social behaviour

A person or community's general treatment, manner of conduct or action toward others as individuals or as members of variously identified groups. (Source: ISEP / RHW)

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Displaying results 1 - 31 of 31 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Rathburn GB, Cowley TE 2008. Behavioural ecology of the black mongoose (Galerella nigrata) in Namibia. Mammalian Biology - Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 73 (6) 444-450
Carter KD, Brand R, Carter JK, Shorrocks B, Goldizen AW 2013. Social networks, long-term associations and age-related sociability of wild giraffes. Animal Behaviour 86 (5) 901-910
Seeber PA, Ciofolo I, Ganswindt A 2012. Behavioural inventory of the giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis). BMC Research Notes 5 650
Huchard E, Alvergne A, Féjan D, Knapp LA, Cowlishaw G, Raymond M 2010. More than friends? Behavioural and genetic aspects of heterosexual associations in wild chacma baboons. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 64 (5) 769-781
Hodge SJ, Manica A, Flower TP, Clutton-Brock TH 2008. Determinants of reproductive success in dominant female meerkats. Journal of Animal Ecology 77 92-102
Cohen SA, Prayag G, Moital M 2014. Consumer behaviour in tourism: Concepts, influences and opportunities. Current Issues in Tourism (17) 872-909
Echeverry-Galvis MA, Peterson JK, Sulo-Caceres R 2014. The social nestwork: Tree structure determines nest placement in Kenyan weaverbird colonies. PLoS ONE
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The social nestwork.pdf 424.95 KB
Packer C, Scheel D, Pusey AE 1990. Why lions form groups: Food is not enough. The American Naturalist 136 (1) 1-19
Roatti V, Cowlishaw G, Huchard E, Carter A 2023. Social network inheritance and differentiation in wild baboons. Royal Society Open Science 10
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Social network inheritance and differentiation in wild baboons.pdf 1.39 MB
Mc Vittie R 1979. Changes in the social behaviour of South West African cheetah. Madoqua II (3) 171-184
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Changes in the social behaviour of South West African cheetah.pdf 2.86 MB
Le Roux A, Cherry MI, Manser MB 2008. The effects of population density and sociality on scent marking in the yellow mongoose. Journal of Zoology 275 33-40
Thornton A 2008. Variation in contributions to teaching by meerkats. Proceedings of the Royal Society 275 1745-1751
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Variation in contributions to teaching by meerkats_2008.pdf 179.7 KB
du Plessis MA, Simmons RE, Radford AN 2007. Behavioural ecology of the Namibian Violet WoodhoopoePhoeniculus damarensis. Ostrich 78 (1) 1 - 5
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Violet_woodhoopoes.pdf 64.17 KB
Makiwane M 2010. The Child Support Grant and teenage childbearing in South Africa. Development Southern Africa 27 (2)
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The_Child_Support_Grant_2010.pdf 134.97 KB
Siegfried WR, Frost PGH, Kinahan JB, Cooper J 1975. Social behaviour of Jackass Penguins at sea. Zoologica africana 10 (1) 87 - 100
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Social behaviour of Jackass Penguins at sea.pdf 2.56 MB