
APP-002250: Proposed 2D Seismic Survey covering the Areas of Interest (AOI) in Petroleum Exploration License (PEL) No. 73, Kavango Basin, Kavango West and East Regions, Northern Namibia

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The ECC is required for the proposed 2D Seismic Survey covering the Areas of Interest (AOI) in Petroleum Exploration License (PEL) No. 73, Kavango Basin, Kavango West and East Regions, Northern Namibia. Reconnaissance Energy Namibia (Pty) Ltd (the Proponent and Operator) holds petroleum exploration rights under the Petroleum Exploration License (PEL) No. 73 granted by the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME). Reconnaissance Energy Namibia (Pty) Ltd is a subsidiary of Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd (ReconAfrica), an international Canadian public listed oil and gas company. The company intends to conduct 450 km long of 2D seismic survey operations as part of the exploration commitments to the Government of the Republic of Namibia. The proposed survey operations covering the key exploration Areas of Interest (AOI) within PEL 73 will be conducted along existing roads and tracks, using an environmentally friendly, limited footprint and efficient light trucks, the Explorer 860 Accelerated Weight Drop (AWD) energy sources and wireless receivers. The AOI interests as shown on the map do not fall in an environmental proclaimed protected or sensitive area nor in groundwater protection zone. The key central exploration interests are situated about 55 km south of Rundu, 80 km south of the Okavango River, more than 260 km from the Okavango Delta in Botswana and not related to the Delta whatsoever, more than 40 km from the boundary of the Khaudum National Park and more than 70 km from the Mangetti National Park. The overall general area falls in the sparsely populated but not pristine communal areas of the Ncamangoro and Mashare Constituencies of the Kavango West and East Regions, respectively. Ncamangoro and Mashare Constituencies falls within the boundaries of the Mbunza and Sambyu Traditional Authorities, respectively. 2D seismic survey is an environmentally friendly nonintrusive geophysical method used for mapping or imaging of the subsurface geology. During the seismic survey, the weigh drop generated seismic wave which travels into the earth gets reflected by various subsurface formations, and returns to the surface where it is recorded by the receivers called geophones. The resultant product following complex processing is a vertical sonic cross-section of the subsurface beneath the survey line showing the geological materials (de-risked geological sub model) and structures that the acoustic wave has travelled through. This information is used to predict potential areas where oil or gas may be trapped in sufficient quantities for further exploration activities such as drilling of an exploration well. The proposed survey will cover the following stages: (i) Planning and mobilisation (Pre-survey preparation). (ii) Camp sites setups and widening of tracks and creation of limited new access as may be applicable. (iii) Actual data acquisition, and. (iv) Demobilisation (survey completion).

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 23 April 2021

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