Species belonging to the plant kingdom. (Source: RRDA)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 2704 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Merxmüller H 1964. Die Stammsukkulenten Pelargonien des Lüderitz-Distriktes (Südwestafrika). Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 5 229-245
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Die Stammsukkulenten Pelargonien des Luederitz_1964.pdf 4.44 MB
Döderlein L 1908. Asterina lüderitziana, eine neue Art aus Sudwest-Afrika. Jahrbuecher Des Vereins Fuer Naturkunde Wiesbaden 61 196-198
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Asterina luderitziana_a new species from South West Africa.pdf 571.44 KB
Meyer PG 1973. Neue und wenig bekannte Acanthaceen aus dem Kaokoveld (Südwestafrika). Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 11 101-113
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Neue und wenig bekannte Acanthaceen aus dem Kaokoveld_1973.pdf 6.77 MB
Giess W 1969. Eine neue Aloe aus der Namib. Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 8 123-126
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Eine neue Aloe aus der Namib_1969.pdf 1.33 MB
Soderberg K, Henschel J, Billmark K, Swap R, Macko S 2010. Multiple stable isotope tracers of fog use by Namib Desert plants. Geophysical Research Abstracts 12 EGU2010-7683
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Multiple stable isotope tracers of fog use by Namib Desert plants.pdf 50.54 KB
Douglas CMS, Mulligan M, Harrison XA, Henschel JR, Pettorelli N, Cowlishaw G 2016. Widespread dieback of riparian trees on a dammed ephemeral river and evidence of local mitigation by tributary flows. PeerJ 4 e2622
Wynberg RP, van Niekerk J, Kozanayi W, Laird S 2012. Formalisation and the non-timber forest product sector - Experiences from Southern Africa.
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Formalisation and the non_timber forest product sector.pdf 2.34 MB
Merxmüller H, Giess W 1974. Aloe pachygaster Dinter und eine damit verwechselte neue Art. Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 11 437-444
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Aloe pachygaster Dinter.pdf 0 bytes
Chimera C 2016. Boophone disticha (L.f.).
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Assessment of Boophone disticha.pdf 0 bytes
Abreu JA, Martins ES, Catarino L 2014. New species of Maerua (Capparaceae) from Angola. Blumea 59 19-25
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New species of Maerua from Angola.pdf 1.32 MB
Barnard P, Thuiller W, Midgley G 2005. Invasive species under global change – signs from a homogenized world. GISP Newsletter 2005 8-11
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Invasive_species_under_global_change_sign.pdf 324.48 KB
Revermann R, Gonçalves FM, Gomes AL, Finckh M 2017. Woody species of the Miombo woodlands and geoxylic grasslands of the Cusseque area, south-central Angola. Check List 13 (1)
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Geoxylic grasslands_Angola_2016.pdf 4.98 MB
Buyer JS, Schmidt-Küntzel A, Nghikembua M, Maul JE, Marker LL 2016. Soil microbial communities following bush removal in a Namibian savanna. SOIL 2 101-110
van den Eynden V, Vernemmen P, van Damme P 1992. The ethnobotany of the Topnaar.
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The ethnobotany of the Topnaar_1992.pdf 28.31 MB
Baines T 1972. The Welwitschia mirabilis (plant of Hykamkop), South West Africa. Excelsa 2 41-49
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The Welwitschia mirabilis_plant of Hykamkop_SWA.pdf 5.93 MB
Shackley M 1982. Namib IV and the Acheulean technocomplex in the central Namib Desert (South West Africa). Palaeoecology of Africa and the Surrounding Islands 15 151-158
Loris K, Jürgens N, Veste M 2001. Zonobiom III: Die Namib-Wüste im südwestlichen Afrika (Namibia, Südafrika, Angola). In: Sustainable land use in deserts. Sustainable land use in deserts 441-498
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Die Namib Wueste im SW Afrika_Teil1_2001.pdf 42.96 MB
Tripp EA, Dexter KG 2012. Taxonomic Novelties in Namibian Ruellia (Acanthaceae). Systematic Botany 37 (4) 1023-1030
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Taxonomic Novelties in Namibian Ruellia.pdf 2.39 MB
Faulkner DK 1988. Environment Southwest: Africa - the central Namib Desert. Environment Southwest 8-11
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Environment Southwest_Africa the central Namib Desert.pdf 7.2 MB
de Vos M 1997. Narras, voedsel van die woestyn. Veld and Flora 83 118-119
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Narras_voedsel van die woestyn.pdf 1.5 MB
Ward JD, Seely MK, Lancaster N 1983. On the antiquity of the Namib. South Africa Journal of Science 79 (5) 175-183
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On the antiquity of the Namib.pdf 1.92 MB
Vinjevold RD, Bridgeford P, Yeaton D 1985. Invasive alien plants in the Namib-Naukluft Park. 24-27
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gbb347.jpg 139.92 KB
Muller M 2006. Dispersal ecology of the !nara-melon along the Kuiseb River, Central Namib. The Changing Culture and Nature of Namibia 181-184
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Dispersal ecology of the nara_melon along the Kuiseb River_2006.pdf 751.78 KB
Gibbs Russell GE, Reid C, Fish L, Germishuizen G, van Wyk M, van Rooy J 1987. New taxa, new records and name changes for southern African plants. Bothalia 17 (2) 269-275
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New taxa_new records and name changes for southern African plants.pdf 728.44 KB
Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment (SAIEA) 2016. Strategic environmental assessment of large-scale bush thinning and value-addition activities in Namibia - Final Report.
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Bush thinning SEA Report FINAL FINAL.docx 4.23 MB