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Displaying results 1 - 36 of 36 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Kojwang HO 2005. Forest Outlook studies in Africa (FOSA) - Namibia.
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Forest Outlook studies in Africa.pdf 196.04 KB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2013. Government Notices, No. 61: Declaration of area as Zilitene Community Forest: Forest Act 2001. 22
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Declaration of area as Zilitene Community Forest.pdf 890.49 KB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2013. Government Notices, No. 58: Declaration of area as Puros Community Forest: Forest Act 2001. 18
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Declaration of area as Puros Community Forest.pdf 1.34 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2013. Government Notices, No. 56: Declaration of area as Oshaampula Community Forest: Forest Act 2001. 16
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Declaration of area as Oshaampula Community Forest.pdf 1.48 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2013. Government Notices, No. 53: Declaration of area as Ohepi Community Forest: Forest Act 2001. 13
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Declaration of area as Ohepi Community Forest ren.pdf 1.47 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2013. Government Notices, No. 51: Declaration of area as Nyae Nyae Community Forest: Forest Act 2001. 11
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Declaration of area as Nyae Nyae Community Forest ren.pdf 1.49 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2013. Government Notices, No. 50: Declaration of area as Muduva Nyangana Community Forest. 10
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Declaration of area as Muduva Nyangana Community Forest ren.pdf 1.67 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2013. Government Notices, No. 46: Declaration of area as Kahenge Community Forest: Forest Act 2001. 5
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Declaration of area as Kahenge Community Forest ren.pdf 1.67 MB
van Holsbeeck S, de Cauwer V, de Ridder M, Fichtler E, Beeckman H, Mertens J 2016. Annual diameter growth of Pterocarpus angolensis (Kiaat) and other woodland species in Namibia. Forest Ecology and Management 373 1-8
Agrawal A 2007. Forests, Governance, and Sustainability: Common Property Theory and its Contributions. International Journal of the Commons (1) 111–136
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Forests_Governance_Sustainability.pdf 562.26 KB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2005. Government Notices, No. 184: Promulgation of Forest Amendment Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005), of the Parliament. 01-Mar
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ACT_2005_12 _13 Forest Amendment Act.pdf 49.54 KB
2001. Forest Act 12 of 2001.
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ACT_2001_12_12_Forest Act.pdf 238.17 KB
Mouton R Appendix 4: Country Report Namibia.
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Appendix 4_ Country Report Namibia.pdf 2.34 MB
Kanime N, Kakondo H 2003. Woody resource report of Ncaute Community Forest.
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Woody resources Ncaute Commumity Forest.pdf 1011.71 KB
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 1996. Namibia Forestry Strategic Plan: Forest Biodiversity for Present and Future Generations.
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Namibia Forestry Strategic Plan_MET_1996.pdf 5.97 MB
Ministry of Agriculture Water and Forestry (MAWF) 2011. A Forest Research Strategy for Namibia (2011–2015).
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MAWF_Forest Research Strategy 2011_2015.pdf 1.18 MB
2001. Promulgation of Forest Act, 2001 (Act No. 12 of 2001).
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Forestry Act.pdf 1.67 MB
2024. Communal Conservancies (Registered).
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Communal Conservancies Registered 393.13 KB