land mammal

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Displaying results 351 - 400 of 754 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Dean K 2012. Caught on tape: camera trapping in Etosha National Park, Namibia. Giraffa 6 (1) 15
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Camera trapping Giraffe.pdf 278.19 KB
Stander PE, Haden PJ, Kaqece II, Ghau II 1997. The ecology of asociality in Namibian leopards. Journal of Zoology 242 (2) 343-364
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The ecology of asociality in Namibian leopards.pdf 695.69 KB
Goldenberg F, Glanzl M, Henschel JR, Funk SM, Millesi E 2008. Gait choice in desert-living black-backed jackals. Journal of Zoology 275 (2) 124-129
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Gait choice in desert_living black_backed jackals.pdf 264.8 KB
Tilson RL, Henschel JR 1986. Spatial arrangement of spotted hyaena groups in a desert environment, Namibia. African Journal of Ecology 24 (3) 173-180
Chingarande D 2021. Pangolin scales land 3 in court. NewsDay Zimbabwe
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ZIM_2021_07_Pangolin scales land 3 in court_NewsDay Zimbabwe_2021.pdf 220.92 KB
Chingarande D 2021. Man in court for possession of pangolin.
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SA_2021_08_Man in court for possession of pangolin_News day.pdf 210.44 KB
Prediger K 2021. Taking a scientific approach to pangolin conservation in Namibia. Conservation and the Environment in Namibia (2021) 42-45
Smit E 2021. 23 arrested for wildlife crimes.
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NAM_2021_10_23 arrested for wildlife crimes_Namibian Sun.pdf 247.19 KB
Barandongo SR, Mfune JKE, Turner WC 2018. Dust-bathing behaviors of African herbivores and the potential risk of inhalational anthrax. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 54 (1) 34-44
Mills MGL 1987. Behavioural adaptations of brown and spotted hyaenas in the southern Kalahari. South African Journal of Science 83 (10) 595-598