atmospheric humidity

A measurable quantity of the moisture content found in the earth's atmosphere. (Source: RHW)

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Displaying results 1 - 11 of 11 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Henschel JR, Seely MK 2008. Ecophysiology of atmospheric moisture in the Namib Desert. Atmospheric Research 87 (3-4) 362-368
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Ecophysiology of atmospheric moisture in the Namib Desert.pdf 432.27 KB
Ntombwa BN, Usuku P, Govere JN, Manga L, Koekemoer LL, Hunt RH, Coetzee M 2006. Distribution of members of the Anopheles gambiae Giles s.l. complex in Namibia and susceptibility to insecticides used for malaria control. African Entomology 14 (2) 404-406
Kaseke KF, Mills AJ, Brown R, Esler KJ, Henschel JR, Seely MK 2012. A method for direct assessment of the "non rainfall" atmospheric water cycle: input and evaporation from the soil. Pure and applied geophysics 169 (5-6) 847-857
Murray IW, Fuller A, Lease HM, Mitchell D, Wolf BO, Hetem RS 2015. Low field metabolic rates for geckos of the genus Rhoptropus may not be surprising. Journal of Arid Environments 113 35-42
Bosch J, Marais E, Maggs-Kölling G, Ramond J-B, Lebre PH, Eckardt F, Cowan DA 2022. Water inputs across the Namib Desert: implications for dryland edaphic microbiology. Frontiers of Biogeography
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Water inputs across the Namib Desert.pdf 1.61 MB
Guo D, Young AJ, Desmet PG, Midgley GF 2017. Climate change impacts on dwarf succulents in Namibia as a result of changes in fog and relative humidity. Journal of Water Resource and Hydraulic Engineering 6 (3) 57-63
Veloso JMV, Böhm C, Schween JH, Löhnert U, Crewell S 2023. A comparative study of the atmospheric water vapor in the Atacama and Namib Desert. Preprint submitted to Global and Planetary Change
Lancaster J, Lancaster N, Seely MK 1984. Climate of the central Namib Desert.
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Climate of the central Namib Desert.pdf 4.44 MB
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) 2011. Climate of the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin.
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Climate of the Cuvelai_Etosha Basin_2011.pdf 678.34 KB