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Lead toxicity_consequences and interventions in an intensively managed_Gyps coprotheres_vulture colony.pdf | 245.52 KB |
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Lead ingestion as a potential contributing factor to the decline in vulture populations in southern Africa.pdf | 640.63 KB |
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Blood lead levels in White_Backed Vultures_Botswana_2015.pdf | 314.82 KB |
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Namib Project Near term high grade zinc_lead restart.pdf | 821.29 KB |
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Biodiversity scoping study for EPL 2902_2012.pdf | 1.08 MB |
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Fig 2.17 Mineral | 143.89 KB |
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Assessment of potential environmental impacts and rehabilitation of abandoned mine sites in Namibia.pdf | 717.01 KB |
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1120_EIA_Mining Claims Farm No 504 Mesopotamia.pdf | 13.08 MB |
1120_Consent Letter_Mining Claims Farm No 504 Mesopotamia.pdf | 764.07 KB |
1120_Annexures_Mining Claims Farm No 504 Mesopotamia.pdf | 1.86 MB |
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Lead exposure in the critically endangered bearded vulture _Gypaetus barbatus.pdf | 403.93 KB |
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Lead toxicosis in a southern ground hornbill Bucorvus leadbeateri in South Africa.PDF | 314.39 KB |
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The persistent problem of lead poisoning in birds from ammunition and fishing tackle.pdf | 1.46 MB |
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Sublethal lead exposure alters movement behavior in free_ranging golden eagles.pdf | 518.35 KB |
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The frequency distribution of lead concentration in feathers_blood, bon_ kidney and liver of golden eagles Aquila chrysaetos.pdf | 819.73 KB |
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Long_term effects of lead poisoning on bone mineralization in vultures exposed to ammunition sources.pdf | 261.94 KB |
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Illegal poisoning and lead intoxication are the main factors affecting avian scavenger survival in the Pyrenees.pdf | 1.51 MB |
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Efficacy of non_lead ammunition for culling elk at Theodore Roosevelt National Park.pdf | 416.88 KB |
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Lead exposure through eating wild game.pdf | 260.61 KB |
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Risks to human health from ammunition_derived lead in Europe.pdf | 451.6 KB |
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Performance of lead_free versus lead_based hunting ammunition in ballistic soap.pdf | 5.19 MB |
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Hunting of roe deer and wild boar in Germany.pdf | 3.04 MB |
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Gunshot wounds A source of lead in the environment.pdf | 1.05 MB |
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High risk of lead contamination for scavengers.pdf | 281.48 KB |
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Lead in archeological human bones reflecting historical changes in lead production.pdf | 1.13 MB |
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Lead poisoning in animals_2021.pdf | 142.75 KB |
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Impact of the California lead ammunition ban on reducing lead exposure in golden eagles and turkey vultures.pdf | 406.39 KB |
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Wildlife_human and environmental costs of using lead ammunition_An economic review and analysis.pdf | 555.25 KB |
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Portable X_ray fluorescence for bone lead measurements of Australian eagles.pdf | 730.81 KB |
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2022_Fragmentation of hunting bullets observed using synchrotron radiation_Leontowitch.pdf | 1.44 MB |
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2022_Toxic metals in game meat_applsci-12-08095-v2.pdf | 2.32 MB |
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Humphries et al. 2022_St Lucia croc BPb.pdf | 7.43 MB |
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Siegfried_1983_Madoqua_13_3_Streptopelia.pdf | 407.59 KB |