research project

Proposal, plan or design containing the necessary information and data for conducting a specific survey. (Source: CEDa)

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Displaying results 1351 - 1400 of 2941 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Namibia Animal Rehabilitation Research and Education Centre (NARREC) 2005. Bird ringing.
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Bird Ringing Namibia_Ringing for Science and Bird Ringing Schemes.pdf 928.42 KB
Cunningham PL, Joubert DF 2007. Cooperative hunting of Gabar Goshawk in Namibia. Gabar 18 (1) 31-33
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Cooperative hunting of Gabar Goshawk in Namibia_2007.pdf 65.13 KB
Avery G 1981. Results of beach patrols conducted in southern Africa in 1980. Cormorant 9 113 - 122
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Results of beach patrols conducted in southern Africa in 1980.pdf 391.36 KB
1999. Livestock Marketing Study.
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Nolidep livestock marketing study 1999.pdf 18.45 MB
Meyburg B-U, Howey PW, Meyburg C, Fiuczynski KD Two complete migration cycles of an adult Hobby tracked by satellite. British Birds 104 2-15
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Meyburg_Howey_2011.pdf 5.87 MB
MacDonald AM, Bonsor HC, Dochartaigh BEO, Taylor RG 2012. Quantitative maps of groundwater resources in Africa.
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Ground water resources of Africa 1748-9326_7_2_024009.pdf 1.06 MB
Gerkmann B, Meyburg B-U 2009. Habitats used by Lesser Spotted Eagles (Aquila pomarina) during migration and wintering as revealed by Satellite tracking and remote sensing. Populationsökologie Greifvogel- und Eulenarten 6 87-102
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Gerkmann_Meyburg.pdf 510.91 KB
Cunningham PL, Jankowitz W 2010. A Review of Fauna and Flora Associated with Coastal and Inland Saline Flats from Namibia with Special Reference to the Etosha Pan. Sabkha Ecosystems. Tasks for Vegetation Science 46 9-17
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Etosha and coastal salt pan biodoversity Namibian sabhka_2010.pdf 1.56 MB
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) 2011. Wildlife and Tourism in the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin.
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Cuvelai_poster_Wildlife_and_tourism_lowres.pdf 951.72 KB
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) 2011. Vegetation of the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin.
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Cuvelai_poster_Vegetation_lowres.pdf 892.21 KB
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) 2011. Surface water of the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin.
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Cuvelai_poster_Surface_water_lowres.pdf 990.2 KB
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) 2011. Overview of the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin.
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Cuvelai_poster_Overview_lowres.pdf 882.93 KB
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) 2011. The Cuvelai-Etosha Basin.
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Cuvelai_poster_Orientation_lowres.pdf 659.23 KB
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) 2011. Landscapes of the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin.
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Cuvelai_poster_Landscapes_lowres.pdf 843.5 KB
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) 2011. Groundwater of the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin.
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Cuvelai_poster_Groundwater_lowres.pdf 885.57 KB
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) 2011. People of the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin.
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Cuvelai_poster_Demography_lowres.pdf 858.43 KB
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) 2011. Rainfall of the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin.
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Cuvelai_poster_Climate_rain_lowres.pdf 800.81 KB
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) 2011. Climate of the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin.
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Climate of the Cuvelai_Etosha Basin_2011.pdf 678.34 KB
Quan J, Barton D, Conroy C 1994. A preliminary assessment of the economic impact of desertification in Namiba.
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Research Discussion Paper 3_1994.pdf 4.13 MB
Ashley C, Barnes J, Brown C, Jones B 1997. Using resource economics for natural resource management: Namibia's experience.
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Research Discussion Paper 16_1997.pdf 1.75 MB
Day JA 1997. The status of freshwater resources in Namibia.
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Research Discussion Paper 22_1997.pdf 3.74 MB
O'Toole M 1997. Marine environmental threats in Namibia.
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Research Discussion Paper 23_1997.pdf 3.61 MB
Abbott J, Hay C, Kalonga M, Naesje T, Purvis J 2003. The 2002 joint frame survey of fisheries on the Upper Zambezi River (Namibia/Zambia).
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Research Discussion Paper 58_2003.pdf 10.54 MB
Simmons RE 1997. Why don't all siblicidal eagles lay insurance eggs? The egg quality hypothesis. Behavioral Ecology 8 (5) 544-550
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Why dont all siblicidal eagles lay insurance eggs_1997.pdf 695.86 KB
Simmons RE, Stander PE, Barnard P, Cowlishaw G 1997. The role of behavioural ecology in southern Africa. South African Journal of Science 93 489-490
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The role of behavioural ecology in southern Africa_1997.pdf 21.5 KB
Simmons RE 2000. Declines and Movements of Lesser Flamingos in Africa. Journal of Waterbird Biology 23 (Special Publication 1: Conservation Biology of Flamingos) 40-46
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Declines and Movements of Lesser Flamingos in Africa_2000.pdf 2.53 MB
Simmons RE, Kemper J 2003. Cave breeding by African Penguins near the northern extreme of their range: Sylvia Hill, Namibia. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 74 (3-4) 217-221
Curtis O, Simmons RE, Jenkins AR 2004. Black Harrier Circus maurus of the Fynbos biome, South Africa: a threatened specialist or an adaptable survivor?. Bird Conservation International 14 233-245
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Black Harrier Circus maurus of the Fynbos biome_2004.pdf 123.59 KB