
The study or science of the earth, its history, and its life as recorded in the rocks; includes the study of geologic features of an area, such as the geometry of rock formations, weathering and erosion, and sedimentation. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 51 - 100 of 927 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
McCarthy TS 1983. Evidence for the former existence of a major, southerly flowing river in Griqualand West. Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa 86 37-49
Reeves CV 1972. Earthquakes in Ngamiland. Botswana Notes and Records 4 257-261
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Earthquakes_in_Ngamiland.pdf 934.03 KB
Mendelsohn J, el Obeid S, Roberts C 2000. A profile of north-central Namibia.
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Profile of north_central Namibia.pdf 40.39 MB
Pickford M, Senut B, Hipondoka M, Person A, Segalen L, Plet C, Jousse H, Mein P, Guerin C, Morales J, Mourer-Chauvire C 2014. Mio-Plio-Pleistocene geology and palaeobiology of Etosha Pan, Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 14 16-68
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Mio_Plio_Pleistocene geology and palaeobiology of Etosha Pan.pdf 11.63 MB
Hipondoka MHT, Jousse H, Kempf J, Busche DE 2006. Fossil evidence for perennial lake conditions during the Holocene at Etosha Pan, Namibia. South Africa Journal of Science 102 93-95
de Vries JJ, Selaolo ET, Beekman HE 2000. Groundwater recharge in the Kalahari, with reference to paleo-hydrologic conditions. Journal of Hydrology 238 110-123
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De_Vries_Groundwater_Recharge_Kalahari.pdf 1015.79 KB
Simmonds ALE, Smalley TJ 2000. Kalahari aquifers in the Gam area of north-eastern Namibia. Communications of the Geological Survey of Namibia 12 469-474
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Kalahari aquifers in the Gam area of north_eastern Namibia.pdf 755.03 KB
National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (NAMCOR) 1998. Regional structural elements and sedimentary basins - Namibia 3rd licencing round.
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Sedimentary Basins.pdf 620.15 KB
McMullan SR, Ngwisanyi TH, Koosimile DI, Gledhill P 1992. Groundwater geophysics in the Kalahari.
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Groundwater geophysics in the Kalahari.pdf 802.65 KB
Gledhill PA, Koosimile DI, McMullan SR, Ngwisanyi TH 1992. The use and misuse of geophysics for borehole siting in the Kalahari.
McMullan SR, Gieske A, Campbell C 1992. Where on earth are we? (Applications of GPS navigation in Botswana)..
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Where on earth are we.pdf 893.25 KB
Hipondoka MHT 2005. The development and evolution of Etosha Pan.
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The development and evolution of Etosha Pan.pdf 6.86 MB
1992. Kalahari Symposium 1992. November 1992, Windhoek, Namibia. Kalahari Symposium 1992. November 1992, Windhoek, Namibia. Organised by Geological Society of Namibia
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Kalahari symposium 1992_geological society of Namibia.pdf 9.89 MB
Carney JN, Aldiss DT, Lock NP 1994. The Geology of Botswana. Geological Survey Department Bulletin Series 37
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The_Geology_of_Botswana.pdf 10.88 MB
Pröpper M, Gröngröft A, Finckh M, Stirn S, de Cauwer V, Lages F, Masamba W, Murray-Hudson M, Schmidt L, Strohbach B, Jürgens N 2015. The Future Okavango - Findings, Scenarios and Recommendations for Action. Research Project Final Synthesis, Report 2010 - 2015.
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TFO__Report_engl_compiled_small_version.pdf 8.93 MB
Pickford M, Senut B 2002. The Fossil Record of Namibia.
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The fossil record of namibia.pdf 15.86 MB
Wetschnig W 1992. Zur Flora und Vegetation des Südlichen Afrika: Die Namib. Carinthia II 182./102 73-91
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Flora and vegetation of southern Africa The Namib.pdf 8.43 MB
Mares MA 1997. The geobiological interface: Granitic outcrops as a selective force in mammalian evolution. Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia 80 131-139
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Granitic outcrops as a selective force in mammalian evolution.pdf 166.47 KB
Kinahan J 1987. Archaeological sites in the Fish River Canyon, southern SWA/Namibia. Madoqua 15 (1) 17-19
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Archaeological sites in the Fish River Canyon_1987.pdf 229.99 KB
Heine K 2005. Holocene climate of Namibia: A review based on Geoarchives. African Study Monographs 30 119-133
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Holocene climate of Namibia_ A review based on Geoarchives.pdf 254.73 KB
Miller RMcG, Seely MK 1976. Fluvio-marine deposits south-east of Swakopmund, South West Africa. Madoqua 9 (3) 23-28
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Fluvio_marine deposits south east of Swakopmund.pdf 409.91 KB
Beer JHD, van Zijl JSV, Huyssen RMJ, Hugo PLV, Joubert SJ, Meyer R 1976. A Magnetometer Array Study in South-West Africa, Botswana and Rhodesia. Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society 45 (1) 1-17
Bauer K, Schulze A, Ryberg T, Sobolev SV, Weber MH 2003. Classification of lithology from seismic tomography: A case study from the Messum igneous complex, Namibia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (1978-2012) 108 (B3)
Duncan RA, Hooper PR, Rehacek J, Marsh JS, Duncan AR 1997. The timing and duration of the Karoo igneous event, southern Gondwana. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth (1978-2012) 102 (B8) 18127-18138