
Namib Desert

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Displaying results 1101 - 1150 of 1710 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Londt JGH, Dikow T 2017. A revision of the Afrotropical genus Prytanomyia Özdikmen, 2006 (Asilidae, Laphriinae). African Invertebrates (58) 39–52
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A revision of the Afrotropical genus Prytanomyia ozdikmen.pdf 3.93 MB
Dikow T 2015. Review of Anasillomos Londt, 1983 with the description of a new species (Insecta: Diptera: Asilidae). Biodiversity Data Journal (3) e4652
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Review of Anasillomos Londt.pdf 869.22 KB
Getzin S, Wiegand K, Wiegand T, Yizhaq H, von Hardenberg J, Meron E 2015. Adopting a spatially explicit perspective to study the mysterious fairy circles of Namibia. Ecography (38) 1–11
Mupambwa HA, Hausiku MK, Nciizah AD, Dube E 2019. The unique Namib desert-coastal region and its opportunities for climate smart agriculture: A review. Cogent Food and Agriculture (5) 1645258
Burgess R, Jacobson L 1984. Archaeological sediments from a shell midden near Wortel Dam, Walvis Bay, southern Africa. Palaeoecolgy of Africa and the surrounding islands 429-435
Wehner R, Müller M 2010. Piloting in desert ants: pinpointing the goal by discrete landmarks. Journal of Experimental Biology 213 4174-4179
Müller M, Wehner R 2010. Path integration provides a scaffold for landmark learning in desert ants. Current Biology 20 1368–1371
Lehmann D, Mfune JKE, Gewers E, Cloete J, Aschenborn OH-K, Mbomboro L, Kasaona S, Brain C, Voigt CC 2020. Spatiotemporal responses of a desert dwelling ungulate to increasing aridity in North-eastern Namibia. Journal of Arid Environments 179
Grodek T, Morin E, Helman D, Lensky I, Dahan O, Seely M, Benito G, Enzel Y 2020. Eco-hydrology and geomorphology of the largest floods along the hyperarid Kuiseb River, Namibia. Journal of Hydrology 582
Cothran EG, van Dyk E, van der Merwe FJ 2001. Genetic variation in the feral horses of the Namib Desert, Namibia. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 72 (1) 18-22
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Genetic variation in the feral horses of the Namib Desert.pdf 64.38 KB
de Winter B 1990. A new species of Citrullus (Benincaseae) from the Namib Desert, Namibia. Bothalia 20 (2) 209-211
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A new species of Citrullus from the Namib Desert_Namibia.pdf 388.7 KB
Seely MK, Henschel JR 2003. Best Practices in the World's Oldest Desert. Conserving biodiversity in arid regions: Best practoces in developing nations 119-128
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Best Practices in the Worlds Oldest Desert.pdf 510.28 KB
Kaseke KF, Tian C, Wang L, Seely M, Vogt R, Wassenaar T, Mushi R 2018. Fog spatial distributions over the central Namib Desert - An isotope approach. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 18 49-61
Douglas CMS, Cowlishaw G, Harrison XA, Henschel JR, Pettorelli N, Mulligan M 2018. Identifying the determinants of tree distributions along a large ephemeral river. Ecosphere 9 (6)
Andersen H, Cermak J, Fuchs J, Knippertz P, Gaetani M, Quinting J, Sippel S, Vogt R 2020. Synoptic-scale controls of fog and low clouds in the Namib Desert. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 3415-3438
Bristow CS, Lancaster N, Duller GAT 2005. Combining ground penetrating radar surveys and optical dating to determine dune migration in Namibia. Journal of the Geological Society 162 315–321
Aushiku NNL, Buschbeck L, Christian A, Handjaba M, Haraes L, Ithindi J, Johannes K, Kandjai A, Ndjomba E 2015. Changes in rainfall and biomass in the Namib sand sea dune ecosystem over 52 Years. Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society 63 219-237
Spirig R, Vogt R, Larsen JA, Feigenwinter C, Wicki A, Franceschi J, Parlow E, Adler B, Kalthoff N, Cermak J, Andersen H, Fuchs J, Bott A, Hacker M, Wagner N, Maggs-Kölling G, Wassenaar T, Seely MK 2019. Probing the fog life-cycles in the Namib desert. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 2019 2491-2507
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Probing the fog life_cycles in the Namib desert.pdf 22.68 MB
Marais E, Maggs-Kölling G, Sherman C, Doniger T, Liu R, Tripathi BM, Steinberger Y 2019. Profiling soil free-living nematodes in the Namib Desert, Namibia. Journal of Arid Land 12 130–143
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Profiling soil free_living nematodes in the Namib Desert_Preview.pdf 180.3 KB
Unc A, Maggs-Kölling G, Marais E, Sherman C, Doniger T, Steinberger Y 2019. Soil bacterial community associated with the dioecious Acanthosicyos horridus in the Namib Desert. Biology and Fertility of Soils 55 (4) 393–403
Gerber M, Piketh SJ, Maggs-Kölling G, Marais E, Turner JS, Berner JM 2017. Strategies of Acanthosicyos horridus (!nara) to exploit alternative atmospheric moisture sources in the hyper-arid Namib Desert. South African Journal of Botany 109 335-336
Ravi S, Wang L, Kaseke KF, Buynevich IV, Marais E 2017. Ecohydrological interactions within "fairy circles" in the Namib Desert: Revisiting the self-organizationhypothesis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122 405–414
Iiyambo N, Eifler D, Marais E, Kirchhof S 2016. Meroles anchietae: Size, growth and longevity. 12-15
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Wang L, Kaseke KF, Ravi S, Jiao W, Mushi R, Shuuya T, Maggs-Kölling G 2019. Convergent vegetation fog and dew water use in the Namib Desert. Ecohydrology 12 (7)
Marsh AC 1985. Aspects of the ecology of Namib Desert ants.
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Aspects of the ecology of Namib Desert ants.pdf 4.73 MB