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Risk-Based Solutions (RBS) 2019. Application for Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for the Proposed Petroleum Exploration Operations (Drilling of Stratigraphic Wells) in Petroleum Exploration License (PEL) 73 Covering Blocks 1719, 1720, 1721, 1819, 1820 and 1821, Etosha Basin, Kavango West and East Regions, Northern Namibia.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
ESR_EIA Report Report for Drilling in PEL 73 Blocks 1819 and 1820 Kavango East and West Vol 1 of 3.pdf 3.01 MB
EIA_EIA Report Report for Drilling in PEL 73 Blocks 1819 and 1820 Kavango East and West Vol 2 of 3.pdf 10.39 MB
EMP_EIA Report Report for Drilling in PEL 73 Blocks 1819 and 1820 Kavango East and West Vol 3 of 3.pdf 8.18 MB
Annex 1_EIA Report Report for Drilling in PEL 73 Blocks 1819 and 1820 Kavango East and West Vol 2 of 3.pdf 3.83 MB
Annex 3 of 1_Confidente Advert 16_22 May 2019.pdf 2.58 MB
Annex 2_Fauna and Flora in PEL 73 Blocks 1819 and 1820 Kavango West Region_Dec 2018.pdf 922.87 KB
Annex 3 of 3_3_Feature Article 1 Monday 27th May 2019.pdf 2.32 MB
Annex 3_Socioeconomic Report for PEL 73 Multi Well Drilling Operations_Jan 2019.pdf 1.61 MB
Annex 4_Groundwater Report for EIA PEL 73 Stratigraphic Well Drilling in Kavango Basin_March 2019.pdf 1.86 MB
Annex 5_Archaeological Desk Report for PEL 73 Blocks 1819 and 1820 Kavango East Region_Jan 2019.pdf 1.67 MB
ECC for RecoAfrica Kavango Basin Strategraphic Well Drilling Project_2019.pdf 598.65 KB
Minutes of the Meeting Held in Nkurenkuru Kavango West Region on 9 May 2019.pdf 428.74 KB
Minutes of the Meeting Held in Rundu Kavango East Region on 10 May 2019.pdf 451.36 KB
Nkurenkuru Kavango West Region Attedance Register Stakeholder Meeting 9 May 2019.pdf 1.32 MB
PEL 73 Meetings Presentations for Proposed Petoleum Exploration by in PEL 73 Kavango West and East Regions.pdf 8.91 MB
Public Notice 1 Confidente Newspaper 16_22 May 2019.pdf 5.67 MB
Rundu Kavango East Region Attedance Register Stakeholder Meeting 10 May 2019.pdf 1.01 MB
Risk-Based Solutions (RBS) 2020. APP-001856: Application for Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for the Proposed Exploration/Prospecting Activities in the Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL) No. 7361 Omaruru/Otjiwarongo Districts, Erongo/Otjozondjupa Regions. The ECC is required for the following proposed minerals exploration activities: (i) Initial desktop exploration activities (review of existing information and all previous activities in order identify any potential target/s in the EPL Area). (ii) Regional reconnaissance field-based activities such as reginal mapping, aerial survey and existing data analysis and sampling to identify and verify potential targeted areas based on the recommendations of the desktop work undertaken under (i) above. (iii) Initial local field-based activities such as widely spaced geological mapping, sampling, surveying and possible trenching and drilling in order to determine the viability of any delineated local target, and. (iv) Detailed local field-based activities such very detailed geological mapping, trenching, bulk sampling, surveying and detailed drilling in order to determine the feasibility of any delineated local targets and conduct test mining activities. If the above exploration activities lead to positive results, the exploration data collected will then be put together into a prefeasibility report and if the prefeasibility result proves positive then a detailed feasibility study supported by detailed site-specific drilling, bulk sampling, laboratory tests and conduct test mining activities on the discovered mineralised locality will be undertaken. A positive feasibility study will be required to support the application for a Mining License (ML) together with a new site-specific Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) with specialist studies such as flora, fauna, socioeconomic, water, traffic, dust and noise modelling and archelogy being undertaken in order to support the application for the new ECC for mining and minerals process.

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