraffe Conservation Foundation (GCF) 2020. Environmental education in action. Conservation and the Environment in Namibia (2020)
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Environmental education in action.pdf 1.87 MB
Namibian Chamber of Environment (NCE) 2020. Swakopmund gets a brand new Education for Sustainable Development centre. Conservation and the Environment in Namibia (2020)
Vollbrecht H, Vyklicky N 2019. EduLink: Teaching Namibia's far-flung teachers. Conservation and the Environment in Namibia (2019)
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EduLink_Teaching Namibias far_flung teachers.pdf 6.4 MB
Sandelowsky B, Bock R Rehoboth Acacia Tree Forest in Namibia.
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Rehoboth_Acacia_Tree_Forest_in_Namibia.pdf 501.03 KB
Keding V, Volkmann A 2024. Teach for ESD: Education for sustainable development.
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Teach for ESD_Education for sustainable development.pdf 3.33 MB
Volkmann A, Keding V 2024. Teach for ESD: Environmental Knowledge.
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Teach for ESD_Environmental Knowledge.pdf 8.38 MB
EduVentures Trust, Namibia Institute for Democracy 2024. Linking environmental education with democracy. Conservation and the Environment in Namibia 28-31
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Linking environmental education with democracy.pdf 541.37 KB