animal behaviour

Behaviour of animals in their normal environment, including all the processes, both internal and external, by which they respond to changes in their environment. (Source: ALL2)

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Displaying results 101 - 150 of 619 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Gaerdes J 1971. Flamingo-wanderflüge über Wlotzkabaken. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 3/4 (7) 4 - 5
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Flamingo wanderfluege ueber Wlotzkabaken_1971.pdf 287.05 KB
Haacke WD 1976. The call of the barking geckos (Gekkonidae: Reptilia). Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 46 (83-93)
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The call of the barking geckos.pdf 1.31 MB
Engel JI 2011. Possible predation of a Pygmy Falcon by a Tawny Eagle in Namibia. Ornithological Observations 2 34-35
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Possible predation of a Pygmy Falcon by a Tawny Eagle in Namibia.pdf 85.66 KB
Ferguson JWH 1988. Geographic variation in social behaviour of White-browed Sparrow-Weavers, Plocepasser mahali. South African Journal of Zoology 23 1 - 6
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Ferguson_1988_SA_J_Zool_23_sparrowweaver.pdf 416.22 KB
Fritz H, Duncan P, Gordon IJ, Illius AW 2002. Megaherbivores influence trophic guilds structure in African ungulate communities. Oecologia 131 (4) 620-625
Mendelsohn JM 1979. A note on hunting in Lesser and Eastern Redfooted Kestrels. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 50 121-122
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A note on hunting in lesser and eastern redfooted kestrels_1979.pdf 617.99 KB
Demasius E 2013. An Early Morning Hunting Episode. Lanioturdus 46 (2) 3-4
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An Early Morning Hunting Episode_2013.pdf 350.43 KB
Maclean G 1970. Breeding bahaviour of larks in the Kalahari sandveld. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 20 (2) 381-401
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Breeding bahaviour of larks in the Kalahari sandveld_1970.pdf 1 MB
Simmons R, Mendelsohn J Cartwheeling flights courtship display or aggression. African Wildlife 70 (1) 7-8
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Cartwheeling flights courtship display or aggression.pdf 4.8 MB
Mares MA 1997. The geobiological interface: Granitic outcrops as a selective force in mammalian evolution. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 80 131-139
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Granitic outcrops as a selective force in mammalian evolution.pdf 166.47 KB
Bennett AF, Huey RB, John-Adler H, Nagy KA 1984. The parasol tail and thermoregulatory behavior of the Cape ground squirrel Xerus inaurus. Physiological Zoology 57 (1) 57-62
Stander PE, Stander J 1988. Characteristics of lion roars in etosha National Park. Madoqua 15 (4) 315-318
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Characteristics of lion roars in etosha National Park.pdf 1.01 MB
Brown C, Böhme H, Stanback M, Tarr J, Tarr P, Heinrich D 2014. Results of year one of a new nesting box project near Windhoek. Lanioturdus 47 (4) 2-13
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Results of year one of a new nesting box project near Windhoek.pdf 1.25 MB
Thomson N 2008. Observations at a Termite "Take-Away". Lanioturdus 41 (1) 19-20
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Observations at a termite take away.pdf 105.21 KB
Eifler D, Eifler M 2014. Escape tactics in the lizard Meroles cuneirostris. Amphibia-Reptilia 35 383-389
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Escape tactics in the lizard Meroles cuneirostris_2014.pdf 142.06 KB
Stapelberg H, van Rooyen MW, Bothma J du P, van der Linde MJ, Groeneveld HT 2008. Springbok behaviour as affected by environmental conditions in the Kalahari. Koedoe 50 (1) 145-153
Siegfried WR 1980. Vigilance and group size in Springbok. Madoqua 12 (3) 151-154
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Vigilance and groupo size in Springbok.pdf 420.04 KB
Tilson R, von Blottnitz F, Henschel J 1980. Prey selection by spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta) in the Namib Desert. Madoqua 12 (1) 41-49
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Prey selection by spotted hyaena_Namib Desert.pdf 602.58 KB
Dixon JEW 1975. A note on the burrows used by the hare Lepus capensis. Madoqua 9 (2) 45-46
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A note on the burrows used by the hare Lepus capensis_1975.pdf 142.8 KB