geographical distribution of population

The number of inhabitants in or spread across designated subdivisions of an area, region, city or country. (Source: RHW)

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Displaying results 1 - 48 of 48 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Ferguson JWH 1988. Geographic variation in social behaviour of White-browed Sparrow-Weavers, Plocepasser mahali. South African Journal of Zoology 23 1 - 6
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Ferguson_1988_SA_J_Zool_23_sparrowweaver.pdf 416.22 KB
Brooke RK 1981. The seabirds of the Mossamedes Province, Angola. Gerfaut 71 209 - 225
2002. Age and sex structure in each district.
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Age and sex structures by 143.89 KB
2002. 6.07 Distribution of language groups.
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Fig 6.07 Distribution of language 143.89 KB
2002. 6.06 Urban rural population by region.
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Fig 6.06 Urban rural popln by 143.89 KB
2002. 6.05 Population density by region.
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Fig 6.05 Population density by 143.89 KB
2002. 6.04 Changing proportions of people.
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Fig 6.04 Changing proportions of 143.89 KB
2002. 6.03 The density of people.
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Fig 6.03 The density of 143.89 KB
2002. 6.01 The distribution of people.
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Fig 6.01 The distribution of 143.89 KB
2002. 5.21 Land ownership.
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Fig 5.21 Land 143.89 KB
2002. 5.20 Traditional authorities - headman houses.
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Fig 5.20 Traditional 143.89 KB
2002. 5.19 Local government areas.
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Fig 5.19 Local government 143.89 KB
2002. 5.12 Land allocations in 1955.
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Fig 5.12 Land allocations in 143.89 KB
2002. 5.11 Land allocations in 1937.
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Fig 5.11 Land allocations in 143.89 KB
2002. 5.10 Land allocations in 1921.
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Fig 5.10 Land allocations in 143.89 KB
2002. 5.09 Land allocations in 1911.
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Fig 5.09 Land allocations in 143.89 KB
2002. 5.08 Land allocations in 1902.
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Fig 5.08 Land allocations in 143.89 KB
Ceriaco LMP, dos Anjos Carlos de Sá S, Bandeira S, Valerio H, Stanley EL, Kuhn AL, Marques MP, Vindum JV, Blackburn DC, Bauer AM 2016. Herpetological survey of Iona National Park and Namibe Regional Natural Park, with a synoptic list of the amphibians and reptiles of Namibe Province, southwestern Angola. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 4 (63) 15-61
Demasius E 2013. Roberts geographic variation of southern African birds. Lanioturdus 46 (3) 3-6
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Roberts geographic variation of southern African birds.pdf 670.68 KB
Eiseb SJ, Taylor PJ, Zeller U, Denys C, Nicolas V 2020. Rapid peripatric speciation linked with drainage evolution in a rare African rodent, Mastomys shortridgei (Rodentia: Muridae). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 2020
Brooke RK, Sinclair JC, Berruti A 1980. Geographical variation in Diomedea chlororhynchos (Aves: Diomedeidae). Durban Museum Novitates 12 (15) 172 - 180
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Geographical variation in Diomedea chlororhynchos.pdf 206.35 KB
Brooke RK 1972. Geographical variation in Palm Swifts Cypsiurus (Aves: Apodidae). Durban Museum Novitates 9 (16) 217 - 231
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Geographical variation in palm swifts Cypsiurus.pdf 285.98 KB
Brooke RK 1971. Geographical variation in the Alpine Swift Apus (Tachymarptis) melba (Aves: Apodidae). Durban Museum Novitates 9 (10) 131 - 143
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Geographical variation in the Alpine Swift Apus.pdf 277.12 KB
Brooke RK 1971. Geographical variation in the Little Swift Apus affinis (Aves: Apodidae). Durban Museum Novitates 11 (7) 93 - 103
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Geographical variation in the Little Swift Apus affinis.pdf 228.47 KB
Central Bureau of Statistics 2011. Chapter: 08 Building Materials and 09 Education. An atlas of poverty in Namibia
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Atlas of Poverty in Namibia 8-9 LOW RES_2011.pdf 4.9 MB
Central Bureau of Statistics 2011. Chapter: 05 Access to Safe Water; 06 Cooking Fuels; 07 Sanitation. An atlas of poverty in Namibia
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Atlas of Poverty in Namibia 5-7 LOW RES.pdf 6.77 MB
Mendelsohn JM, Jarvis AM, Roberts CS, Robertson T 2002. Atlas of Namibia.
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Macdonald IAW, Richardson DH, Powrie FJ 1986. Range expansion of the Hadeda Ibis Bostrychia hagedash in southern Africa. South African Journal of Zoology 21 331 - 342