national park

Areas of outstanding natural beauty, set aside for the conservation of flora, fauna and scenery, and for recreation, if this does not conflict with the conservation objectives of the parks and their landscapes. Hunting, logging, mining, commercial fishing, agriculture and livestock grazing are all controlled within national parks, as is industrial activity. (Source: WRIGHT)

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Displaying results 51 - 100 of 743 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2014. Game counts in Hardap Game Park, May 2014.
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Hardap_game_count_poster_2014.pdf 715.51 KB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2015. Game counts in Bwabwata.
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Zambezi Game Count_Bwabwata 2015.pdf 761.7 KB
Hanssen L, Funston P, Fwelimbi MH, Siyanga O 2016. Human-Lion conflict in the Mudumu South Complex, Zambezi Region, Namibia - Report February 2015.
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Human-Lion Conflict in the MSC_Report March 2015.pdf 738.35 KB
Demasius E 2014. Greater Kestrel prey to African Rock Python in Etosha. Lanioturdus 47 (3) 26-27
Owen-Smith GL 1972. Proposals for a game reserve in the Western Kaokoveld. South Africa Journal of Science 68 (2) 29-37
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Proposals for a game reserve in the Western Kaokoveld.pdf 1.85 MB
Lindeque M, Archibald T 1991. Seasonal wetlands in Ovambo and the Etosha National Park. Madoqua 17 (2) 129-133
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Seasonal wetlands in Ovambo and the Etosha National Park.pdf 773.46 KB
Ebedes H 1977. Anthrax epizootics in Etosha National Park. Madoqua 10 (2) 99 - 118
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Anthrax epizootics in Etosha National Park_1977.pdf 5.3 MB
Ebedes H 1973. The capture of free living vultures in the Etosha National Park with phencyclidine. Journal of the South African Wildlife Management Association 3 105 - 108
2015. Annual crane census March 2014. Namibia Crane News April (53)
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Namibia Crane News No 53_ Apr 2015.pdf 2.53 MB
Dixon JEW 1981. Diet of the owl Glaucidium perlatum in the Etosha National Park. Madoqua 12 (4) 267 - 268
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Dixon_1981_Madoqua_12_4_owl.pdf 358.98 KB
Hipondoka MHT, Kempf J, Jousse H 2013. Palaeo and Present Ecological Value of the Etosha Pan, Namibia: An Integrative Review. Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society 61 67-85
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 1969. Proclamation, No. 37: Cape Cross Seal Reserve, Proclamation of ....Anexure: Cape Cross Seal Reserve. 1155
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Gazette Cape Cross Seal Reserve_1969.pdf 3.74 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2010. Government Notices, No. 266: Declaration of Dorob National Park as a game park: Conservation Ordinance, 1975. 9-10
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Gazette Dorob National Park 2010_4622.pdf 268.54 KB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2008. Government Notices, No. 35: Declaration of an area as a National Park: Khaudum National Park. 2
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Gazette Khaudum National Park_1989_2008.pdf 1.75 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 1990. Government Notices, No. 18: Declaration as nature reserves: Mudumu and Mamili National Parks. 2-3
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Gazette Mudumu National Park_1990.pdf 2.1 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 1988. Government Notices, No. 184: Declaration of Game Park: Naute Recreation Resort,. 438
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Gazette Naute Recreation Resort_1988.pdf 2.28 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 1989. Government Notices, No. 15: Declaration of game parks: Popa, Mahangu and Khaudum Game Parks. 2
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Gazette Popa Falls_1989.pdf 2.3 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 1971. Proclamations, No. 82: Nature Conservation Ordinance 1967: Proclamation of Skeleton Coast Park. 892
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Gazette Skeleton Coast Park_1971.pdf 1.77 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2008. Government Notices, No. 275: Notice of declaration: Sperrgebiet National Park: Nature Conservation Ordinance, 1975. 3-4
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Gazette Sperrgebiet 2008_4174.pdf 299.6 KB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 1972. Proclamations, No. 67: Proclamation of Von Bach Recreation Resort. 907
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Gazette Von Bach Recreation Resort_1972.pdf 1.68 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 1990. Government Notice No. 9: Amendment of the boundaries of the Waterberg Plateau Park. 3
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Gazette Waterberg Plateau Park_1990_1972.pdf 3.33 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 1990. Government Notice No. 14: Amendment of the boundaries of the Namib-Naukluft Park. 3
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Namib Naukluft Park_1990_1986_1979_1968.pdf 8.22 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2007. Government Notice No. 204: Declaration of an area as a national park: Bwabwata National Park. 4
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Gazette Bwabwata_2007_CapriviGP_1968_Mahango_1989.pdf 3.2 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2002. Government Notice No. 112: Amendment of the Boundaries of the Ai-Ais Hot Springs Game Park. 3-4
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Gazette Ai-Ais Hot Springs_1968_1969_1988_2002.pdf 4.95 MB
Dedekind H 1987. Whitetailed shrike nesting in the Naukluft Park. Lanioturdus 22 (4) 82 - 83
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White_tailed Shrike nesting in the Naukluft Park_1987.pdf 181.31 KB
Beyer W, Bellan S, Eberle G, Ganz HH, Getz WM, Haumacher R, Hilss KH, Kilian W, Lazak J, Turner WC, Turnbull PCB 2012. Distribution and Molecular Evolution of Bacillus anthracis Genotypes in Namibia. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 6 (3) e1534
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Distribution and evolution of anthrax in Namibia.pdf 798.36 KB
Pickford M, Senut B, Hipondoka M, Person A, Segalen L, Plet C, Jousse H, Mein P, Guerin C, Morales J, Mourer-Chauvire C 2014. Mio-Plio-Pleistocene geology and palaeobiology of Etosha Pan, Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 14 16-68
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Mio_Plio_Pleistocene geology and palaeobiology of Etosha Pan.pdf 11.63 MB