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Displaying results 451 - 500 of 1254 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Enhancing Heritage Resources, EcoSurv Environmental Consultants 2014. Strategic Environmental Assessment of the tourism sector for the Mudumu Landscape.
Kemp L, Mendelsohn J, Jones B 2009. The Sheya Uushona Conservancy.
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The Sheya Uushona Conservancy.pdf 1.77 MB
Wyckoff-Baird B, Kaus A, Christen CA, Keck M 2000. Shifting the Power: Decentralization and Biodiversity Conservation.
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Decentralization and biodiversity conservation.pdf 5.56 MB
Long SA, Vaughan C, Murphy C, Kuvare U 2001. The Khaibasen Participatory Research Group Livelihoods Workshop Report.
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Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) Wuparo Conservancy - Fact sheet.
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Wuparo_fact_sheet.pdf 106.6 KB
Roskaft E, Larsen T, Mojaphoko R, Raihan Sarker AHM, Jackson C 2014. Human Dimensions of Elephant Ecology. Elephants and Savanna Woodland Ecosystems: A Study from Chobe National Park, Botswana
Jones BTB, Davis A, Diez L, Diggle RW Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) and Reducing Poverty in Namibia. Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Alleviation: Exploring the Evidence for a Link
Paterson B, Stuart-Hill G, Underhill LG, Dunne TT, Schinzel B, Brown C, Beytell B, Demas F, Lindeque P, Tagg J, Weaver C 2008. A fuzzy decision support tool for wildlife translocations into communal conservancies in Namibia. Environmental Modelling and Software 23 (5) 521-534
Reyers B 2013. Conserving Biodiversity Outside Protected Areas. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity Second Edition 289-305
Weaver LC, Petersen T 2008. Namibia Communal Area Conservancies. 48 - 52
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Namibia Communal Area Conservancies_2008.pdf 172.85 KB
Conservancy map (jpg).
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Rust NA, Marker LL 2013. Attitudes towards predators and conservancies amongst rural Namibian farmers. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 18 (6) 463-468
Bandyopadhyay S, Humavindu M, Shyamsundar P, Wang L 2009. Benefits to local communities from community conservancies in Namibia: an assessment. Development Southern Africa 26 (5) 733-754
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) Communal area conservancies in Namibia - A simple guide.
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Communal area conservancies in Namibia_A simple guide.pdf 11.24 MB
de Jager M 1996. The establishment and operation of conservancies in Namibia. Namibia Environment 1 104-105