Any tract of land or building used for agricultural purposes, such as for raising crops and livestock. (Source: RHW)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 191 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
2016. Gazetteer of place names Namibia.
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Gazetteer of place names Namibia_2016.pdf 7.62 MB
Weise FJ, Wessels Q, Munro S, Solberg M 2014. Using artificial passageways to facilitate the movement of wildlife on Namibian farmland. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 44 (2) 161-166
Marker LL, Kraus D, Barnett D, Hurlbut S 2003. Cheetah survival on Namibian farmlands.
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Cheetah survival on Namibian farmlands.pdf 5.21 MB
Marker LL, Dickman AJ 2005. Notes on the spatial ecology of caracals (Felis caracal), with particular reference to Namibian farms. African Journal of Ecology 43 73-76
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Notes on the spatial ecology of caracals.pdf 467.06 KB
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2015. Land and Property Rights - Junior Farmer Field and Life School, facilitator's guide. Junior Farmer Field and Life School – Manuals for Trainers
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Land and Property Rights_FAO.pdf 1.56 MB
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2010. Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit for Junior Farmer Field and Life School. Junior Farmer Field and Life School – Manuals for Trainers
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) 2009. Arid waste? Reassessing the value of dryland pastoralism.
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IIED economics of pastoralism 2009.pdf 314.38 KB
Mendelsohn J, el Obeid S, Roberts C 2000. A profile of north-central Namibia.
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Profile of north_central Namibia.pdf 40.39 MB
Stehn H 2008. Large Stock Management.
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Large stock management_Helmut Stehn.pdf 31.65 MB
de Lange D 2008. Small Stock Management.
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Small Stock Management.pdf 7.69 MB
Espach C, Lubbe LG, Ganzin N 2010. Determining grazing capacity in Namibia with the aid of remote sensing. Agricola 20 41-61
Lechner WR 1994. Pilot project for small-scale pearl millet seed production in Namibia. Drought-Tolerant Crops for Southern Africa
National Agricultural Support Services Programme (NASSP) 2004. Eco-regional satellite centres report No. 1.
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NASSP Final Report ESC.pdf 408.59 KB
Marker LL, Dickman AJ, Jeo RM, Mills MGL, MacDonald DW 2003. Demography of the Namibian cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus jubatus. Biological Conservation 114 (3) 413-425
Shaw WH 2003. 'They Stole Our Land': debating the expropriation of white farms in Zimbabwe. Journal of Modern African Studies 41 (1) 75-89
Hall R 2004. A Political Economy of Land Reform in South Africa. Review of African Political Economy 31 (100) 213-227
Pelser AJ, Kherehloa T 2000. Some causes and strategies pertaining to land degradation in southern Africa. South African Journal of Agricultural Extension 29 24-46
Thomas NH 2003. Land reform in Zimbabwe. Third World Quaterly 24 (4) 691-712
Smith AB 1998. Early Domestic Stock in Southern Africa: A Commentary. African Archaeological Review 15 (2) 151-156