
Communal Lands Contested: The battle over N‡a Jaqna Conservancy


The Namibian San are living lives of poverty and dislocation. While different San peoples face different situations, there is a depressing common core to their poverty. It begins with being landless, often on their own land. Government policies since Independence, some well meaning, some ignorant of San needs, have not helped. Poor information and inconsistent policy implementation has exacerbated this situation. Currently, the San's right to land use in the former Western Bushmanland is being challenged by a Ministry of Lands and Resettlement proposal to resettle small scale farmers in the N#a Jaqna Conservancy. The N#a Jaqna Conservancy was gazetted by Parliament in 2003 as provided under the Nature Conservation Amendment Act 5 of 1996. Members of the Conservancy are mainly San, and although, the Amendment Act, does not give ownership of the conservancy land to the community, it does give them the legal right to use the natural resources of this land.

LEAD Project
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Journal Article

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