big game

Large wild animals that weigh typically more than 30 lb when fully grown, hunted for food, sport or profit. (Source: CORBIT / AMHER)

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Displaying results 401 - 450 of 2503 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Haidula T 2015. Poaching syndicates use locals.
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NAM_2015-07_Poaching syndicates use locals_The Namibian.pdf 687.89 KB
Smit E 2015. Poaching rate triples.
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NAM_2015-10_Poaching rate triples_Namibian Sun.pdf 92.32 KB
Meyer M 2015. Pressuring the Poachers.
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NAM_2015-11_Pressuring the Poachers_The Namibian.pdf 363.91 KB
Smit E 2015. Rhino poaching toll hits 79.
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NAM_2015-11_Rhino poaching toll hits 79_Namibian Sun.pdf 93.15 KB
Kangootui N 2016. Businessmen arrested for extortion.
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NAM_2016-08_Businessmen arrested for extortion_The Namibian.pdf 262.21 KB
Terblanché N 2019. Ivory smugglers arrested in Rundu.
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NAM_2019-10_Ivory smugglers arrested in Rundu_Informante.pdf 651.54 KB
Terblanché N 2019. One more rhino horn thief arrested.
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NAM_2019-10_One more rhino horn thief arrested_Informante.pdf 657.74 KB
Terblanché N 2019. Poached rhino found near Halali.
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NAM_2019-10_Poached rhino found near Halali_Informante.pdf 284.23 KB
Shikongo A 2019. Police seize tusks, animal hides.
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NAM_2019-10_Police seize tusks animal hide_The Namibian.pdf 340.7 KB
Maclennan S 2020. Poaching trial to resume in May.
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SA_2020-03_Poaching trial to resume in May_Grocotts Mail.pdf 831.45 KB