Unique but fragile and vulnerable ecosystems due to the fact that the evolution of their flora and fauna has taken place in relative isolation. Many remote islands have some of the most unique flora in the world; some have species of plants and animals that are not found anywhere else, which have evolved in a specialized way, sheltered from the fierce competition that species face on mainland. (Source: WRIGHT)

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Displaying results 1 - 14 of 14 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Williams AJ, Komen J, Myer EJ 1986. Disorientated: A Broadbilled roller at Possession Island. Lanioturdus 22 (2) 35-36
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A Broadbilled roller at Possession Island_1986.pdf 213.01 KB
Wolski P, Murray-Hudson M, Fernkvist P, Liden A, Huntsman-Mapila P, Ramberg L 2005. Islands in the Okavango Delta as sinks of water-borne nutrients. Botswana Notes and Records 37 (Special Edition on Human Interactions and Natural Resource Dynamics in the Okavango Delta and Ngamiland) 253-263
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Islands in the Okavango Delta as sinks of water_borne nutrients.pdf 1.52 MB
Gumbricht T, McCarthy TS 2003. Spatial patterns of islands and salt crusts in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. South African Geographical Journal 85 (2) 164-169
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Spatial patterns of islands and salt crusts in the Okavango Delta.pdf 648.82 KB
McCarthy TS, Humphries MS, Mohamed I, le Roux P, Verhagen BTh 2012. Island forming processes in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Geomorphology 179 249-257
Humphries MS, McCarthy TS, Cooper GRJ, Stewart RA, Stewart RD 2014. The role of airborne dust in the growth of tree islands in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Geomorphology 206 307-317
Linder HP, Strebel PM, Crowe TM 1980. Island biogeography and the "Acacia" clumps at the Nxai Pan, Botswana. Botswana Notes and Records 12 170-173
Cordes I 1998. The Namibian offshore islands - a historical overview. Focus on Fisheries and Research (January 1998) 141-142
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The Namibian offshore islands_a historical overview.pdf 2.5 MB
Williams AJ, Dyer BM 1990. The birds of Hollamsbird Island, least known of the southern African guano islands. Marine Ornithology 18 13-18
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Williams_1990_Marine_Ornith_Hollamsbird_Island.pdf 296.26 KB