meteorological research

Study of meteorological elements such as wind speed and direction, air temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, evaporation, solar radiation, visibility and cloud cover in order to collect data for weather forecast or for specific research purposes. (Source: YOUNG)

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Displaying results 1 - 31 of 31 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Schulze BR 1969. The climate of Gobabeb. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 38 5-12
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The climate of Gobabeb.pdf 1.08 MB
Joubert DF, Zimmermann I, Winschiers-Theophilus W, Fendler J 2010. Poster Presentation: An expert system for bush encroachment in Namibia.
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Control of Invasive Woody Species_Poster Presentation_2010.pdf 171.42 KB
Thorne V, Coakeley P, Grimes D, Dugdale D 2001. Comparison of TAMSAT and CPC rainfall estimates with raingauges, for southern Africa. International Journal of Remote Sensing 22 (10) 1951-1974
Todd MC, Andersson L, Hughes DA, Kniveton D, Layberry R, Murray-Hudson M, Savenije HHG, Wilk J, Wolski P 2008. Simulating Climate Impacts on Water Resources: Experience from the Okavango River, Southern Africa. Water Science and Technology Library 63 (3) 243 - 265
Anderson D, Barker T, Foxon T, Pan H, Warren R, Winne S 2006. Linking air pollution with climate change.
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Linking air pollution with climate change_2006.pdf 268.66 KB
Kuvare U, Maharero T, Kamupingene G 2008. Research on farming systems change to enable adaptation to climate Change.
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Farming Systems - Climate Change FINAL REPORT.pdf 3.07 MB
Hessler I, Dupont L, Handiani D, Paul A, Merkel U, Wefer G 2011. Masked millennial-scale climate variations in South West Africa during the last glaciation. Climate of the Past Discussions 7 3511 - 3540
Rothauge A 1998. Drought management in Namibia.
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Drought management in Namibia_1988.pdf 34.8 KB
Amakutuwa NP, Hanel IM Impacts of climate change on precipitation in the Cuvelai-Etosha basin.
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impact.pdf 363.26 KB
du Pisani AL 2003. El Nino and its effect on Namibia.
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Spotlight_063.pdf 1.98 MB
Durham EL, Maslin MA, Platzman E, Rosell-Mele A, Marlow JR, Leng M, Lowry D, Burns SJ 2001. Reconstructing the climatic history of the western coast of Africa over the past 1.5 M.Y.. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results 175
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West coast climate history.pdf 3.1 MB
Ministry of Works Transport and Communication 2009. April 2009 and cumulative seasonal rainfall performance.