
The behaviour, ecology and movements of cheetah on the farm areas of SWA/Namibia. Ref Type: Unpublished Work

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The document is the progress report of the research project on the behaviour, ecology and movements of the cheetah on farm areas in Namibia for the period between November 1985 to October 1986. Estimation of the number of cheetahs on farmlands, based on basic information on the species' movements and density, is between 2000 and 3000, remarkably less than the number of about 6000 that was estimated through questionnaires and personal communications. From this study it was found that the average loss of cattle due to cheetah predation is three to four calves per farm per year. The few farmers which actually did keep good written records of all calf births and mortalities, had almost always much less losses due to predation by cheetahs. Recommendations include the increase of the cheetah's economic value for farmers, the establishment of reservoir areas that must include a number of farms and where the farmers must agree that a calf loss of 3 to 4 calves a year is acceptable, and an intensive, fulltime study to make an accurate conclusion of the stock losses. Annexes figures of the movements of the studied cheetahs are given, as well as tables indicating their home range area estimations, stock losses on farms, and departmental permit records for the cheetah between 1980 to 1986. Keywords: 1NA, Acinonyx jubatus, behavior, cattle, cheetah, ecology, farmland, home range, human-predator conflict, livestock.

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