population trend

The direction of change in the total number of persons inhabiting a country, city, district or area. (Source: RHW / WMA)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 58 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Economic Commission for Africa 2001. State of the Environment in Africa.
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State of the Environment in Africa_2001.pdf 1.4 MB
van der Post CHM 2004. Human sprawl and the African wilderness of the Okavango. South African Geographical Journal 86 (2) 122-130
Zisadza P, Gandiwa E, van der Westhuizen H, van der Westhuizen E, Bodzo V 2010. Abundance, distribution and population trends of hippopotamus in Gonarezhou National Park, Zimbabwe :research article. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 40 (2) 149-157
Pelser AJ, Kherehloa T 2000. Some causes and strategies pertaining to land degradation in southern Africa. South African Journal of Agricultural Extension 29 24-46
Droege S 1990. The north American breeding bird survey. Survey Designs and Statistical Methods for the Estimation of Avian Population Trends 1-4
Crawford RJM, Williams AJ, Randall RM, Randall BM, Berruti A, Ross GJB 1990. Recent population trends of Jackass Penguins Spheniscus demersus off southern Africa. Biological Conservation 52 (3) 229 – 243
Terrell KA, Crosier AE, Wildt DE, O'Brien SJ, Anthony NM, Marker L, Johnson SJ 2016. Continued decline in genetic diversity among wild cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) without further loss of semen quality. Biological Conservation 200 192-199
2002. Age and sex structure in each district.
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Age and sex structures by district.zip 143.89 KB
Crawford RJM, Shelton PA 1981. Population trends for some southern African seabirds related to fish availability. Proceedings of the Symposium on Birds of the Sea and Shore 15-41
2002. 6.06 Urban rural population by region.
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Fig 6.06 Urban rural popln by region.zip 143.89 KB
2002. 6.05 Population density by region.
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Fig 6.05 Population density by region.zip 143.89 KB
2002. 6.04 Changing proportions of people.
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Fig 6.04 Changing proportions of people.zip 143.89 KB
Garbett R, Herremans M, Maude G, Reading RP, Amar A 2018. Raptor population trends in northern Botswana: A re-survey of road transects after 20 years. Biological Conservation (224) 87-99
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) 2018. South East Angola population mapping.
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SE Angola Population mapping.zip 9.98 MB
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) South West Angola Population mapping.
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SW Angola Population mapping.zip 13.04 MB
Cordes I 1998. Population trends of seabird on the Namibian offshore islands. Focus on Fisheries and Research (January 1998) 143-145
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Population trends of seabird on the Namibian offshore islands.pdf 3.93 MB
Namibia Statistics Agency 2013. Profile of Namibia.
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Profile of Namibia.pdf 6.51 MB
Douglas-Hamilton I 1987. African elephants: population trends and their causes. Oryx 21 (1) 11-24
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African elephants_Population trends and their causes.pdf 948.95 KB
Blanc JJ, Barnes RFW, Craig GC, Douglas-Hamilton I, Dublin HT, Hart JA, Thouless CR 2005. Changes in elephant numbers in major savanna populations in eastern and southern Africa. Pachyderm 38 19-28
TRP Associates 1996. 1995 Residents Survey Report.
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1995_Residents_Survey_Report_Volume_1996.pdf 5.21 MB
Kemper J 2007. Chapter 25: Population estimates and trends of seabird species breeding in Namibia. Final Report of the BCLME (Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem) Project on Top Predators as Biological Indicators of Ecosystem Change in the BCLME. Avian Demography Unit, Cape Town 207-210
Kemper J, Roux J-P, Bartlett PA, Chesselet YJ, James JAC, Jones R, Wepener S, Molloy FJ 2001. Recent population trends of African penguins Spheniscus demersus in Namibia. South African Journal of Marine Science 23 (1) 429-434
Kirkman SP, Oosthuizen WH, Meÿer MA, Kotze PGH, Roux J-P, Underhill LG 2007. Making sense of censuses and dealing with missing data: trends in pup counts of Cape fur seal Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus for the period 1972–2004. African Journal of Marine Science 29 (2) 161–176
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Kirkman et al 2007 aerial census seals.pdf 276.92 KB