census survey

An official periodic count of a population including such information as sex, age, occupation, etc. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 176 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Demasius E 2017. Bird Atlasing in the Hardap and //Karas Regions of Namibia, July 2016. Lanioturdus 50 (1) 18-24
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Bird Atlasing in the Hardap and Karas Regions_1965.pdf 1.42 MB
Simmons R 1991. International waterfowl census - Namibia. Lanioturdus 26 (1) 21-22
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International waterfowl census_1991.pdf 231.04 KB
Kolberg H 2009. Population Census of Flamingos in Namibia, July 2008. Lanioturdus 42 (2) 12-14
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Population Census of Flamingos in Namibia July 2008.pdf 316.42 KB
Fritz H, Duncan P, Gordon IJ, Illius AW 2002. Megaherbivores influence trophic guilds structure in African ungulate communities. Oecologia 131 (4) 620-625
Calunga P, Haludilo T, Mendelsohn J, Soares N, Weber B 2015. Vulnerability in the Cuvelai Basin, Angola.
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Vulnerability in the Cuvelai basin Oct 2015 new.pdf 26.54 MB
Namibia Household Income Expenditure Survey 2009/2010.
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NHIES Flyer.pdf 4.32 MB
Namibia Statistics Agency 2013. Namibia 2011 Census Atlas.
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Namibia Census_Atlas_Final_12_07_2013.pdf 24.55 MB
Namibia Statistics Agency 2012. Namibia Household Income and Expenditure Survey (NHIES) 2009/2010.
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NHIES Executive Summary.pdf 1.7 MB
Jones BTB, Social Impact Assessment and Policy Analysis Corporation (SIAPAC) 2001. Socio-ecological survey report for the Okavango River Region (Namibia - 2001).
Central Statistics Office 1997. 1994/1995 Namibia Agricultural Census Technical Report.
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19941995 Namibia agricultural census technical report.pdf 16.76 MB
1987. Lugsensus Kaudom: August 1987.
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Lugsensus Kaudom_ August 1987.pdf 2.38 MB
Kirkman SP, Yemane D, Oosthuizen WH, Meÿer MA, Kotze PGH, Vaz Velho F, Underhill LG 2013. Spatio-temporal shifts of the dynamic Cape fur seal population in southern Africa, based on aerial censuses (1972–2009). Marine Mammal Science 29 (3) 497-524
Simmons R 1997. Ecological factors promoting large bird populations in Walvis Bay. Towards an integrated management and development plan for the Walvis Bay lagoon and environs
Simmons RE 1996. Namibia [wetland birds]. African Waterfowl Census 1996
Jachmann H 2002. Comparison of aerial counts with ground counts for large African herbivores. Journal of Applied Ecology 39 841-852
Norton-Griffiths M 1978. Counting animals.
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Counting animals_1978.pdf 4.96 MB
Gaidet-Drapier N, Fritz H, Bourgarel M, Renaud P-C, Poilecot P, Chardonnet P, Coid C, Poulet D, Le Bel S 2006. Cost and efficiency of large mammal census techniques: Comparison of methods for a participatory approach in a communal area, Zimbabwe. Biodiversity and Conservation 15 (2) 735-754
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Cost and efficiency of large mammal census techniques.pdf 229.64 KB
Mendelsohn J, Haraes L 2018. Aerial census of Cape Cormorants and Cape Fur Seals at Baía dos Tigres, Angola. Namibian Journal of Environment (2) 1-6
Diagana CH, Dodman T, Sylla SI 2006. The African Waterbird Census (1991-2004): fourteen years of waterbird surveys in Africa. Waterbirds around the world: A global overview of the conservation, management and research of the world's waterbird flyways 453-456
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The African Waterbird Census 1991-2004.pdf 967.94 KB