health care

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Displaying results 1 - 33 of 33 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Mittendorfer E 2001. FAO Nutrition Country Profiles - Namibia.
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FAO Nutrition Country Profiles.pdf 753.94 KB
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) 2015. A Namibia fit for children - 25 years of progress.
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A Namibia fit for children_25 years of progress_2015.pdf 34.85 MB
Central Statistics Office 2000. Statistical Bulletin.
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Statisical bulletin june 2000.pdf 47.58 MB
The Uranium Institute.
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The Uranium Institute.pdf 26.2 KB
2010. Malaria strategic plan (2010-2016).
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Malaria strategic plan 2010_2016.pdf 1.03 MB
Mufune P, Indongo N, Nickandor N, Eiseb G, Stephanuset K 2008. Youth migration in Namibia : baseline report.
2002. Health regions.
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Health 143.89 KB
2002. 6.17 Health facilities.
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Fig 6.17 Health 143.89 KB
Maroyi A, Cheikhyoussef A 2015. A comparative study of medicinal plants used in rural areas of Namibia and Zimbabwe. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 14 (3) 401-406
Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) 2002. National Environmental Health Policy.
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National_Environmental_Health_Policy_2002.pdf 11.29 MB
Funke N, Jacobs I, Said M, Nienaber S, Steyn M 2009. Regional cholera response discussion. Proceedings of the Regional Cholera Response Discussion, 30 September 2009 1-34
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Regional cholera response discussion.pdf 203.54 KB
van der Merwe B, Fitchat S 2009. Gardening for health : Home gardening in Namibia.
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Gardening-Booklet-Eng-LQ.pdf 6.41 MB
Kothari MT, Abderrahim N 2010. Nutrition update 2010.
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Nutrition Update.pdf 594.23 KB
National health policy framework, 2010-2020. 2010 - 2020
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National Health Policy Framework.pdf 1.33 MB
2008. Report on the 2008 National HIV Sentinel Survey.
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HIV sentinel survey 2008.pdf 3.1 MB