Cities, towns, villages, and other concentrations of human populations which inhabit a given segment or area of the environment. Human settlements are associated with numerous and complex environmental, pollution, and living condition problems for planning and management. (Source: UNUN)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 134 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
van Damme P, van den Eynden V 1922. Topnaar or Hottentot? The people on the top revisited. Africa Focus 8 (3-4) 215-221
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The Topnaar which live in the Namib Desert.pdf 374 KB
Jenkins T, Brain CK 1967. The peoples of the lower Kuiseb Valley, South West Africa. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 35 3-24
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The peoples of the lower Kuiseb Valley_ South West Africa.pdf 5.73 MB
Brain CK 1969. The contribution of Namib Desert Hottentots to an understanding of Australopithecine bone accumulations. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 39 13-22
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The contribution of Namib Desert Hottentots.pdf 1.29 MB
Hanssen L, Fwelimbi MH, Siyanga O 2016. Human-Lion conflict in the Mudumu South Complex, Zambezi Region, Namibia.
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Human-Lion Conflict in the MSC_Report Feb 2016.pdf 823.26 KB
Letloa Custodian Comittee 2012. Naro San Values.
Hitchcock RK, Biesele M, Daggett AM Refugees, Resettlement, and Development in Namibia (revised and resubmitted). African Study Monographs
Weigend GG 1985. German Settlement Patterns in Namibia. Geographical Review 75 (2) 156 - 169
2002. Towns and settlements.
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Towns and 143.89 KB
Hoesch W 1957. Über die Auswirkung des Besiedlung auf den Vogelbestand in Südwest-Afrika. Journal für Ornitologie 98 279 - 281
Kuper A 1970. The Kgalagadi in the nineteenth century. Botswana Notes and Records 2 45-51
2002. 6.06 Urban rural population by region.
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Fig 6.06 Urban rural popln by 143.89 KB
2002. 6.05 Population density by region.
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Fig 6.05 Population density by 143.89 KB
2002. 6.04 Changing proportions of people.
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Fig 6.04 Changing proportions of 143.89 KB
2002. 6.03 The density of people.
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Fig 6.03 The density of 143.89 KB
2002. 6.01 The distribution of people.
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Fig 6.01 The distribution of 143.89 KB
Lenssen-Erz T 2004. The landscape setting of rock-painting sites in the Brandberg (Namibia): infrastructure, Gestaltung, use and meaning. Pictures and place - The figured landscapes of rock-art 131-150
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The landscape setting of rock_painting sites in the Brandberg.pdf 2.03 MB
Seiner F, Esche HV 1977. Die Buschmänner des Okavango and Sambesigebietes der Nord-Kalahari. Botswana Notes and Records 9 31-36
Kioko J, Muruthi P, Omondi P, Chiyo PI 2007. The performance of electric fences as elephant barriers in Amboseli, Kenya. South African Journal of Wildlife Research (38) 52-58
Potgieter GC, Marker LL, Avenant NL, Kerley GIH 2013. Why Namibian Farmers Are Satisfied With the Performance of Their Livestock Guarding Dogs. Human Dimensions of Wildlife: An International Journal (18) 403-415
Chardonnet P, Soto B, Fritz H, Crosmary W, Drouet-Hoguet N, Mésochina P, Pellerin M, Mallon D, Bakker L, Boulet H, Lamarque F 2010. Managing the conflicts between people and lion: review and insights from the literature and field experience.
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Managing the conflict between people and lion.pdf 543.44 KB
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) 1997. Report on Mbukushu migration to Kxoe use areas to the east of the Okavango River.
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Report on the Mbukushu Migration.pdf 51.9 MB
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) 2018. South East Angola population mapping.
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SE Angola Population 9.98 MB
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) South West Angola household types.
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SW Angola household 109.56 KB
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) South West Angola Huila, Namibe and Cunene household survey.
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SW Angola Huila, Namibe and Cunene household 956.42 KB
SOAPRO 2017. South West Angola Iona household survey.
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SW Angola Iona household 3.87 MB
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) South West Angola livelihood zones.
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SW Angola livelihood 120.33 KB