
The traits, patterns, and structure of a specific geographic area, including its biological composition, its physical environment, and its anthropogenic or social patterns. An area where interacting ecosystems are grouped and repeated in similar form. (Source: EPAGLO)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 76 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Moore A, Cotterill F 2010. Chapter 15: Victoria Falls: Mosi-oa-Tunya – The Smoke That Thunders. Geomorphological Landscapes of the World 142-143
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Victoria Falls Mosi_oa_Tunya_The Smoke That Thunders.pdf 1.94 MB
Uushona D, Makuti O, Marquard A, Uushona M 2014. Mudumu landscape semi-controlled landfill site simplified waste disposal site design.
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Mudumu_Landscape_Semi-Controlled_Landfill_Site.pdf 1.19 MB
Dahlberg AC 2000. Landscape(s) in Transition: an Environmental History of a Village in North-east Botswana. Journal of Southern African Studies 26 (4) 760-782
Smith JH, Stehman SV, Wickham JD, Yang L 2003. Effects of landscape characteristics on land-cover class accuracy. Remote Sensing of Environment 84 (3) 342-349
Castañeda C, Herrero J, Casterad MA 2005. Landsat monitoring of playa-lakes in the Spanish Monegros Desert. Journal of Arid Environments 63 (2) 497-516
Visual Resource Management Africa 2009. Bannerman Uranium Mine, Final Visual Impact Assessment.
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Bannerman Uranium Mine_Final Visual Impact Assessment.pdf 5.86 MB
O'Farrell PJ, Reyers B, le Maitre DC, Milton SJ, Egoh B, Maherry A, Colvin C, Atkinson D, de Lange W, Blignaut JN 2010. Multi-functional landscapes in semi arid environments: Implications for biodiversity and ecosystem services. Landscape Ecology 25 1231 - 1246
Popp A, Vogel M, Blaum N, Jeltsch F 2009. Scaling up ecohydrological processes: Role of surface water flow in water-limited landscapes. Journal of Geophysical Research 114 10 pages
Thomas DSG, Shaw PA 1991. The Kalahari environment.
Burke A 2001. Determinants of inselberg floras in arid Nama Karoo landscapes. Journal of Biogeography 28 (10) 1211 - 1220
Kolberg HF EIS photo library.
2002. 1.04 Namibia's landscapes.
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Fig 1.04 Namibias 143.89 KB
Binnie SA, Walcott RC, Dunai TJ, Summerfield MA 2008. New approaches to analysing landscape development: Some contributions from Edinburgh. Scottish Geographical Journal (Special Issue: Geography's Hundred: A Special Issue to Mark the Centenary of Geography at the University of Edinburgh, 1908–2008) 124 (2-3) 140-153
Sullivan S, Hannis M, Impey A, Low C, Rohde RF 2017. Future Pasts Landscape, Memory and Music in West Namibia: A multi-media exhibition.
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Future Pasts 44AD Exhibition booklet for web 2017.pdf 3.93 MB
Sullivan S 2002.  'How can the rain fall in this chaos?': Myth and metaphor in representations of the north-west Namibian landscape. Challenges for anthropology in the African "renaissance" - A southern African contribution 255-317
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Sullivan 2002 How can the rain fall in all this chaos.pdf 10.2 MB
Gröngröft A, Luther-Mosebach J, Landschreiber L, Revermann R, Finckh M, Eschenbach A 2013. Mashare - Landscape. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region 101-102
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Mashare_Landscape.pdf 2.01 MB
Gröngröft A, Luther-Mosebach J, Landschreiber L, Revermann R, Finckh M, Eschenbach A 2013. Cusseque - Landscape. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region 43-44
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Cusseque_Landscape.pdf 2.02 MB
Gröngröft A, Luther-Mosebach J, Landschreiber L, Revermann R, Finckh M, Eschenbach A 2013. Caiundo - Landscape. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region 83–84
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Caiundo_Landscape.pdf 2.11 MB
Matmon A, Enzel Y, Vainer S, Grodek T, Mushkin A 2018. The near steady state landscape of western Namibia. Geomorphology (313) 72-87
Dangerfield JM, McCarthy TS, Ellery WN 1998. The mound-building termite Macrotermes michaelseni as an ecosystem engineer. Journal of Tropical Ecology 14 507 - 520