information exchange

A reciprocal transference of data between two or more parties for the purpose of enhancing knowledge of the participants. (Source: RHW)

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Displaying results 1 - 29 of 29 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Henschel J, Pauw F, Banyikwa F, Brito R, Chabwela H, Ringrose S, Santos L, Sitoe A, van Jaarsveld A 2003. Developing the Environmental Long-Term Observatories Network of Southern Africa (ELTOSA). South Africa Journal of Science 99 (3-4) 100-108
Seely M, Moser P 2004. Connecting Community Action and Science to Combat Desertification: Evaluation of a Process. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 99 (1 - 3) 33 - 55
Kapuire GK, Winschiers-Theophilus H, Chivuno-Kurio S, Bidwell NJ, Blake E 2010. Revolution in ICT, the last hope for African rural communities' technology appropriation. Proceedings of 4th International Development Informatics Association (IDIA) Conference 2010 8 pages
David A, Braby J, Zeidler J, Kandjinga L, Ndokosho J 2013. Building adaptive capacity in rural Namibia - Community information toolkits on climate Change. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 5 (2) 215-229
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Building adaptive capacity in rural Namibia_2013.pdf 431.39 KB
2017. Carnivore distribution in Namibia.
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Carnivores of Namibia summary.pdf 1.97 MB
Périquet S, Fleury G 2017. Leopard (Panthera pardus).
Downloadable files:
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Leopard_Panthera pardus.pptx 4.04 MB
Périquet S, Fleury G, Marker L, Melzheimer J 2017. Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus).
Downloadable files:
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Cheetah_Acinonyx jubatus.pptx 4.01 MB
Périquet S, Fleury G 2017. Caracal (Caracal caracal).
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Caracal_Caracal caracal.pptx 2.11 MB
Wiesel I 2017. Brown Hyaena (Parahyaena brunnea).
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Brown Hyaena_Parahyaena brunnea.pptx 6.66 MB
Périquet S, Hanssen L 2017. Lion (Panthera leo).
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Lion.pptx 2.29 MB
Périquet S, Fleury G 2017. Serval (Leptailurus serval).
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Serval_Leptailurus serval.pptx 3.28 MB
Küsters M 2017. Black-footed cat (Felis nigripes), African wild cat (Felis lybica).
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Small cats.pptx 1.95 MB
Périquet S, Fleury G 2017. Aardwolf (Proteles cristata).
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Aardwolf_Proteles cristata.pptx 1.87 MB
Pallett J 2017. Remaining carnivores: Mustelidae, Viverridae, Herpestidae.
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Remaining carnivores_2017.pptx 5.29 MB
Périquet S, Fleury G 2017. Bat-eared Fox (Otocyon megalotis).
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Small Canids.pptx 8.3 MB
N/a’an kuse, Cheetah Conservation Fund 2017. Wild dogs in Namibia.
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Wild Dogs of the Mangetti.pptx 5.3 MB
Jarvis A 2017. - A quick introduction.
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November carnivore red data workshop_2017.ppt 15.15 MB