An opening or excavation in the earth for extracting minerals. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 101 - 150 of 355 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
North River Resources 2016. Namib Project: Near term high grade zinc-lead restart.
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Namib Project Near term high grade zinc_lead restart.pdf 821.29 KB
2016. Kombat Copper Namibia - Corporate Presentation, April 2016.
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KBT_Corporate.pdf 4.99 MB
2016. Kombat Copper - targeting production in 2016.
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KBT_Factsheet.pdf 1.82 MB
A. Speiser Environmental Consultants, Environmental Resources Management (ERM) 2012. Etango Project Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA).
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Etango Project Environmental and Social Impact Assessment_2012.pdf 15.03 MB
Rössing Uranium Limited 2013. Annual Environmental Report 2013.
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Rossing Uranium Environmental Report 2013.pdf 1.87 MB
Pulfrich A, Parkins CA, Branch GM, Bustamante RH, Velasquez CR 2003. The effects of sediment deposits from Namibian diamond mines on intertidal and subtidal reefs and rock lobster populations. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 13 (3) 257-278
Connor MA 1980. Development of energy and mineral resources and its effects on bird conservation in southern Africa. Proceedings of the 4th Pan-African Ornithological Congress
Mapani B, Ellmies R, Kamona F, Kribek B, Majer V, Knésl I, Pasava J, Mufenda M, Mbingeneeko F 2010. Potential human health risks associated with historic ore processing at Berg Aukas, Grootfontein area, Namibia. Journal of African Earth Sciences 58 (4) 634-647
Oyedele JA, Shimboyo S, Sitoka S, Gaoseb F 2010. Assessment of natural radioactivity in the soils of Rössing Uranium Mine and its satellite town in western Namibia, southern Africa. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 619 (1-3) 467-469