
A branch of the biological sciences which embraces the study of plants and plant life. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 101 - 121 of 121 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Schreiber A 1979. Die Gattung Heliophyla in L. (Brassicaceae) in Südwestafrika. Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 15 331-361
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Die Gattung Heliophyla in SWA.pdf 3.14 MB
Brown NE 1913. Addenda. Flora of Tropical Africa 6 1021-1094
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Addenda_Brown NE_1913.pdf 21.98 MB
Giess W 1968. Zum Geleit. Dinteria 1 10-12
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Dinteria_1_1968_3.pdf 272.4 KB
Giess W 1968. Kurt Dinter. Dinteria 1 4-7
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Dinteria_1_1968_1.pdf 545.79 KB
Giess W 1968. Die Gattung Rhigozum Burch. Und ihre Arten in Südwestafrika. Dinteria 1 31-51
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Dinteria_1_1968_5.pdf 3 MB
van Damme P 1991. Plant Ecology of the Namib Desert. Africa Focus 7 (4) 355-400
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Plant Ecology of the Namib Desert_1991.pdf 2.81 MB
South West Nature Park - Profile.
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South West Nature Park Profile.pdf 141.84 KB
le Roux CJG, Grunow JO, Bredenkamp GJ 1988. A classification of the vegetation of the Etosha National Park. South African Journal of Botany 54 (1) 1 – 10
Nordenstam B 1974. The flora of the Brandberg. Dinteria 11 3 - 67
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Dinteria 11_1974_Nordenstram.pdf 3.28 MB
Maggs G, Kolberg HH, Hines CJ 1994. Botanical diversity in Namibia - an overview. Strelitzia 1 93 - 104
van Jaarsveld EJ, Swanepoel W 2012. Aloe huntleyana, a new species from the Baynes Mountains, Namibia. Bradleya 30 (2012) 3-8
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Aloe huntleyana.pdf 0 bytes