water resource

Water in any of its forms, wherever located - atmosphere, surface or ground - which is or can be of value to man. (Source: LANDY)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 402 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Stengel HW 1963. Wasserwirtschaft Waterwese - Water Affairs in S.W.A..
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Wasserwirtschaft Waterwese.pdf 30.9 MB
Gardiner M, Matros-Goreses A, Roberts C, Seely M 2006. Site Characterisation for Kuiseb Riparian Ecosystems.
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Site Characterisation for Kuiseb Riparian Ecosystems.pdf 1.81 MB
Bethune S, Falke M, Heyns P, Kinahan J, Klintenberg P, Oosthuizen F, Seely M, Wittneben F, Werner W 2008. Water Resources Management Plan for the Kuiseb Basin - Action Plans. Volume 1.
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Water Resources Management Plan for the Kuiseb Basin_Volume 1.pdf 651.63 KB
Myburgh RIDM 1971. The water projects of the Namib desert. South Africa Journal of Science 67 152-158
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The water projects of the Namib desert.pdf 3.89 MB
Manning N, Pallett J 2004. Kuiseb Basin Management Committee - the first of its kind in Namibia. Conservation 26-27
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Kuiseb Basin Management Committee.pdf 3.15 MB
Kaiser E, Beetz W 1919. Die Wassererschließung in der südlichen Namib Südwestafrikas. Zeitschrift für praktische Geologie 11/12 165-186
Manning N, Seely M, Botes A 2002. Proceedings of the ELAK, Basin management workshop.
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Proceedings ELAK Basin Management Workshop.pdf 16.25 MB
Crerar S, Fry RG, Slater PM, van Langenhove G, Wheeler D 1988. An unexpected factor affecting recharge from ephemeral river flows in SWA/Namibia. Estimation of Natural groundwater recharge 11-28
Irish J 1991. Conservation aspects of karst waters in Namibia. Madoqua 17 (2) 141-146
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Conservation aspects of karst waters in Namibia.pdf 544.62 KB
Amwele E, Ausiku AP, Lugambo AK, Toivo E, Bernhardt H, Fillemon I, Israel K, Rodrick M, Moses M, Mkwetu M, Isaac N, Ntandozenkosi N, Ndahafa SM, Veronica S, Nandjamba TD 2004. Water balance, use and management in the Omaruru Basin.
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Water balance_use and management in the Omaruru Basin.pdf 5.07 MB
Bergholtz M, Piekarzewska M, Waernquist J, Vignuolo Y, Öberg H 2001. Land degradation - natural and human induced - Hoanib River catchment.
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 2002. Atlas of international freshwater agreements.
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Atlas of International Freshwater Agreements_2002.pdf 124.19 MB
van Langenhove G, de Bruine B, Rukira L, Hatutale A 1996. Flow régime changes in Namibian rivers: patterns, effects and possible causes.
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Flow regime changes in Namibian rivers.pdf 4.39 MB
Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment (SAIEA) 2014. Rapid Strategic Environmental Assessment of the fourth National Development Plan and Associated Policies and Strategies in Namibia.
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RapidSEAon4NDP.pdf 4.18 MB
Bockmühl F 2009. The Platveld Aquifer Study (PAS).
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The Platveld Aquifer Study.pdf 5.23 MB
Christian I 1988. Land and water usage by traditional pastoralists. Proceedings of the 2nd meeting of the Namibian Rangeland Forum, 31 March 1998
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Land and water usage by traditional pastoralists.pdf 604.56 KB
Krugmann H, Alberts M 2012. Water demand in the Namibia part of CORB.
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CORBWA Final Krugmann and Alberts CBR7_Namibia Water Use.pdf 2.18 MB
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2014. Synthesis Report - Cubango-Okavango River Basin Water Audit (CORBWA) Project.
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CORBWA Final FAO Basin Synthesis Report i3743e.pdf 2.36 MB
Mendelsohn J, el Obeid S, Roberts C 2000. A profile of north-central Namibia.
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Profile of north_central Namibia.pdf 40.39 MB