
Management, Conservation and Sustainable Development of Forests. State of the World's Forests 2005

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Sustainable forest management can mean different things to different people. Criteria and indicators to monitor, measure and assess forest trends and conditions have significantly improved understanding of the concept, yet putting it into practice remains a challenge. Practitioners and policy-makers within and outside the forest sector have come to realize that managing forests in a sustainable manner involves the participation of a range of Partners to balance trade-offs and resolve conflicts. This chapter examines the similarities and differences between sustainable forest management, as outlined by the "Forest Principles" adopted by UNCED, and the ecosystem approach, as defined by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and as applied to forests; describes successful forest landscape restoration practices; notes expanding opportunities for forest-based ecotourism in developing countries; identifies issues related to biosecurity, with a focus on invasive species; highlights developments in biotechnology in forestry; and examines international aspects of wildfire management, underscoring the importance of collaborative agreements to assist in cases of fire emergencies.

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