
The study or science of the earth, its history, and its life as recorded in the rocks; includes the study of geologic features of an area, such as the geometry of rock formations, weathering and erosion, and sedimentation. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 101 - 150 of 934 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
von Knorring O, Condliffe E 1987. Mineralized pegmatites in Africa. Geological Journal, Supplement: Thematic Issue 22 (S2) 253-270
Fryberger SG, Hesp P, Hastings K 1992. Aeolian granule ripple deposits, Namibia. Sedimentology 39 (2) 319-331
Cigizoglu HK, Adamson PT, Metcalfe AV 2002. Bivariate stochastic modelling of ephemeral streamflow. Hydrological Processes 16 (7) 1451-1465
Peate DW 1997. The Paraná-Etendeka Province. Large Igneous Provinces: Continental, Oceanic, and Planetary Flood Volcanism
Bullard JE, White K, Livingstone I 2011. Morphometric analysis of aeolian bedforms in the Namib Sand Sea using ASTER data. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 36 (11) 1534-1549
Seth B, Kröner A, Mezger K, Nemchin AA, Pidgeon RT, Okrusch M 1998. Archaean to Neoproterozoic magmatic events in the Kaoko belt of NW Namibia and their geodynamic significance. Precambrian Research 92 (4) 341-363
Ritter O, Weckmann U, Vietor T, Haak V 2003. A magnetotelluric study of the Damara Belt in Namibia: 1. Regional scale conductivity anomalies. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 138 (2) 71-90
Allsopp HL, Ferguson J 1970. Measurements relating to the genesis of the Tsumeb pipe, South West Africa. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 9 (5) 448-453
Toe W, Vanderhaeghe O, Andre-Mayer A-S, Feybesse J-L, Milesi J-P 2013. From migmatites to granites in the Pan-African Damara orogenic belt, Namibia. Journal of African Earth Sciences 85 62-74