big game

Large wild animals that weigh typically more than 30 lb when fully grown, hunted for food, sport or profit. (Source: CORBIT / AMHER)

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Displaying results 201 - 250 of 2503 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
de Beer Y, Kilian W, Versfeld W, van Aarde RJ 2006. Elephants and low rainfall alter woody vegetation in Etosha National Park, Namibia. Journal of Arid Environments 64 412 - 421
van Aarde R, de Beer Y, Guldemond R 2004. Elephants, drought and woody vegetation in Namibia's Etosha National Park. Transactions of the Royal Society of SA 59 (2) 123
Charif RA, Ramey RR, Langbauer WR, Payne KB, Martin RB, Brown LM 2005. Spatial relationships and matrilineal kinship in African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana) clans. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 57 (4) 327-338
Taylor A, Balfour D, Kirsty Brebner D, Coetzee R, Davies-Mostert H, Lindsey PA, Shaw J, 't Sas-Rolfes M 2017. Sustainable rhino horn production at the pointy end of the rhino horn trade debate. Biological Conservation 216 60-80
Naidoo R, Weaver LC, Diggle RW, Matongo G, Stuart-Hill G, Thouless C 2016. Importance of local values to successful conservation: response to Jacquet and Delon. Conservation Biology 30 912-913
Naidoo R, du Preez P, Stuart-Hill G, Weaver LC, Jago M, Wegmann W 2012. Factors affecting intraspecific variation in home range size of a large African herbivore. Landscape Ecology 27 (10) 1523-1534
Guerier AS, Bishop JM, Crawford SJ, Schmidt-Küntzel A, Stratford KJ 2012. Parentage analysis in a managed free ranging population of southern white rhinoceros: genetic diversity, pedigrees and management. Conservation Genetics 13 (3) 811-822
Baines L, Morgan ER, Ofthilfe M, Evans K 2015. Occurrence and seasonality of internal parasite infection in elephants, Loxodonta africana, in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 4 (1) 43-48
Campbell A 1981. A comment on Kalahari wildlife and the Khukhe fence. Botswana Notes and Records 13 111-118
Williamson DT, Williamson JE 1981. An assessment of the impact of fences on large herbivore biomass in the Kalahari. Botswana Notes and Records 13 107-110
Raseroka BH 1975. Past and present distribution of Buffalo in Botswana. Botswana Notes and Records 7 131-140
2002. Blue wildebeest distribution.
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Blue wildebeest 143.89 KB
Brain C, Fox VEB 1994. Suspected cardiac glycoside poisoning in elephants (Loxodonta africana). Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 65 173-174
Bandyopadhyay S, Humavindu M, Shyamsundar P, Wang L 2009. Benefits to local communities from community conservancies in Namibia: an assessment. Development Southern Africa 26 (5) 733-754
Brook GA, Cherkinsky A, Marais E, Todd N 2014. Rare elephant molar (Loxodonta africana zulu) from the Windhoek Spring Deposit, Namibia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa (Special Issue: A festschrift for Professor Mary Seely) 69 (3) 145-150
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Rare elephant molar from the Windhoek Spring Deposit_Namibia.pdf 1.2 MB
Naidoo R, Kilian JW, du Preez P, Beytell P, Aschenborn O, Taylor RD, Stuart-Hill G 2017. Evaluating the effectiveness of local- and regional-scale wildlife corridors using quantitative metrics of functional connectivity. Biological Conservation (217) 96-103
Naidoo R, Kilian JW, du Preez P, Beytell P, Aschenborn O, Taylor RD, Stuart-Hill G Evaluating the effectiveness of local- and regional-scale wildlife corridors using quantitative metrics of functional connectivity. Biological Conservation 217 (96-103) 2017
Jacobsohn M 1996. Balancing the cost of wildlife. Namibia Environment 1 191-195
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Balancing the cost of wildlife_1996.pdf 7.14 MB
Lindeque M 1996. Conservation and management of elephants in Namibia. Namibia Environment 1 144-150
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Conservation and management of elephants in Namibia_1996.pdf 8.07 MB
Jachmann H 2002. Comparison of aerial counts with ground counts for large African herbivores. Journal of Applied Ecology 39 841-852