livestock breeding

The raising of livestock by crossing different varieties to obtain new varieties with desired characteristics. (Source: PHC)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 56 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Stehn H 2008. Large Stock Management.
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Large stock management_Helmut Stehn.pdf 31.65 MB
de Lange D 2008. Small Stock Management.
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Small Stock Management.pdf 7.69 MB
Enkono SG, Kalundu SK, Thomas B 2013. Analysis of factors influencing cattle off-take rate and marketing in Ndiyona constituency of Kavango region, Namibia. Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development 5 (9) 201-206
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Marketing in Ndiyona constituency of Kavango region_2013.pdf 410.69 KB
Visser WH 1984. Gebruik van sjokolademielies by skape. Agricola 1 56-59
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Gebruik van sjokolademielies by skape.pdf 453.08 KB
Samkange A, Kandiwa E, Mushonga B, Bishi A, Muradzikwa E, Madzingira O 2019. Conception rates and calving intervals of different beef breeds at a farm in the semi-arid region of Namibia. Tropical Animal Health and Production
Perry B, Grace D 2009. The impacts of livestock diseases and their control on growth and development processes that are pro-poor. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 364 (1530) 2643-2655
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The impacts of livestock diseases.pdf 399.43 KB
1999. Livestock Marketing Study.
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Nolidep livestock marketing study 1999.pdf 18.45 MB
Lepen JM 1996. Breed characterization studies in Namibia. Agricola 9 21 - 23
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Breed characterization studies in Namibia_1996.pdf 314.23 KB
Visser WH 1998. Development of a White Karakul Flock. Agricola 10 73 - 75
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Development of a White Karakul Flock.PDF 1.1 MB
Maritz EGA 1998. Comparison of carcass mass in the Sandveld Stocking Trial. Agricola 10 91 - 93
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Comparison of carcass mass in the Sandveld Stocking Trial_1998.pdf 2.55 MB
Schoeman SJ, de Wet R, Nauhaus WK 2001. Genetic and environmental traits in the Namibian Government Simmentaler herds. Agricola 12 106 - 110
Louwrens A 2001. The use of computer models to predict sustainability. Agricola 12 85 - 89
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The use of computer models to predict sustainability_2001.pdf 503.61 KB