
Any large woody perennial plant with a distinct trunk giving rise to branches or leaves at some distance from the ground. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 260 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Muller K, O'Connor TG, Henschel JR 2016. Impact of a severe frost event in 2014 on woody vegetation within the Nama-Karoo and semi-arid savanna biomes of South Africa. Journal of Arid Environments 133 112-121
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Impact of a severe frost event in 2014 on woody vegetation.pdf 1.93 MB
Wynberg RP, van Niekerk J, Kozanayi W, Laird S 2012. Formalisation and the non-timber forest product sector - Experiences from Southern Africa.
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Formalisation and the non_timber forest product sector.pdf 2.34 MB
Oschadleus HD, Dyer BM, Crawford RJM, Upfold L 2003. Sociable Weaver roadside nest densities in southern Namibia. Lanioturdus 36 (3) 12-17
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Sociable Weaver roadside nest densities in southern Namibia.pdf 301.93 KB
Seely MK, Buskirk WH, Hamilton III WJ, Dixon JEW 1981. Lower Kuiseb River perennial vegetation survey. Journal of the South West African Scientific Society 35 57-86
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Lower Kuiseb River perennial vegetation survey.pdf 3.09 MB
Schachtschneider K, February EC 2013. Impact of Prosopis invasion on a keystone tree species in the Kalahari Desert. Plant Ecology 214 (4) 597-605
de Cauwer V, Younan R 2015. Seed germination of Namibian woodland tree species. Dinteria 35 43-52
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Seed germination of Namibian woodland tree species.pdf 467.61 KB
1996. The Miombo in Transition: Woodlands and Welfare in Africa.
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Miombo.pdf 5.67 MB
Schubert S 2004. Roughing it in the Kaokoveld!. SABONET News 8 (2) 118-119
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Kaokoland trip.pdf 540.4 KB
Joubert DF, Zimmermann I, Winschiers-Theophilus W, Fendler J 2010. Poster Presentation: An expert system for bush encroachment in Namibia.
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Control of Invasive Woody Species_Poster Presentation_2010.pdf 171.42 KB
Graz P 1992. Forestry germplasm in Namibia. Dinteria 23 116-117
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Dinteria_23_1992_15.pdf 259.84 KB
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology 2003. Making the most of your marula trees.
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Making the most of your marula trees.pdf 809.42 KB
2011. Grafting of Marula trees.
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Grafting of Marula trees_poster.pdf 2.34 MB
2011. Grafting of Marula trees.
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Grafting of Marula trees.pdf 1013.04 KB
Lushetile K, Centre for Research Information Action in Africa South African Development and Consulting (CRIAA SA-DC) 2011. Marula Fruit Yield Survey – Methodology.
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Marula Fruit Yield Survey _ methodology.pdf 571.81 KB
Gamond R, den Adel S, du Plessis P, Schall F 2005. Baobab 2004/05: Towards a more reliable, profitable and industrial processing approach.
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BAOBAB final report 6June05.pdf 291.68 KB
Wolf H 2014. Acacia erioloba. Enzyklopädie der Holzgewächse: Handbuch und Atlas der Dendrologie 1-12
Mitlöhner R 2014. Baikiaea plurijuga. Enzyklopädie der Holzgewächse: Handbuch und Atlas der Dendrologie 1-6
Humphries MS, McCarthy TS, Cooper GRJ, Stewart RA, Stewart RD 2014. The role of airborne dust in the growth of tree islands in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Geomorphology 206 307-317
Verweij RJT, Higgins SI, Bond WJ, February EC 2011. Water sourcing by trees in a mesic savanna: Responses to severing deep and shallow roots. Environmental and Experimental Botany 74 229-236
Higgins S, Bond WJ, Trollope WSW 2000. Fire, resprouting and variability: a recipe for grass-tree coexistence in savanna. Journal of Ecology 88 213-229
Kojwang HO, Chakanga M 2002. Trees outside forests: Namibia. Trees outside forests, transmitting a universal lore 189-195
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Trees outside forests_Namibia.pdf 422.18 KB