Species belonging to the plant kingdom. (Source: RRDA)

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Displaying results 2651 - 2692 of 2692 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Guo D, Arnolds JL, Midgley GF, Foden WB 2016. Conservation of Quiver Trees in Namibia and South Africa under a Changing Climate. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection 4 1-8
Andrews P, Pringle H, Zimmermann I 2017. Could critical Australian insights illuminate rangeland management in Namibia?. Namibian Journal of Environment 1 (B) 1-6
Garcia-Aloy S, Sanmartin I, Kadereit G, Vitales D, Millanes AM, Roquet C, Vargas P, Alarcon M, Aldasoro JJ 2017. Opposite trends in the genus Monsonia (Geraniaceae): Specialization in the African deserts and range expansions throughout eastern Africa. Scientific Reports 7
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Opposite trends in the genus Monsonia_Geraniaceae.pdf 4.2 MB
Mundy PJ, Ncube SF 2014. Devil's Claw – a natural substitute for diclofenac?. Vulture News 67 43-47
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Devils Claw_a natural substitute for diclofenac_2014.pdf 378.39 KB
Craven P, Craven D The flora of the Brandberg, Namibia.
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The flora of the Brandberg.pdf 280.77 KB
van Rooyen N, van Rensburg DJ, Theron GK, Bothma J du P 1988. A Check List of flowering plants of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. Koedoe 31 115-135
Basson PA, Norval AG, Hofmeyr JM, Ebedes H, Schultz RA 1982. Antelope and poisonous plants: 1. Gifblaar Dichapetalum cymosum (Hooker) Engler and Prantl containing monofluoroacetate. Madoqua 13 (1) 59-70
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Gifblaar Dichapetalum cymosum 1982.pdf 1004.56 KB
de Waele D, McDonald AH, Jordaan EM, Orion D, van den Berg E, Loots GC 1998. Plant-parasitic nematodes associated with maize and pearl millet in Namibia. African Plant Protection 4 (2) 113-117
Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF) Endemics of Namibia.
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NNF_Endemics of Namibia Poster.pdf 2.21 MB
Sigwart H 1929. Lamsiekte of sheep in South West Africa. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 1 (3) 25-29
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Lamsiekte of sheep in South West Africa.pdf 490.67 KB
1992. Monocotyledonae. Dinteria 1992 (22) 85-109
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Monocotyledonae.pdf 457.24 KB
Nott K, Savage MJ 1985. Observations on the utilization of a dune succulent by Namib faunae. African Zoology 20 (4) 269-271
Jankowitz WJ 1973. A first record for Aloe buettneri in Southern Africa. Madoqua 1 (7) 51-53
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A first record for Aloe buettneri in Southern Africa_1973.pdf 368.21 KB
Cole DT 1973. Lithops gulielmi L. Bol. and Lithops fossulifera nom. nud.: 35 years of confusion resolved. Madoqua 1 (7) 39-43
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Lithops gulielmi.pdf 785.76 KB
Vogel JC, Seely MK 1977. Occurrence of C4 plants in the Central Namib Desert. Madoqua 10 (1) 75-78
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Occurrence of C4 plants in the Central Namib Desert.pdf 380.17 KB
Cole DT 1973. Lithops dinteri Schwantes: a review, and a new variety. Madoqua 1 (7) 33-38
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Lithops dinteri Schwantes_a review_and a new variety.pdf 1013.67 KB
Nott K, Savage MJ 1985. Root distribution of Trianthema hereroensis in the Namib dunes. Madoqua 14 (2) 181-183
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Root distribution of Trianthema hereroensis in the Namib dunes.pdf 209.62 KB
Wiltshire TGH, Schlettwein CHG 1984. Chemical composition of Salvinia molesta from the eastern Caprivi Strip. Madoqua 14 (1) 91-93
Pickford M 2004. Southern Africa: a cradle of evolution. South Africa Journal of Science 100 (3-4) 205-214
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Southern Africa_a cradle of evolution.pdf 148.7 KB
van Jaarsveld E 1994. The Namib caper, Capparis hereoensis. Veld and Flora 80 (4) 108
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The Namib caper_capparis hereoensis.pdf 139.6 KB