
APP-001686: Proposed Exploration/Prospecting in the Exclusive Prospecting License (EPL) No. 6667, Opuwo/Ruacana Districts, Kunene/Omusati Regions north-western Namibia

Publication Year:

Application for the transfer of the ECC was granted on the 14th September 2018 to the previous license holder / Proponent, KDN Geo Consulting CC. This ECC need to be transferred to the current license holder / Proponent, Philco One Hundred and Seventy-Three (173) (Pty) Ltd. The ECC is required to support the ongoing minerals exploration covering the following activities: (i) Initial desktop exploration activities (no field-work undertaken); (ii) Regional reconnaissance field-based mapping and sampling activities (Subject to the positive results of ( (iii) Initial local field-based mapping and sampling activities (Subject to the positive results of (i) and (ii) above); (iv) Detailed local field-based activities such as local geological mapping, geochemical mapping and sampling, trenching and drilling of closely spaced boreholes and bulk sampling (Subject to the positive results of (i) - (iii) above); (v) Prefeasibility and feasibility studies (Subject to the positive results of (i) and (iv) above).

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 17 August 2020

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