
A review of Pterocarpus angolensis DC. (Mukwa) an important and threatened timber species of the Miombo Woodlands

Publication Year:

This study reviews Pterocarpus angolensis one of the most important hardwood tree species found in the dry woodland savanna of East and Southern Africa. The tree produces one of the best timbers in the region and is also valued for its medicinal purposes. The populations of this species have declined in the wild due over-exploitation for timber, forest fires, drought and disease. The rate at which the tree is harvested is of great concern considering the number of trees in the small diameter classes. Regeneration of Pterocarpus angolensis in the wild is poor and sparsely because of poor survival of seedlings during establishment which has been attributed to damage by forest fires, harsh climatic conditions, browsing by animals, recurrent yearly dieback of seedlings, competition from other plants for resources and delayed seed production. In addition, the tree is vulnerable to mukwa disease which has killed many adult trees in Southern Africa in the past decades. Pterocarpus angolensis was recently introduced in the IUCN Red list as near threatened. Conclusion: Attempts to introduce the tree in commercial plantations failed and therefore more research and conservation efforts are required to find ways of regenerating and protecting this valuable resource from extinction.

Publication Title:

Research Journal of Forestry

Item Type:
Journal Article