cultivation system

Any overall structure or set-up used to organize the activity of preparing land or soil for the growth of new crops, or the activity of promoting or improving the growth of existing crops. (Source: RHW / AGP)

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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 30 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
National Forestry Programme Facility in Namibia 2009. Indigenous Natural Products of Namibia - Marketing information.
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Indigenous Natural Products of Namibia_Marketing information.pdf 422.42 KB
van Zyl D 2004. Opportunity for Namibian Farmers: Succulents.
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Opportunities_for_Namibian_Farmers_Succulents.pdf 1.16 MB
Tsvetova MI, Belyaeva EV, Enaleeva NK 1998. Intensification of Tendency to Apomixis in Sorghum Autotetraploids. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter 39 66-67
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Intensification of Tendency to Apomixis in Sorghum.pdf 438.25 KB
Matanyaire CM, Gupta SC 1994. On-Farm Evaluation of Improved Pearl Millet Varieties in Namibia. Drought-Tolerant Crops for Southern Africa
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Evaluation of Improved Pearl Millet Varieties.pdf 65.63 KB
Falk T, Gröngröft A, Eschenbach A, Fox T, Hinz M, Kangombe F, Keil M, Namwoonde E, Petersen A, Pröpper M, Strohbach B, Wisch U 2008. Deforestation and biodiversity-loss due to cultivation? An interdisciplinary analysis in North-East Namibia.
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Deforestation and biodiversity loss due to cultivation_2008.pdf 3.7 MB
2011. Grafting of Marula trees.
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Grafting of Marula trees_poster.pdf 2.34 MB
Mulanda J, Mwenya J, Namalambo E 1999. Draught animal power: Experiences of farmer training in the Northern communal areas of Namibia. Proceedings of an ATNESA Workshop, September 1999, South Africa
Espach C, Lubbe LG, Ganzin N 2009. Determining grazing capacity in Namibia with the aid of remote sensing. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 26 (3) 133 - 138
Pröpper M, Gröngröft A, Falk T, Eschenbach A, Fox T, Gessner U, Hecht J, Hinz MO, Huettich C 2010. Causes and perspectives of land-cover change through expanding cultivation in Kavango. 3 1-31
Domptail S, Große LM, Kowalski B, Baptista J 2013. Cusseque/Cacuchi - The People. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region 73-80
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Cusseque_Cacuchi_The People.pdf 1.78 MB
Goncalves FMP, Revermann R, Gomes AL, Aidar MPM, Finckh M, Jürgens N 2017. Tree Species Diversity and Composition of Miombo Woodlands in South-Central Angola: A Chronosequence of Forest Recovery after Shifting Cultivation. International Journal of Forestry Research (2017)
Lombaard MR, du Toit C 1989. Akkerbounavorsing te strychnos navorsingstasie. Agricola 7 71-74
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Akkerbounavorsing te strychnos navorsingstasie.pdf 684.42 KB
Senters AE 1997. Welwitschia mirabilis cultivation. AERGC Newsletter 10 (2) 5-7
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Welwitschia mirabilis cultivation_1997.pdf 39.88 KB
van Niekerk A 2004. Hoodia.
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Spotlight_079.pdf 4.55 MB
Molloy FJ 1990. Utilized and potentially utilizable seaweeds on the Namibian coast: Biogeography and accessibility. Hydrobiologia 204 - 205 293 - 299
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seaweed Molloy.pdf 73.75 KB
2006. Farming Systems in Namibia (Part 2). Farming Systems in Namibia 22-49
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Farming systems in Namibia Part 2.pdf 4.08 MB