solar cell

A device for converting sunlight into electrical power using a semiconductor sensitive to the photovoltaic effect. Solar cells are used on space satellites to power electronic equipment, and as their price falls they may come to be used to provide energy on the Earth. (Source: ALL)

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Displaying results 1 - 13 of 13 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Walston LJ, Rollins KE, Smith KP, LaGory KE, Sinclair K, Turchi C, Wendelin T, Souder H 2015. A review of Avian monitoring and mitigation information at existing Utility-Scale Solar Facilities.
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Solar Avian Monitoring and Mitigation Review.pdf 3.83 MB
Ralston S 2015. Burning issue - Is solar energy the next bird conservation challenge?. African Birdlife January/February 2015 56-59
Campana PE, Holmberg A, Pettersson O, Klintenberg P, Hangula A, Araoz FB, Zhang Y, Stridha B, Yan J 2016. An open-source optimization tool for solar home systems: A case study in Namibia. Energy Conversion and Management 130 106-118