Species native to, and restricted to, a particular geographical region. (Source: LBC)

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Displaying results 251 - 300 of 471 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
2004. Proceedings of the Important Plant Areas Workshop. Important Plant Areas Workshop
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Proceedings of the Important Plant Areas Workshop_2004.pdf 4.38 MB
Tschinkel WR 2010. The foraging tunnel system of the Namibian termite, Baucaliotermes hainesi. Journal of Insect Science 10 (65) 1-17
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The Foraging Tunnel System of the Namibian Desert Termite.pdf 2.62 MB
Roth-Nebelsick A, Ebner M, Miranda T, Gottschalk V, Voigt D, Gorb S, Stegmaier T, Sarsour J, Linke M, Konrad W 2012. Leaf surface structures enable the endemic Namib desert grass Stipagrostis sabulicola to irrigate itself with fog water. Journal of the Royal Society Interface
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Stipagrostis sabulicola to irrigate itself with fog water_2012.pdf 1.16 MB
Sperrgebiet National Park - Profile.
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Sperrgebiet Park Profile.pdf 160.13 KB
South West Nature Park - Profile.
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South West Nature Park Profile.pdf 141.84 KB
Dean WRJ 2001. Important Bird Areas in Africa and associated islands - Angola. BirdLife Conservation Series 11 71-92
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Important Bird Areas in Africa and associated islands_Angola_2001.pdf 548.42 KB
Simmons RE, Braby RJ, Braby SJ 2012. Damara Tern, Sterna balaenarum - review.
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Damara Tern_Sterna balaenarum_2012.doc 156 KB
Simmons RE 2012. Black-Harrier Circus maurus.
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Black Harrier_May 2012 revised.doc 346 KB
Curtis O, Simmons RE, Jenkins AR 2004. Black Harrier Circus maurus of the Fynbos biome, South Africa: a threatened specialist or an adaptable survivor?. Bird Conservation International 14 233-245
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Black Harrier Circus maurus of the Fynbos biome_2004.pdf 123.59 KB
Maggs G, Craven P, Kolberg H 1998. Plant species richness, endemism, and genetic resources in Namibia. Biodiversity and Conservation 7 (4) 435 - 446
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Plant species richness_endemism_and genetic resources in Namibia.pdf 252.33 KB
Craven P, Vorster P 2006. Patterns of plant diversity and endemism in Namibia. Bothalia 36 (2) 175
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Patterns of plant diversity and endemism in Namibia.pdf 1.4 MB
Braby J, Underhill LG, Simmons RE 2011. Prey capture success and chick diet of Damara terns Sterna balaenarum in Namibia. African Journal of Marine Science 33 (2) 247 - 254
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Damara_Terns_prey_capture_chick_diet_Braby_etal_2011_AJMS.pdf 354.87 KB
Braby J 2010. New migration records for the Damara Tern Sterna balaenarum. Ornithological Observations 1 38 - 41
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OO_2010_01_038-041 Damara Tern migration JB.pdf 99.23 KB
Braby J, Braby RJ, Braby N, Simmons RE 2009. Protecting Damara Terns Sterna balaenarum from recreational disturbance in the Namib Desert increases breeding density and overall success. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 80 (2) 71 - 75
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DTs -Justine ORV Disturbance_Damara Tern.pdf 236.69 KB
du Plessis MA, Simmons RE, Radford AN 2007. Behavioural ecology of the Namibian Violet WoodhoopoePhoeniculus damarensis. Ostrich 78 (1) 1 - 5
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Violet_woodhoopoes.pdf 64.17 KB
Loots S 2005. Red Data Book of Namibian plants.
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Red_Data_plants.zip 12.87 MB
Ryan P 1996. Barlow's Lark. A new endemic lark for southern Africa. Africa: Birds and Birding October/November 65-70
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Barlows Lark_A new endemic lark for southern Africa.pdf 5.51 MB
Gelderblom CM, Bronner GN 1995. Patterns of distribution and current protection status of the endemic mammals in South Africa. South African Journal of Zoology 30 (3) 127 – 135
Mugo DN, Lombard AT, Bronner GN, Gelderblom CM, Benn GA 1995. Distribution and protection of endemic or threatened rodents, lagomorphs and macrosceledids in South Africa. South African Journal of Zoology 30 (3) 115 – 126
Komen J 1990. Hartlaub's Francolin news. Lanioturdus 25 60 – 61
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Hartlaubs francolin news_1989.pdf 159.8 KB
Simmons RE, Griffin M, Griffin RE, Marais E, Kolberg H 1998. Endemism in Namibia: Patterns, processes and predictions. Biodiversity and Conservation 7 513 - 530
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Endemism in Namibia_patterns processes and predictions_1998.pdf 736.41 KB
Robertson A, Simmons RE, Jarvis AM, Brown CJ 1995. Can Bird Atlas data be used to estimate population size? A case study using Namibian endemics. Biological Conservation 71 87 - 95
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Can Bird Atlas data be used to estimate population size.doc 634.5 KB
2007. HVPS Data Base Contact list.
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High value plants (HVPS) contact list.doc 57 KB
Curtis B, Roberts KS, Griffin M, Bethune S, Hay CJ, Kolberg H 1998. Species richness and conservation of Namibian freshwater macro-invertebrates, fish and amphibians. Biodiversity and Conservation 7 447 - 466
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Curtis et al freshwater macroinvertebrates, fish and amphibians.pdf 288.49 KB
Kemper J, Underhill LG, Crawford RJM, Kirkman SP 2007. Chapter 42: Revision of the conservation status of seabirds and seals breeding in the Benguela Ecosystem. Final report of the BCLME (Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem) project on top predators as Biological Indicators of Ecosystem Change in the BCLME 325-342
Barnard P, Brown CJ, Jarvis AM, Roberts A, van Rooyen L 1998. Extending the Namibian protected area network to safeguard hotspots of endemism and diversity. Biodiversity and Conservation 7 531 - 547
Harris T 1986. Is the Whitetailed Shrike a terrestrial Batis?. Lanioturdus 22 (3) 47 - 51
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White_tailed Shrike_Harris_1986.pdf 393.25 KB
Piper SE 1994. Mathematical demography of the Cape Vulture.
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Mathematical demography of the Cape Vulture.pdf 7.4 MB
Willoughby EJ 1948. Desert colouration in birds of the Central Namib Desert. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 44 59 - 68
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Willoughby_1969_sci_pap_desert_colouration.pdf 2.4 MB
1998. Summary and Contents. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 1-14
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Contents_Introduction and summary.pdf 10.74 MB
1998. Index. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study
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Index.pdf 6.14 MB