
Climate change and environmental education. A companion to the Child Friendly Schools Manual

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Over the past decade, the child-friendly schools (CFS) approach has emerged as UNICEF's signature means to advocate for and promote quality education for every girl and boy. Child-friendly schools enable all children to achieve their full potential. As a part of a Global Capacity Development Programme on CFS, UNICEF has developed the Child Friendly Schools Manual, a reference document and practical guidebook to help countries implement CFS models appropriate to their specific circumstances. The purpose of this module is to provide in-depth information on how Climate Change and Environmental Education (CCEE) can be integrated into the design, implementation and practice of child-friendly schools.1 Many schools are incorporating CCEE in their curricula. While it is impossible to present a complete account of these efforts, this module includes the most relevant examples and illustrates the diversity of approaches. This module should be used as a companion to the Child Friendly Schools Manual. Together with the policy-level resource pack 'Scaling Up and Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction in the Education Sector: Promoting child rights and equity', it will help countries plan, design and implement CFS in their own contexts. It is intended as general guidance adaptable to particular contexts and settings.

UNICEF Division of Communication
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CFS_Climate_E_web.pdf 1.07 MB