social development

The state of nations and the hystorical processes of change experienced by them. The concept of development subsumes associated cultural and political changes as well as welfare measures which reflect distribution of goods, wealth and opportunities. (Source: GOOD)

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Displaying results 1 - 18 of 18 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Meletis ZA, Campbell LM 2007. Call it consumption! Re-conceptualizing ecotourism as consumption and consumptive. Geography Compass (1/4) 850–870
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Ecotourism as Consumption and Consumptive.pdf 152.32 KB
Levine S, van der Berg S, Yu D 2009. Measuring the impact of social cash transfers on poverty and inequality in Namibia.
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Social_grants_Namibia_2009.pdf 1.2 MB
Araar A, Levine S, Duclosz J 2009. Body mass index, poverty and inequality in Namibia.
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Body mass index_poverty and inequality in Namibia_2009.pdf 756.36 KB
National Planning Commission 2004. Namibia Millennium Development Goals.
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Millennium Development Goals Namibia.pdf 1.51 MB