human disease

An interruption, cessation or disorder of human bodily functions, systems or organs resulting from genetic or developmental errors, infection, nutritional deficiency, toxicity, illness or unfavorable environmental factors. (Source: SMD / ISEP)

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Displaying results 1 - 28 of 28 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Evans AC, Joubert JJ 1989. Intestinal helminths of hospital patients in Kavango territory, Namibia. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 83 (5) 681-683
Rosatte RC 2013. Chapter 18 – Rabies Control in Wild Carnivores. Rabies (Third Edition), Scientific Basis of the Disease and Its Management 617-670
Tatem AJ, Adamo S, Bharti N, Burgert CR, Castro M, Dorelien A, Fink G, Linard C, Mendelsohn J, Montana L, Montgomery MR, Nelson A, Noor AM, Pindolia D, Yetman G, Balk D 2012. Mapping populations at risk: improving spatial demographic data for infectious disease modeling and metric derivation. Population Health Metrics 10 (8)
2010. Malaria strategic plan (2010-2016).
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Malaria strategic plan 2010_2016.pdf 1.03 MB
du Preez I, Nafuka S, Mumbengegwi D, Böck R 2015. Indigenous use of plants to treat malaria and associated symptoms. Indigenous knowledge of Namibia 41-62
Dushimemaria F, Mumbengegwi DR, Böck R 2015. Indigenous knowledge of medicinal plants used for the treatment of cancer. Indigenous knowledge of Namibia 63-88
Mumbengegwi DR, du Preez I, Dushimemaria F, Auala J, Nafuka S 2015. The use of traditional medicinal plants as antimicrobial treatments. Indigenous knowledge of Namibia 89-114
Magwedere K, Hemberger MY, Hoffman LC, Dziva F 2012. Zoonoses: a potential obstacle to the growing wildlife industry of Namibia. Infection ecology and epidemiology 2 (1) 18365
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Zoonoses_a potential obstacle to the growing wildlife industry.pdf 1.1 MB
Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) 1995. National Policy and Strategy for Malaria Control.
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National Policy and Stategy for Malaria.pdf 2.33 MB
Noor AM, Uusiku P, Kamwi RN, Katokele S, Ntombwa B, Alegana VA, Snow RW 2013. The receptive versus current risks of Plasmodium falciparum transmission in Northern Namibia: implications for elimination. BMC Infectious Diseases 13 184
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Malaria northern Namibia_2013.pdf 656.9 KB
Makhado RA, Potgieter MJ, Wessels DCJ 2009. Colophospermum mopane Wood utilisation in the Northeast of the Limpopo Province, South Africa. Ethnobotanical Leaflets 13 921 - 945
Funke N, Jacobs I, Said M, Nienaber S, Steyn M 2009. Regional cholera response discussion. Proceedings of the Regional Cholera Response Discussion, 30 September 2009 1-34
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Regional cholera response discussion.pdf 203.54 KB
Geldenhuys PJ, Hallett AF, Visser PS, Malcolm AC 1967. Bilharzia survey in the Eastern Caprivi, Northern Bechuanaland and Nothern South West Africa. South African Medical Journal 41 (31) 767-771